My Stuff

bboese Red Ribbon


  • Hi Everyone, I'm Robert from the Niagara Region in Canada. I've been working on NetSuite for 7 and half years now as the primary admin as well as doing integrations using SuiteTalk, SuiteScript, SuiteFlow and Dell Boomi. Robert, I'm in the Niagara Region too! Your NetSuite background is impressive, and you work in areas…
  • My name is Barry Boese, and I'm located in the Niagara Region (near Niagara Falls), Ontario, Canada. If you ever come to Niagara Falls, it would be great to meet up! Most of the companies I work with are in the USA, some in Canada, and other countries around the world. I've worked with over 100 companies on NetSuite over…
  • Olivier, you are once again a genius, per your advice with changing fiscal year end. I've been partially able to change a Dec 31 year end to Sept 30 per the following. I have a full FY ending Sep 2021, with all the correct quarters and periods. I've been able to edit the FY that was ending Dec 31, 2020 to now end Sep 30,…
  • Apologies, I just found another discussion that is more applicable at link below so will respond from there on this
  • Regarding changing year end from Dec 31 to Sep 30, is the Suite Answer (link and text below) still applicable, or is there a way we can do so without NetSuite Professional Services? It would be totally reasonable to allow a company to make that change, without NetSuite Professional Services, and if so, please list the…
  • Some additional details below: Bundle Name: Electronic Bank Payments Environment: Production Date & Time: 11/18/2019 12:09 pm Execution Time: 0.00s Script Usage: 0 Script: Generic Payment Selection Processor Type: Suitelet Function: main Error: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF Invalid custrecord_8858_process_user reference key 3. Stack…
  • I found a way to do this, hope you all have a great weekend!
  • If there is a small number of personal charges on company credit card, I'd suggest 1st phase could be customizing a saved search (SS) to pull all transactions posted to the Due from Employee account and auto email from the SS to the applicable employees. The employee can then review and respond by email to accounting…
  • Keeping the CFO happy and keeping your job is not easily possible :-) If CFOs have issues with how NetSuite works and/or they wish to customize before utilizing standard functionality, they should consider options and tread very carefully. If any CFOs need to gain more trust, confidence and dramatically shorten their…
  • Many great suggestions on this already. If you'd like to keep the same Menu / Navigation for all (or most) roles, to make it easier for training, etc, you may want to install the free bundle at 1st link below (insert your Account ID # as noted in link). If link does not work you can find it by typing "Search & Install…
  • Hi there to you too Olivier Thanks for your very detailed and well done response to this issue. That makes total sense, and helps tremendously on how to move forward with this. 
  • Hi Olivier or others, Many fields of data automatically go from the Sales Order to the Invoice, therefore saving keystrokes and keeps data accurate on different transaction records. So, for example the Location data under Classification section carries over from Sales order to invoice automatically. However, this does not…
  • You can still enter the Bill Credit by clicking the Bill, however since it was a duplicate, the bill may have included the quantities and then the bill credit takes the quantities off. If the duplicate did not include quantities or if you don't want to affect the inventory with the bill credit, you can click Clear Items on…
  • In this situation, you can enter a Bill Credit to that Vendor and post it to the same account that the 2nd check was posted to. In other words, the 2nd duplicate payment will need to be entered in NetSuite, even if it was handwritten, and whichever account you post that check to, you can post the Bill Credit to, and the 2…
  • Go to the duplicate bill that you paid to the vendor and click Credit button, then review and enter the Bill Credit appropriately to match the credit that the Vendor will be showing on their system. Then, both your records and your vendor's records should match. Then, you can deduct this Bill Credit from a future bill…
  • Hi Bonnie, Hope this worked out for you. When accountants, that don't know NS well, start customizing NS to work the way they are familiar with, that can cause some real serious issues, not only with productivity losses, but also inaccurate financial reporting. Jumping right into customizing can overlook the fact that…
  • Try this to not only help with the information you'd like to have, but to also allow the process to email you or others when customers go above 60 days overdue, etc. If you need any help, feel free to contact me directly. 1) go to link below…
  • I see that Journal Entry (JE) is included in this thread, and that is understandably at the heart of the issue. Due to the limited details below, I'm assuming that there is an issue with the way the bank account (to be reconciled) is set up and/or the Accept Customer Payment process which may be directing the payment…
  • There are a few different options to look after this in a much more efficient and effective way. Feel free to contact me directly to review and discuss what would work best in your specific situation.
  • Another way to help with this (missing scheduled reports or memorized transactions, etc) is to also add an Event that recurs that is a reminder to see if the scheduled report is emailed, or such as another case, if the memorized transaction has posted. It's helpful if the scheduled reports are copied to you (or other…
  • Can a NetSuite employee advise if Recurring Tasks will be available in a future release, and if so, which one? Thanks, Barry
  • You could enter an Invoice with the correct items and quantities and unit rates against a "clearing / adjustment" type customer, and then click on that invoice and create a credit memo to take out the incorrect items and quantities and unit rates, and if done correctly, the invoice and credit memo should net to zero, and…
  • In addition to the steps noted in my post at the link below, a custom field could be added to the vendor credit screen to link to the PO, which could help with calculating the net balance due to the vendor. A saved search could also help with this. If you'd like more help with this, feel free to contact me directly.…
  • Hi Corinna, We could also review and resolve this for you during a free web discovery meeting.
  • Try this: a) run an Inventory Valuation and Balance sheet for the first full month of transactions in NS. Ideally you want to make sure the Inventory Valuation report is correct, with accurate quantities and unit cost for each Item. If that report is not correct, either some transactions need to be fixed, or an Inventory…
  • Your CPA / Tax Specialist should be able to advise what is considered "a non material amount" (it's based on a number of factors found on your financial statements, etc). When you find out what your CPA / Tax specialist will accept as a reasonable and acceptable variance (non material amount), then you can work within…
  • We've developed similar saved searches, however the "Days Overdue" column does not always contain the # of days overdue. Has anyone else seen this, and how have you resolved? Customers have their Terms set both at Customer and invoice level, etc, so not sure why the Days Overdue column is blank for some of the search…
  • You may wish to set the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns to 0 (zero) Then you can type in say "office" and office supplies, etc will come up on the list. This is great if you don't know the account numbers (or don't wish to look down the whole list) and just enter a unique word, click Tab and see which accounts come up, and…
  • Normally when adding a 2nd currency into NetSuite, one of the main reasons is to have a 2nd currency bank account so that amounts can be paid out of that 2nd currency bank account. Sounds like this is not the case in your situation. Since 2nd currency vendor bills are normally paid out of 2nd currency bank accounts, this…
  • Hi Dana, You can post it (and any other outstanding checks from QB) on the Reconcile Bank Statement screen under Other Charges and post to a new Other Asset account called something like "Transition from QB to NS". Then, when you start your first bank rec, you enter statement date of say Nov 30, 2012 (if your go live,…