Category 452
Discussion List
Rates-Based Salary difference from Simple ComponentsCould you explain please what is the difference of the new salary basis type "Rates-Based Salary" introduced in 23C from salary basis with Simple Components? Thank you!
what tables are the icp details held before approvalSummary: We need to fetch the details of a specific icp details before it is approved. So we needed the sql query or table names. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
How to add a column "comment" to the Individual Compensation page.Summary: We need to add a column for comments to the Individual Compensation pages. we have tried to enable it through HCM Design studio and cannot get over that could a…
After the icp is approved , employee is not able to view the attached document and gets error messgeSummary: After the icp is approved , employee is not able to view the attached document and gets error messge ErrorPER-1532625You don't have manage access for this docum…
"Transfer to HR" based on date in Worksheet(diff dates for 15 Countries) - Is it really Feasible ??Approvals and Worksheet seems to be getting frozen after Transfer to HR process is run in WFC we have created only one compensation plan for 15 countries. Transfer to HR…
Stock option value calculation issueSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we are configuring stocks. I've noticed that when we do not load the Grant Price, …
workforce compensation fast formulaSummary: Getting Element Values from Individual Compensation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need a fast formula of type Compensation D…
How to get Terminated workers in Compensation worksheet with 'Start compensation cycle' batch.Summary: How to get Terminated workers in Compensation worksheet with 'Start compensation cycle' batch. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I …
How to enable a custom compensation template ?I have a requirement to enable compensation statement. I have tried to adding the custom template in "User-Defined Template" under my client group → compensation → print…
Can you have more than one Total Compensation Statement Template?Summary: Can we create multiple Total Compensation Templates? Then use a fast formula to run the generate process and employee in a specific job family would get one tem…
Hide Individual Compensation in My Client GroupsSummary: Hide Individual Compensation in My Client Groups Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have given our HRs access to Administer Indiv…
Work Relationship: which is the impact on the payroll and salary?Hi all, I've cancelled a work Relationship for an employee. what happens to the salary associated with the employee? will the employee still be included in the payroll? …
Can we have multiple Performance Calibration worksheets having different rating distributions.Summary: One of our clients has the following requirement for Performance Calibration. Rating Distribution is different for different sets of grades, There are 3 categor…
How is the manager assignment determined?In person management page, employment tab, Manager Details is displayed with the name of the manager and their assignment number and status. How is this assignment deter…
While hiring an employee how can we restrict manager type based on grade of an employee.Summary: Is their any auto complete rule where based on employees grade the manager type will be restricted during the hiring process in core hr. For ex : If an employee…
Can multiple annual and hourly grade rates be attached to a single grade code?Summary: Currently, each of our grade codes are associated to a single annual and hourly grade rate to account for different in standard working hours per week. As an ex…
Future Dated ICP visibility to employee self serviceSummary: Future dated ICP, will that be visible to employees in ESS or will it be visible only after effective date? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Compensation worksheet Export is incomplete due to error JBO-25060:Summary: While exporting compensation plan worksheet we are getting below errors for different users: Export is incomplete due to error JBO-25060: Unexpected error encou…
Pay for Performance delivered reportSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled the attached Pay for Performance delivered dashboard in compensation pl…
How to rename "View reports" button on Compensation plan page?Summary: Content (required): Hello! Our client asked us to rename this button from "Afficher les états" to "Afficher less rapports". Could you advice please how we can d…
Help Needed with ESO Budget Setup in Oracle HCMSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, I've recently joined an ongoing implementation project for a client. The client has …
Social Insurance or Pension Fund Element assigned Automatically for UAE workersSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are implementing Compensation Management for a client in the UAE. Currently, the Social Insura…Venkatesh_Kumar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca Andronic-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Pending Worker Start Date Change with BonusSummary: Looking for input on best practice navigation for pending worker change in start date Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently i…
Translate workforce compensation standard alerts detailed textSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Bonjour all, we need to translate some workforce compensation standard alerts in French. We arriv…
Not able to translate all Budgets fields of the workforce compensationSummary: Translate budget fields in French Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Bonjour all, we need to translate the workforce compensation Bu…
24D Redwood: input value of ICP missing when fast formula is attached to the elementIs there an ongoing issue or bug with regards to the validation formula in redwood UI? Without validation formula, the input values of the ICP are showing correctly in A…
Can we add more columns to the Communication task layoutSummary: Currently, when managers navigate to the Communication task in the Workforce Compensation plan, the only column that displays by default, is the View or Print c…
Recommended path for a manager to request individual compensation for direct reportIs there a recommended path for a manager to request IC? Currently aware of three approaches for manager to request Individual Compensation (IC) for direct reports My Te…
Element reason in ICPHi all, We'd like to add a Comments/Reason field on Elements that can be added on Individual Compensation Plan when hiring employees. We noticed that a "reason" field at…
Transfer Workforce Compensation Data to HR posts lookup code instead of meaningSummary: Hello, I have an element named Virtual Salary with two input values: Amount & Unentitlement Reason. Currently, when element entry is posted via Transfer Workfor…