Category 453
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Table name to fetch Group Number in Benefits.Summary: Benefits table column "Group Number" Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that su…
How to check life event configuration?Summary: An employee was approved to have Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits effective for 11/1/2021. When the potential life event is processed, it immediately goes i…
Benefits Billing - Employee Leave Of AbsenceSummary: Content (required): We would like to begin using the Benefits Billing option and the setup seems quite simple. We can generate the bills for the employee and re…
Using HDL to Load Beneficiary OrganizationsSummary: Content (required): Hello. We've configured beneficiary organizations and are now attempting to designate beneficiary organizations via HDL (in the Beneficiary …
Is it possible to customize the Confirmation Page by country or Benefits Program?Summary: Need to customize the Confirmation Page By country Content (required): Is it possible to have different customized text for different country or Benefits Progra…
Where can I find information on the Benefits Override Eligibility action?Summary: Where to find Override Eligibility details? Content (required): I cannot find any guides or instructions on how to use the Eligibility Override action. I have f…
Why an employee can add more than 1 spouse when enrolling in benefits?Summary: An employee was allowed to add two spouses. Both relationships are eligible to be named as a Life Insurance Beneficiary Content (required): Version (include the…User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nagaraj Hunur-Oracle Benefits
Accessing Plan Compare feature from MobileSummary: We have configured the Medical Plan Compare feature with our Open Enrollment so that employee can use this wonderful feature. This works perfectly fine in Lapto…
Why PCP Information disappear after closing event ?Summary: PCP information disappears when event closed for employee. As an employee, I choose my Primary Care Physician (PCP), Save. Once system close respective event, I…
Fast Formula function BEN_FN_GET_CHAR_VALUE is not returning the expected valueSummary: Content (required): Here is the code snippet: CHANGE_CONTEXTS(EFFECTIVE_DATE = l_eval_dt) l_waived_flag = BEN_FN_GET_CHAR_VALUE('BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT','ENROLLED',…
Middle name visible under the enrollmentSummary: Hi Expert, Client want to enable Contact Middle name enrolment -> Dependent/beneficiary selection page. So, in this employee case middle name R. also should sho…
Rate changes are not reflected in Element EntriesSummary: My first problem was the above question. Then I created a Life Event to process the change. The change is only for Life Insurance. I am a little perplexed. The …
Certification Type - Determination Rule Definitions, Benefits Restrictions, and Interim RulesSummary: What do the Certification Type Detemination rules mean functionally by rule please? Content (required): What do the Certification Type Detemination rules mean f…
Employee and Spouse Work for Same Company but have same dependents enrolledSummary: We are dealing with a situation where husband and wife both work for the same company. They both enrolled in the same plan and have the same dependents and each…
Unable to add a postal code to a service area that is end datedSummary: Unable to add a postal code to a service area that is end-dated, eg, a postal that is end dated on 12/31/2020 and trying add with the effective date of 1/1/22, …
Terminate Dependent when Employee TerminatesSummary: When we terminate an employee the dependents (or contacts) still remain active in the system. Content (required): Is there a way to auto term or end date depend…
Set up stock distribution for the first time in HCM and having issues with approvals.Summary: The system is configured to allow the SVP level to assign and distribute RSUs, managers have been set to not have access. but when we go to submit for approval …
Termination/ResignationSummary: Hello, Wanted to confirm the best way to manage these events in benefits. We want to enforce employee to choose a med plan, even it it's waive and they provide …
How to process 2022 ben enrollments after OE close window for new hireSummary: After Benefits OE 2022 window close, if we hire an employee ..hire event will trigger and he will enroll. What about 2022 enrollment? How to process that? Is th…
Why can an Employee Add Multiple PCPs for same dependent.Summary: I have an employee who enrolled in benefits and was able to add two PCPs for the same dependent. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using,…User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 Benefits
How to enable an e-signature requirement for employees who are changing beneficiariesSummary: We are planning on enabling change beneficiaries in Employee Self-Service. Our Benefit provider requires that any changes made to beneficiaries are accompanied …
Default FF based on the SalaryHello, We have requirement where if EE salary is less then $150000 then it should be default to Option 1 else it should be defaulted to option 2. We have developed a FF …
"Default Enrollment Rule" is disabled on Plan Enrollment Trainstop for Scheduled Open/AdministrativeSummary: "Default Enrollment Rule" is disabled on Plan Enrollment Trainstop for Scheduled Open/Administrative Content (required): Navigation: Benefits Administration - P…
Vacation Sell hours are disappearing in Submission PageSummary: Selling Hours are Disappearing in the Page Content (required): We have Selling time off event going with OE. For some employees i have observed that hours are d…
Vacation Sell Hours DisappearSummary: When I setup benefits per Oracle "Implement" benefits documentation for a vacation sell during Open Enrollment, the hours are not available on 1/1/2022. Content…
How to remove dependent from already elected coverage without voiding another potential event?Summary: An employee wishes to remove her dependent from coverage that was effective 9/1/21 (her new hire date). She indicated this before the enrollment period ended bu…User_2025-02-11-20-55-10-551 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-20-55-10-551 Benefits
How to End Benefit Element when end dating PlanSummary: How do I end date Payroll Benefit Element when end dating a plan? Content (required): I have end dated several plans in program however the Payroll benefit elem…
Sold hours are not displaying in the Confirmation PageSummary: We have selling time of Event going with OE, When the employees submitted their hours, In the confirmation page they were not able to see selected/Submitted hou…
how to handle rates seed upfront vs biweekly contributions based on different salary levelsSummary: We've some rates where we need to seed upfront certain amount for few salary level employees vs for others it has to be a biweekly contribution. Please see the …
Different end dates/coverage for different plan typesSummary: Hello! Client requirement is to end dental and vision for a termination worker on 1st of month of termination. So if John quits Oct 18, John's dental and vision…