Category 58
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How to make a text box to accept only numberSummary: Can (Question Response Type) Plain text box restricted to accept only number? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We got this require…Pannirselvam Vidhyadharan 45 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pannirselvam Vidhyadharan Performance Management
How can i change the calibration status to Completed/ApprovedSummary: Hi All, How can i make the calibration status changed to Completed/Approved? All calibration managers has approved but somehow the status is still showing as Pr…
How to show the hide field in Page Composer?Summary: I tried to hide some field in our Skills and Qualification which is Skill type, I went to page composer and and unchecked visible to Skill type field and then t…
Adding attachment in Indicate meeting held stepSummary: Can we enable add attachments to the indicate meeting held step? Content (required): Customer would like to add an attachment at the indicate meeting held (most…
Enable Attachment in Confirm Review Meeting HeldIs there a provision to enable attachments in Confirm Review Meeting Held task, If yes how that can be enabled , Need this for only one performance document
What is causing an Error when attempt to enter participant feedback on a performance reviewSummary: User clicks on evaluate button and gets the following error box: Error Messages for this page are listed below. An application error occurred. See the incident …
Unable to change "FullTime or PartTime" as mandatory in Manage Jobs using Visual Builder Studio.Summary: Unable to change "FullTime or PartTime" as mandatory in Manage Jobs using Visual Builder Studio. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
“Enforce sum of goal weights to 100%”Summary: If “Enforce sum of goal weights to 100%” is checked, the form allows the HR to have total weight goals more than 100% and do not restrict submitting the goal pl…Mohammad Hussein 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Manager Evaluation of Workers stuck in Progress after ApprovalSummary: Has anyone else seen this issue, and found a resolution? We have seen this a few times, and cannot re-create it. Our current process includes a verbal acknowled…
Performance Overall SummarySummary: How can i add 3 fields at Employee Comment under the section Overall Summary? Is this do-able in Oracle Fusion HCM? Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
In HCM performance management.While creating the section under performance template highlighted area is disabled. After creation of Performance template, it is still in not in use (Change review peri…Nirmal Kumar Poddar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nirmal Kumar Poddar Performance Management
Does manager change for employee will assign the same Goal plan with goaSummary: Does manager change for employee will assign the same Goal plan with goal to employee and will it be visible to new manager the same Goal plan Content (please e…
Withdraw Share and Released Performance DocumentSummary: Withdraw Share and Released Performance Document Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Is there a way for managers to withdraw thei…
Mass Create New Version of Questions and QuestionnairesSummary: Is there a way to mass create new version of questions and questionnaires? Use Case: We have periods in where we have to translate questions and questionnaires …
Transfer Performance DocumentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I need to transfer a huge number of performance documents from a manager to another manage…
Development Goals in Performance DocumentHi Team, We see a very strange issue, where Employee has added a Development Goal directly in Performance Document, but inside Performance Document Development Goal sect…
With which update will Oracle release 'AI Assist' for Performance Management ?Summary: With which update will Oracle release 'AI Assist' for Performance Management ?
Employee goal are added automatically when manager add goalDear All, We have some manager with HR role - when they add goal for their direct report the role are added automatically without having to submit. The manager is behavi…
Approval for the Goal Plan Notification coming from "Workflowsystems"Summary: Approval Required Notification to manager is coming in some cases from "Workflowsystems". Do you know why and how to stop this behaviour ? This is not always, i…Maria Fonseca 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Is it possible to have the weightage to be enforce for each goals added after the goal planSummary: The ask is in the goal plan there is an option to have maximum and minimum number of goals in the created goal plan. we need to know whether there is a possibil…
Performance Goal Remove from documentSummary: Hi All, How can i remove the option "Remove from document" from the 3 dot at Performance document? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Can Check-in be made mandatory at the end of 3 months of employment?Summary: Hi Friends, Our client organization outs newly hired employees on probation for 6 months. There is a performance evaluation at the end of probation. However, at…
Make some goal fields non-editable during the evaluation phaseHi, in the performance process we manage the goal setting outside the performance document (the employee can propose goals to the manager from the goal page by means of …
Manager Rating option during Evaluation is missing for few employees. But listed for othersHi Experts, This seems to be a very typical issue where a manager when evaluating his/her team members, is able to view and access Manager Rating option for some employe…
Manager entering goals on multiple employees, but they aren't showing up.Summary: We have a manager who entered multiple goals on her direct reports following the steps below to add the goal to multiple people at once. It worked for the first…
Hiding Bonus Plan Verification Report from My Team Spotlight AreaSummary: Ho to hide 'Bonus Plan Verification Report' from My Team Spotlight Area Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the vers…
Added a Hyperlink through Sandbox but it is not opening as expectedSummary: Hello, I have added a hyperlink through Sandbox but it is not working as expected. Please find attached screenshot 24A (
Not able to uncheck the default filter in Goal and Performance as a Line ManagerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, There is a case where my client wants to uncheck Contingent worker from the default filte…
For Performance Management, when are these notifications triggered.Summary: In Performance Management, there are two notifications sent to managers: Worker enters their evaluation criteria: Manager receives notification when worker has …
Calculate button not coming for managerSummary: Hi Team, Facing an issue while as a manager given the rating to my employees, manager not able to see calculate button. but we check the check box for manager r…