Category 453
Discussion List
Evaluated life event status goes to processed and closed.Summary: Hi team, As I am evaluating any life event (not specific to one, I have tried with several life events) the life event status shows processed and closed. Conten…
Life event trigger not working as expectedSummary: Hi Experts, We have a Life Event that is currently showing up for all FT, SAL, and PT employees even after setting up a trigger. The requirement is that it only…
Benefit group and benefit balances visible to the employee in ESSSummary: As per the current functionality the system donot support to reflect the Benefit group and balance to employee ESS.Any possible way to handle this requirement, …
HDL conversions erroring on Max Plans exceeded.Summary: During participant conversion via HDL we're receiving an error message that the employee is attempting to enroll in more than one plan within the plan type. Whe…
No Add button for Primary Care PhysicianSummary: Hello, I have a plan that requires the employee to add their PCP. I have this set up and the system is giving a pending action. However, when I go to the page t…
Cancelling EnrollmentSummary: How the Benefits Admin can cancel an Enrollment? Content (required): From the Benefits Summary Page there is no Option to cancel the Enrollment in Plan or Optio…
Benefits Relationship reportSummary: How Can I report on the Benefits Relationship please? Content (required): I need to get a report on to show all employees with an active Benefits Relationship w…
Adding new plan to program that has two existing plans - error message on Option LimitationSummary: We have added a plan to one of our programs that already has two existing plans. All of our plans in this program (including the new plan) have Minimum Number o…
Optional Life to require employee to enroll before dependentsSummary: Is there a setting available our Optional Life plans to require employee to enroll before they can enroll any of their dependents. We have three plans. Optional…
What should be the formula type for Determination date in Compensation derived factorSummary: Unable to find the Compensation Determination Date type FF in the determination formula drop down for compensation derived factor. Content (required): Our requi…
Get Pay time Period Start Date as Enrollment Period Start DateSummary: I am trying to create FF get a period Start date using a Value set. Logic like Get immediate next pay period start date of Hire date + 30(Pay period). Some Deta…
Open Life Event effective date vs Salary change effective dateSummary: We have completed our Open Enrollment - new enrollments are all effective 7/1/2022 - over 7,000 enrollments. Soon, we need to process thousands of salary increa…User_2025-03-07-05-26-08-986 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-05-26-08-986 Benefits
PER_EXT_CONT_CONTACT_TYPE DBI is not workingwe hae Rate calculation FF to calculate the rate for Voluntary Life Spouse plan based on Age and Tobacco Use. I have attached the fast formula. I have also attached the …
HSA not seeing variable rateSummary: Hello, I have a Health Savings Plan that is not using the variable rate that is based on age. The worker meets the criteria and evaluates properly as per the di…
How to avoid triggering Salary Change LE for Programs/Plans not impacted by Salary Change?Summary: My client has several Programs. For some Plans under a Program are not affected by Salary Change (rate and or coverage is not salary dependent) but some are. We…
How to use waive option from 1 plantype to remove the elections in the 2nd plantypeSummary: How to use waive option from 1 plantype to remove the elections in the 2nd plantype Content (required): Hello, We have 1 program containing two different plan t…
How to load Service Codes For Benefits EligibilitySummary: Can someone outline the steps to fill in the data to load service area codes via "CreatePostalZipRangesAndServiceAreas" spreadsheet loader? Content (required): …
What is the syntax for using Global variable in Fast FormulaSummary: Content (required): I looked all over the documentation, MOS, and Community but am not seeing the answer anywhere. I created a global variable for the single LD…
Need to attach benefit life event based on the User person type (Person Changes Causes Life Event)Summary: Need to attach benefit life event based on the User person type Content (required): We have a requirement to trigger the Termination life event based on the ass…
How to get the start date of a payroll period using the coverage start dateSummary: Rate Start Formula: START_DATE of the payroll period containing the coverage start date. Content (required): I'm attempting to use the BEN_FN_GET_CHAR_VALUE fun…
Need advice on changing pay periods so it calculates benefits correctlySummary: We are looking at going from semi-monthly to biweekly payroll and I need to know the touch points for benefits. Where do I set it up so that calculations will c…
Program not withdraw once enrolled.Summary: How to stop with drawl an employee level once enrolled. Content (required): We have configured program which is yearly basis. However, we want tor restrict empl…
Previously not enrolled dependent is getting carry forward.Summary: As per requirement in mid of year any event is happening (e.g. Marriage, Gain Dependent) employee should continue in the previous enrolled plan and option. So, …
Calculate Benefit coverage rate in percentageSummary: We currently have a benefit rate calculated per pay period. But would like to set up a voluntary deduction payroll element that sends to payroll. This element s…
What is the formula type to be used for Coverage end dateHello Team, we have requirement to develop FF for Coverage end date. We are not sure which Formula type to be used. Thanks, Tharani Tharan.
Peak Time Employee Able to Enroll in Medical PPO Health Savings AccountSummary: I have an employee who works less than 18 hours (Peak time regular) and is only eligible for dental coverage. When looking at her new hire/rehire life event tha…
Enrollment Override Event is not closing with the processSummary: Hello, I have assigned the Override life event with Process and evaluated the LE Using process only. I tried to close the Life event using close enrollment proc…
How can we designate dependents automatically to calculate benefit rate based on no.of dependentsSummary: We are implementing benefits for the APAC region and for one of their plans, we have to designate dependents automatically to calculate their rates based on the…
Enrollment in ProgramSummary: While enrolling from Self-Service or Administer, Rate is not appearing. Content (required): We have configured Program with Plan. However, We tried to see the r…
Display different text in self-service -->BenefitsSummary: is there a way to display different text under Information and Confirmation screens when navigated thru below path Me-->Benefits-->Make Changes Content (require…