My Stuff
What did you decide on this? Very interested to learn. We currently use Payflow Pro for US, but in another implementation need to be able to charge in multiple currencies and convert to NZ$.
We don't have this requirement, but there is the following options under the save button, in "Accept Payment": - Save - Save & New - Save & Email - Save & Print ... are you sure you are not clicking on Save & Email instead of just save? If you require an email, would filling in your internal accounting email in the…
I believe DKIM helps with this? Please tell us more!! Do you actually have outgoing emails do not have a reply-to address that ends with
Bump. Is there any way to hide this so people don't get gunshy when replying?
2008.1 update Just want to say that the tools under 2008.1 for setting up and testing DKIM are much improved. Hopefully I can get this fully working now. Tests indicate configuration is moving in the right direction. I generated a brand new key pair this AM and got it validated within 1 hr. In addition, via the test email…
For us, I didn't know "insist" with Network Solutions. We just got stonewalled. Since this is generally not your primary domain anyway (I believe you actually want to create a separate domain just for this kind of thing), why not move or create it directly at GoDaddy, where it is super-simple to configure, and then to…
Thanks for the follow up. I might suggest that NetSuite contact Network Solutions. They are obviously a big player, and are not going to listen to little old me. But NetSuite might persuade them to consider beginning to allow addition of TXT fields to the domains.
FYI, Network Solutions, which we use to manage our domains, confirmed that they can't add a TXT record. ... so we decide to transfer one domain to GoDaddy and it was a snap to set up with them.
Sorry to cross post, but this thread is active, and I cannot find anywhere advice as to whether to use: or (without the www) as the email campaign. The help says that you should put BOTH in the domain list, but I'm not sure which to assign to the email campaign. Thanks for any help.
Ditto on Mark's questions. I'm getting up to speed in my understanding and am about ready to implement this, and Ken, your explanations are very helpful. By the way, anyone know offhand how I would implement DKIM in my network solutions managed domains? I don't see an add TXT option like in the support pages that…
OK, in case anyone else is in this situation. One of my clients has 120,000 email campaign maximum (120,000 emails @10,000 per email blast max). In the middle of a major campaign they were rejected because they exceeded the limit (there contract started in June, 2007 and there is NO WAY they have done 120,000 emails in 4…
UPDATE Response to me was: (1) If the current # of campaign emails looks incorrect, I will need to work with support to audit this. (2) If I want to resume sending of emails, I can pay additional. I was quoted full list, non-discounted price to do so. No response or acknowledgement to: - the fact that I have 51k of…
Here a link to an image which will show you how to set this up from the administrator role (ver 2007) What is up with the **** - the **** before the domain name in the example above? In NetSuite help it says to put both and in the setup domain area. I…
what is the enhancement request #? I'd like to attach us to this...
Thanks Mini - good to hear from you again. Your suggestion helps a bit in terms of my newness to the system but I think Ray is right. What bothers me about most of what I am experiencing at present (we went live 6 weeks ago) is that although NS does the job it is supposed to most of the time, there is a lack of coherence…
We will have mailing labels in next year's release. Out of the box will support 5160/5260, but is cusomizable. The new layout customization UI makes it much easier to customize any type of printed PDF form (including checks, which are also customizable in next year's release.) Thanks, -e Perfect. Great enhancement. Thanks…
Related: If an employee unsubscribes, there is seemingly no way for the admin or employee to re-subscribe... except if you: - add a customer center role to the employee access - have employee login and switch to that customer center role - click on the set email/password link, uncheck the unsubscribe box, and enter…
I haven't been able to get a response from these guys over the past 2 weeks. Anyone know if they out of business?
But to add to the issue, the To Location doesn't seem to show up at all under inventory transfers. It is only LOCATION that shows up. Main Line = True. Locatino is the FROM LOCATION Individual lines of the transaction: Location = from or to depending on the +/- quantity. so the only way to get the To location is to sort…
This absolutely does not work. The suggested Result lines from 4d and 4e are identical. But it begs the question as to whether you can pull a field from a non grouped line sequence number anyway. That would be great if you could. PS this same challenge is also causing me headaches in a work order - where the {assemblyitem}…
Gotcha. Thanks for following up. Hello Brian, I apologize. There was a type on the Saved Search as 4d should be '= 0' instead of '=1'. As for the Work Order, your observation is correct. The Assembly is {item} at linesequencenumber = 0 while the components are {item} for the rest of the lines. Thanks!
Netsuite - can you please give me the enhancement number, so I can register my polite, single company vote to fix this? Our accountants have identified this as a big problem. It is difficult to reconcile this account. I would love some reassurance by NetSuite and/or an Enhancement # that I can attach to.
I may be missing something very obvious since this seems like it should be a simple thing to do. I want to be able to run a report or search that shows me the kits that a item is a member of. I am on NetSuite Small Business. Bill Wiedmann Kestrel Growth Brands, Inc. - Go to your item list - Create a new view - name it…
Voted. This is a critical omission. Unless I am missing something the only way to check buildable kits is to do a dummy sales order as suggested.
So I am also finding a lot of UPC Code Set entries with the old value blank and the new value correct...
Update: Defect 135232 - Assembly Items with UPC Code: UPC Code updating on System Notes upon item fulfillment
Please file a case and post the case # here. Case # 645811 - UPC Code being updated in Item Record upon Item Fulfillment In actual fact, system notes is logging an update to the UPC code in the item record upon creation/edit of the sales order, upon approval, and upon item fulfillment. Very bizarre. I looked into this…
I was pretty amazed to learn from my shipping manager that: - an item that is set on a sales order to "Do Not Commit" - then is reallocated for PARTIAL FULFILLMENT (want to, say, commit 24 of 48 on sales order, leaving 24 on backorder). Do this by typing in a # on the quantity committed column that is less than the total #…
Not exactly. Enhan 112870: Plea - Transactions > Inventory > Reallocate Items - Ability to customize the list view to be able to add/remove columns This would indeed be nice. BUT what I am irritated about is the fact that a Do Not Commit line item on a sales order, when PARTIALLY allocated via the reallocation screen…
NetSuite CSR says 103645 is not a current issue.