My Stuff
Hello Jason, Without recommending one solution more than the other, I have had a really good experience working with CyberSource for Canadian Customers. You will have to have a CyberSource Account and ideally a First Data Merchant Account. The CyberSource Account will be linked to your First Data Account and to your Bank…
Hi Jason, I have mostly worked with First Data Canada. I know you can also use Paymentech USA to accommodate Canadian Merchants. Regards,
Hello, if you're thinking of doing this by script use nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line) in your case you can do nlapiInsertLineItem('item','3'); Hope this helps.
Hello, I have not heard of a limit on the number of email addresses you can use in the campaign but for sure if you are planning to send more than 10K emails in one shot in one campaign, you should definitively activate DKIM and use your own email domain. Regards,
I am pretty sure you already have this but just to make sure, is the Track Outgoing Email checkbox selected on the Campaign Template? Best Regards,
I think you are most probably talking about Setting up an Email Campaign Domain together with a DKIM. What this means: Setting up Campaing Domain will allow you to send more than 10,000 messages per campaign. DKIM Key is a means to identify with the provider that the emails you are sending are not "SPAM". Therefore, you…
I am not sure if this is caused when you are above the Campaign Email Volume. If you go to Setup - Company - View Billing Information, do you still have enough volume to send the 29000 emails? Regards,
On my part, I can't tell. I am not sure if there even an estimate that can be given. From my undestanding, if you use DKIM you are reducing your chances of being marked as a spammer. The rest I would think is up to your ISP, Email Content, and all sort of conditions that can have you flagged as a non legit marketer.
I guess that you are trying to create a Description Item on the Fly in the Transaction itself. Unfortunately this is not possible for some Items including Description Items. You either have to create a new description item through Lists - Accounting - Items - New OR Enter Description in the Line Item and enter the…
You must add a criteria to filter the date now. You can try to go to Transaction Fields... Add the Date field Then select On or Ater --- Relative --- 1 Week Ago
Hello Natasha, at this point I think that the easiest thing to do is a saved search that runs daily and would send you an email when results are found. In the criteria of the saved search use: Formula Text - Serial/lot Number - Not Empty Formyla Numeric - On Hand - Equals 0 Regards,
We have implemented many workarounds of NetSuite's rigid commission schedules. One way I would think of right now for you is to script some kind of "Fake" transaction for that sales rep and set that transaction amount to reflect the minimum amount you need to pay. So each beginning of the month your schedule script would…
Employee B manages employee A In the employee record for A, B is the supervisor. Then in Employee Record of B you can be the supervisor. You cannot be the supervisor on both records. That's what I meant. Your cannot have you as supervisor for A and supervisor for B then have a manager schedule for B. Regards.
By that you mean you are the one on the Manager Schedule? Cause the Supervisor of the sales rep needs to be the same person on the Commission plan. If for both employees you are the supervisor it's not gonna work.
Commissions can be tricky and there's a few things you need to check. First are you Sales rep elligible for commission? Check that in the Employee Record under the commission Tab. If yes, make sure that the correct sales rep is in the Sales Team of the Transaction (Sales Order / Invoice). Check the contribution of that…
No I don't think you need to use Team Selling. Is the commission working for the Sales Rep and not For the Manager?
So I supposed you also checked that both are on Collections. What about the calculation Scale? We set ours at Marginal as we use different Commission percentage depending on the Sales Amount during the month. Did you enter the commission percentage in the Amount 0 column. On the Plan assignment for the Manager, are the…
Commissions is very complex and you can specify if the rep gets commissions on the Total of the Sales Order or an Alternate Sales Amount on that Sales Order OR even more stuffs like Quota, Inventory profit etc.. You can also specify if you only pay the rep when the collection is obtained. It is also possible to assign a…
Good Morning Veronika, You are right, what you can do is to create another form for those Special Sales Orders and Exclude that form from your scripts. It should not be too much work and I think it's worth it for what you are trying to achieve. I don't have a real answer to why ASA is not available on Invoices and Cash…
Hello Veronika, What would be the impact on your process if you would enter all those transactions as Sales Orders First, then using a script to calculate the ASA and at the same time create the Invoice for you. Would that be something feasible? You would end up with ASA and Invoice created as you used. Regards,
Manually Calculating commissions can be a bit dangerous in my opinion. You need to make sure that Short Payments, Credit Memos, Voided Transactions etc are properly affecting your calculations. Personally, I would not go into that direction unless you really have no choice. Plus if you're already paying for NS Commission…
Hello Sklett, We have a bit of the same problem but on SO / Invoice side. We are using commission on ASA and when you VOID a SO, the Amount goes to 0$ but the ESt. EXt. Cost stays there in NS. This causes the ASA to be a -ve amount. Sometimes very big negative amount. In 2011.2, the ASA is computed and even though the…
In your case it is for sure an Update of the case unless the Case is directly created under that Case Status (Which is not your case). Check the Box, Send on Update next to your Specific Recipients. Then in the Updated Fields select the Case Status and put when old value is * (or leave it blank) meaning anything, and then…
Glad I could help.
If you want to grab only Customers is to use the Criteria "Stage" is "Customer". This will leave out Leads and Prospects. Maybe you want to add another criteria like "Inactive" is "False" in order not to bother updating inactive records. Check on the Results tab of your Saved Search and you should be able to add the Column…
Hello Mayur, Not too sunny today here. You are right about the fact if we filter all the trandate from the beginning, then the Available Filter will not work for you. I am not 100% sure how to go about this if you want the Available Filter to work :h_a_w: Let me think about it and get back to you if I find something. Best…
On your Criteria tab you say Items Created ONLY on 1/10/2010 which means that your results will be limited to that date only. Try using it ON or After 1/10/2010. Regards,
Hi Mayur, You have to think of it the other way. Right now you are asking the system to give you all Items that are not Matrix Items AND show only those Created on 1/10/2010 So try this: Item: Not Matrix Item Date Created: On or After 1/10/2010 Transaction : Date : Is Empty ( meaning there's no transaction for this item)…
Hello Joanne, A saved search would a good solution for you. Start by creating a Customer Saved Search. In the Criteria, Select your Expiry Date filter and set it to On or After, Relative, 1 Month from now. This search will give you all Certificate expiring in one month from today. Then on the Email tab, you can select the…
Hello Joanne, you see those values when you click on Set Description because the field is not set to a Date Type. In that case, in the Filter of the criteria of the Saved search, you must select Formula (date) and then in the popup you will select the field you want to apply the date range formula on. Regards,