Category 453
Discussion List
How to Extend Payroll PeriodsSummary: How to Extend Payroll Periods Content (required): Accidentally payroll periods were generate for 10 years as 01-Jan-1951. How to extend the periods all the way …
DBI not returning values consistentlySummary: Content (required): Formula type is Compensation Calculation, and we are using the formula to adjust the amount used in coverage/rate calculations of insurance …
What is type detail in Benefit Life EventSummary: While Creating Life Event, there is filed name Type which contain (Information, Work, Personal, Person, End of disability), what is the functionality of this fi…
Child age out not detectedSummary: Child age out not detected Content (required): Child over the age of 24 should be ineligible. We created a dependent eligibility profile which uses a derived fa…
Not being able to process a life event through the Evaluate Life Event Participation processSummary: I am being able to manually add the life event to an individuals record and it works fine, but not able to add the life event through the life event processes (…
User value option missing in coverage determination ruleSummary: I am trying to create a list of values a user will choose from when adding a pre-paid legal plan to their benefits. The user has to choose the plan and also cho…
Can you set up 457 plans in benefits or just Calculation Cards?Summary: It seems Oracle recommends set up of 457 plans in Payroll via Calculation Cards. However, the client prefers employees manage this via Self-Service in Benefits.…
Post OE life event backs out OE - What can we do to reprocess the eventSummary: We needed to create a salary increase in the system for about 150 employees. The effective date is prior to the open event effect date so it bumps the Open back…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 1 view 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-07-31-36-111 Benefits
Benefits rates are not showing as expected even after changing the PAyroll RelationshipSummary: We have a requirement for changing Payroll Relationship from Biweekly to Weekly. I have defined Weekly Payroll. Started enrollment for a Weekly Payroll Employee…
Processed Status for Life Events in Evaluation and ReportingSummary: In Evaluation and Reporting, you used to be able to pull up 'Processed' life events as a status. The selection is no longer in the drop down. Does anyone know i…
Assign Benefits to an Employee only after approval from Manager and DirectorSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement where an Employee is eligible for Fleet vehicle when he/she enters a particular Band. However,there are two options, C…
Need help setting up pension plans in BenefitsSummary: I need to setup basic and supplemental pension plans which allows employees to enter % or actual amounts to be deducted. The amount will need to be calculated a…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 13 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
Override Eligibility - what determines if a Program, Plan or Option is visible?Summary: When using the Override Eligibility option against a life event for an employee, for some employees we can see the Program, Plan and Options however for other e…
What would be activity type and Payroll Element for a rate which gives a payout every paycycle?Summary: Content (required): The Employee of certain bands can choose Personal vehicle benefits where they get an amount every month (eg 20000) for using their own vehic…
No interim for Employee + Family option when new dependent is addedSummary: When employee is already in Employee + Family option and adds a new child, the enrollment gets suspended with no interim Content (required): The interim rule at…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 51 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to identify the original coverage start date in the plan type ?Summary: Content (required): When each life event run, the coverage through date is updated to LE - 1 day even though there is no change in enrollments. The coverage sta…
How to trigger life event when either the employee or any of the covered dependent's ageband changeSummary: How to trigger life event when either the employee or any of the covered dependent's age band changes ? Content (required): We have a requirement that rate shou…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to Make a Train Stop MandatorySummary: We have a need to capture at least one value in a train stop data entry process. Content (required): We have a series of "Train Stops" to capture information. M…
Functionality and behavior of dependent action item codesSummary: What is the functionality /behavior of the different dependent action item codes Content (required): Multiple dependent action item codes as shown are available…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
What does Earliest Disenroll Date mean in the Enrollment Override screen?Summary: What is the purpose of this field 'Earliest Disenroll Date' in the Enrollment Override screen? Content (required): What does Earliest Disenroll Date mean in the…
How to setup pending action to trigger only for newly added dependents and suspend only the new depSummary: Content (required): Our requirement is that when a new dependent is added with New hire /Child Birth or Marriage, documents should be provided and verified with…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
Benefits HDLSummary: Can anyone please share me the dependent enrollment sample HDL file? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippe…
Temporal batch process for multiple assignmentsSummary: Temporal batch process triggers 'Age Changed' life event for prmiary work relationship only Content (required): Hello, We have employees enrolled in medical pla…
Benefits HDLSummary: Participant and Dependent Enrollment HDL Content (required): Hi, I'm trying to load participant enrollment data through HDL using ParticipantEnrollment.dat. But…
How to modify text added at plan level at Benefit enrolment page.Summary: We are trying to modify the text available at Benefit enrolment page which is applicable to specific plan. Note : we have already tried at edit pages using sand…
How to Change the Effective Date on enrollments in our Dental PlanSummary: We recently had an acquisition where we had to enroll over 200 employees into their medical and dental plans. We actually sent an enrollment file to our vendor …User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 Benefits
EE's Medical Enrollment End Dated After Processing Salary Change Life EventSummary: EE's Medical Enrollment End Dated After Processing Salary Change Life Event. The EE was enrolled in the 'Aetna HMO Medical Plan: Employee + Child(ren)' and a sa…User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 Benefits
How are you running open enrollment for new hires after the event period closes?Summary: We running the open enrollment event for new hires after the period ends we are unable to make elections to open enrollment for them Content (required): Our OE …User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 31 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 Benefits
Reevaluate Designee Eligibility batch processSummary: Reevaluate Designee Eligibility batch process Content (required): Hello, We have scheduled the batch process 'Reevaluate Designee Eligibility' to run every nigh…
COVID Vaccination Card Upload ErrorSummary: I have tried uploading an employee's vaccination card a few times and continue to get an error. I have had success uploading other employees card no problem. Co…