Category 283
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How to push the message scenario trigger status to external system for Where is my Technician?Summary: We are looking to capture the message scenarios data and send it to our external system to know update the ticket status and send sms/email Content (required): …
My Route screen - IPAD landscape vs portrait modeSummary: On the My Route screen, if a technician is a member of a crew, the member can click a right arrow > on the My Team pane to open the Crew's Route screen. On an i…
Field Service - How to get detailed technical flow of the Standard plugin Code for Order PartsHi All, We are looking for a detailed technical flow and process description of the standard OFS plugin for Order Parts in Oracle Field Service. - The current plugin bun…Veena Shinde 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lucian Spiridon-Support-Oracle Field Service
Large trucks and Google maps - is there a better route for large vehicles?Summary: a supervisor said we made a mistake by linking OFS to Google Maps. Google Maps was built for routing cars, not trucks. Trucks must avoid roads and bridges with …
search preference selections grayed out.Summary: We show the users how to set up their search preferences. About half the users have the checkboxes by the search preference selections grayed out. They must log…
Autofill Mass populateSummary: Is there any way to mass populate auto-fill changes to the entire enterprise or at least to all the time-frames within a market? Content (required): We are look…Juan Padilla 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Renato Kermentz-Support-Oracle Field Service
Is it possible to send an image in the BODY of the message scenarios?We need to send a communication to all Field Resources and for that we are using Message Scenarios. Is there a way for us to send an image in addition to the text?
OFSC integration with Knowledge managementSummary: We have a requirement of integrating Oracle filed service cloud with Oracle Knowledge management. We are referring the following document to complete the setup.…
Travel time estimation accuracySummary: Content (required): Hello Oracle community; Is there a way to improve the accuracy of the travel time estimate that OFSC does? For example; OFSC calculates that…
Make workflow mandatory before activity completionSummary: I want to able to force users down a workflow path that much be completed before the activity can be ended. Content (required): The aim is to ensure that the us…
Parse XML details out in Message ScenarioSummary: Is it possible to parse out details in a property that is sent in XML format via Message Scenario? Content (required): Example is: propertyA is created with the…
Scannable text box to be read onlySummary: Hi Team, Today when a user uses the scanner next to the text box that automatically populates the data in the text box. Sometimes he mistakenly types something …
How to differentiate Default duration and duration send while creating activity.Hi Team, We had a requirement where we had to show some indicator in the activity level if an activity is using default duration. The duration is not sent from Source Sy…Anusree Sahadevan 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Renato Kermentz-Support-Oracle Field Service
Whats the hosted plugins host nameSummary: We have several plugins implemented and hosted within OFSC from those plugin we invoke our external SOA API's which are access controlled by origin/referrer hos…
Message Scenario Set Property QueryHi Team, Can we concatenate 3 properties and set it into another property using Message Scenario , Set Property option? I wrote a simple concat function and it was not a…
Can standard OFS actions be enabled from hosted Plug-in?Summary: We like the feel and look of the Assignment Assistant when the Move Activity action is initiated, and wondering if anyone has had success in deploying that with…
Receiving CORS when retrieving images from DBaaS database using ORDS REST Service in OFS PluginSummary: We are developing a custom plugin that allows users to capture data/images and save a daft. When the user returns to the plugin, we are attempting to retrieve t…
Stop watch configurationSummary: Ø Stopwatch to still be visible for User but without displaying the initial Job ‘Duration’ value – may only show minutes remaining once Engineer has declared a …Rohine Devi Dhanasekaran-261685 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anastasiia Semenova Field Service
Routing Plan with Proportional Distribution in the weekHello! We need a routing plan setup where activities are distributed proportionally. Example: There are 5 activities scheduled for the next week, which will be assigned …Victor Pacheco 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fernando Parreira-Support-Oracle Field Service
OFS Location on laptop using EdgeSummary: We are road-testing OFS. We have a field tech who has a route for today. When we log in as the user on an IPad, the application shows the crew location on the E…
remove - the Select Resource option - under the Dispatch ConsoleSummary: Remove the Select Resource option under the Dispatch Console Content (required): Does anyone know how to remove the Select Resource option under the Dispatch Co…
Its important to solve this the quota is dimmed cannot be addedSummary: Its important to solve this the quota is dimmed cannot be added Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (ad…
Filtering a menu field based on another menu field value.Hi Team, We have this requirement :- There are 2 custom properties of type enumeration in our activity details screen - Activity Status and Activity Sub- status. We need…
From where the Craft(Work Skills) of Resource will be syncing to Resource in OFSC?Summary: As my understanding after Admin Sync in OIC, mobile store rooms and truck resources got integrated into OFSC Buckets and From Employee Sync the resources got di…
Can I remove a routing plan?Summary: Customer no longer need a routing plan and wants to delete it. Is it possible? Content (required): **This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (…Fernando Parreira-Support-Oracle 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Parreira-Support-Oracle Field Service
Is it possible to apply SLR when using Public Transportation?Summary: We would like to use Street Level Routing for resources using Public Transportation (set in the Resource Information). How can we do this? Content (required): I…
How delivery window values are calculatedSummary: Can someone explain how the value for the delivery window is exactly calculated Content (required): Below an example, I have an activity where the delivery wind…
Approve workflow mails via Approve link in workflow mail directly not let a mail to open and sendSummary: As of now when user approve/reject the workflow approval mails then clicking on the link will lead to open up a reply to mail and user need to click on send. Co…
Is there a possibility to get a list of users currently logged in to OFS application.Summary: I need list of all users who are currently logged in to application. Note this is not the active users inside applications, But I need users who are currently l…