Category 42
Discussion List
How to use Get function to call Third party ApplicationSummary: please let me know how to use get function in groovy to calling from third party application Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
How can I get a REST notification after completing an import activity?Summary: Content (required): I am testing create import activity service REST API to update accounts via API. An external API was registered which is located in OIC and …
Deep link of order creation pageSummary: We need to create a mashup for creating order. Can you provide the deep link of order creation page.
How to refresh all Opportunity Revenue lines even if one revenue line gets updated? Using GroovySummary: We want to refresh all the Opportunity revenue lines even if one revenue line gets updated using groovy Example for a given Opportunity there are 10 revenue lin…
Decommission of SaaS and PaaS ApplicationsSummary: Are there any steps or process required when decommission of SaaS and PaaS Applications
Unable to do auto save on URL source in Action or LinkSummary: We are using below script in Action and links. It will navigate to CPQ from OSC. Here we are using Type as Action and Source as URL Once we click on our Action(…
How to get time zone based on ZIP code on Account UI Page ?Business wants to display TIME ZONE of an account based on its ZIPCODE from Address. So suppose a account Zip Code is 77219 for Address ( PO BOX 130548,HOUSTON, TEXAS HA…
Customer wants to create Sales Order from oracle B2B sales cloud Account.Summary: The customer want to create an order from oracle B2B Sales Cloud Account. They want to create order from Account details page like we are creating an opportunit…
I would like what is available for CX and its integration with Artificial IntelligentI would like to know how CX is being integrated with artificial intelligence and what future CX products will have these characteristics. If you can please provide some …
New Saved Search is not reflecting for All usersSummary: New Saved Search is not reflecting for All users Content (required): We tried to add a field to the Search Criteria for a custom object and Save it. This search…
What is the DB Audit table name for Opportunity Object in CX Sales?Summary: What is the DB Audit table name for Opportunity Object in CX Sales? Content (required): Hello Team, I am looking for the Audit DB Table name for Opportunity ent…
CX Sales Mobile App - Opportunity AssessmentsSummary: Opportunity Assessment feature in CX Sales Mobile app missing Content (required): We are looking to make use of the CX mobile app but there is one key feature i…
Add in opportunity object the dynamic choice list Fields regarding ERP EntityIs it possible to add on opportunity object dynamic choice list field regarding ERP Entity? Customer Bill-to Customer Bill-to Site In subscription we have out the box th…
Force user to use existing contact in systemSummary: Hi Team , I have enabled duplicate identification for contact and real time identification of duplicates. So when user tries to create a contact and system find…
how to get the number of user licenses in oracle cx cloudSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Industry SIC code Classification CategoryWhat is the best practice on implementing and utilizing the 8 digit extended SIC codes ? Only the 1987 SIC (4 digit) option is available in the Classification Category.
Page layout not working as expectedSummary: We are using two icons 'Procurement' and 'Authorization Requests' taking copy of opportunity object. We have to differentiate the details layout for both based …
Need to get SiteuseId's from account address to opportunitySummary: We need SiteUsedId's from account address level. Under one single addresses there will be multiple site use id's. We need those id's. I have attached the screen…
How to update organization via apiSummary: We are working on automating processes and have the requirement to update 'Organization' information which sits in the hr_organization_information_f table. I ha…
Can we set the URL field in Accounts > Profile to be a required field?Summary: Set URL Field in Accounts -> Profile to be required or at least show an error message when not populated? Content (required): We are trying to set the URL Field…
getting error while removing 'create supplier' task from the supplier screen through sandboxSummary: An application error has occurred. Your help desk can use the following information to obtain a more detailed description of this incident: 18, Server Domain: F…
Need payload to update Customer contact point for the existing Customer via APISummary: I am able to create Customer via API and able to create the contact Points also, but for the existing customer which is not having Customer Contact point for th…
Getting an error while invoking FoundationPartiesPersonService API to create a party of type PERSONHi, We are using /crmService/FoundationPartiesPersonService?WSDL SOAP API to create a party of type PERSON for Cusotmer contact. But when we invoke this API it fails wit…
Audit Policy Best PracticeSummary: User wants to enable Audit for all fields on most of OOTB sales objects and custom objects. I have a concern with the performance implications if we enable so m…
Deep link for email template formatSummary: Hi all, I am working on an email template that is supposed to link to a specific opportunity subtab. I am getting to the Opportunity List but cannot get the syn…Carol Schiffler 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Niladri Roy Chowdhury-Support-Oracle Sales
Contact search using email address in CX Sales for Microsoft 365Content (required): Hi, Is it possible to search for a Contact using a contact's email address in the CX Sales 365 side panel in Outlook? Currently, the user is only abl…
Import Lead by Salesreps without knowing PartyNumber (RegistryId) rather knowing custom identifierSummary: Lead Import Context - Business Salespersons are tracking Account details with their one custom attribute 'Account Number' so whenever they find any lead to crea…
How To Remove Values From Relationship Dropdown ?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)** Release: 22D Summary of the question: From Contact/Account detailed page, In Relationship tab, you can…Alexandra Timplaru- Support-Oracle 101 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Manoj Kumar-Support-Oracle Sales
Is there an ability to filter the Account Name suggestions from Dynamic Choice List fieldSummary: What I would like and wondering if it's possible to filter account name suggestions so it excludes inactive (status) accounts. Content (required): When our user…
How to remove space from the listSummary: We are storing a multichoice list value in a list and converting to string and creating these values as a record fro custom child object. But now comparing lov …