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Field Service
Discussion List
Suboptimal relationship between rcl_debrief_headers and svc_work_ordersSummary: The only relationship we can establish is- rcl_debrief_headers.parent_entity_id = svc_work_orders.wo_id, which is suboptimal as parent entity column is not inde…
ADW extract and daily extract isnt consistent for delivery window attributesSummary: ADW Data and daily extract isn't consistent for delivery window attributes. i could see in ofs documentation Available Activity Fields ( for Daily ex…
Health/Availability Checks on OFSSummary: I have a customer that wants to use ServiceNow to perform health/availability checks on their oracle cloud products. They have been asking how they can do that …
will routing still assigning work if there is a "Soft Skill Mismatch"Summary: will routing still assigning work if there is a "Soft Skill Mismatch" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…
AI Recommendations Feature - QuestionSummary: I have a question on the recently introduced AI recommendations functionality. When it was initially released I logged a SR as it wasn't working as expected. An…
craft vs skillSummary: We have req where craft would be tagged to activity type and coming from WACS. Struggling to how to add in OFS as skill condition? because with skill it make se…
Maximum number of properties that can be added as monitored activity fields in the activity historyWe need to know how many fields or properties we can add as monitored activity fields in the activity history. Is there a limit? Currently, we have 114 properties added …
Dispatcher (Manager) to perform Field JobsSummary: There are few Dispatchers in the Organization who will assign Activities to the Field Service Engineers as well as they themself will be performing activities a…
Create an activity that requires multiple resourcesSummary: Some of our activities require multiple resources to execute, we would like to automatically assign it to multiple resources (or to a team). What would be the m…
SUPPORT OF WAREHOUSE FOR ACTIVITY RELATED OPERATIONSSummary: This feature allows technicians to install inventory directly from a dedicated warehouse. A new ‘Warehouse’ resource type role is available in Oracle Field Serv…
order of values in dropdownSummary: want to display enum values in dropdown in sequence. But even after defing value sin order, those are appearing randomly. Any clue? Content (please ensure you m…
Bundling Rules Min/Max duration of activities in a visitSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to route the activities based on a custom property "location code" and we have enabled the bundling with this field and we set th…
Extend the timeout duration in collaborationSummary: Hi Team, We are working on the new implementation and need to increase the duration of the collaboration transfer timeout duration to 60 mins. In collaboration …
Query on Activity bar length for a started activityHi Team, Let's consider an activity assigned to a Field Engineer (FE) with a duration of 1 hour. In the time view, the length of activity bar reflects this 1-hour durati…
Disable OFSC Notifications for particular action, Is it possible?Need to Disable the notification when the user adds the new note in the plugin? Is it possible to disable the notifications for the particular plugin related Action.
Function 'IF'Summary: Hello, When I create an activity of type "Bodega", the Address field has to autocomplete with the Address. Is this possible using the IF function in Default Val…
Why a repeat calendar erase the actual one?As a Clerk, I want to be able to repeat a particular schedule for a field ressource. For exemple, a technician having a schedule for monday to thursday 7am to 5pm, but f…
How to integrate APEX DB Table:VFQ_WFM_ACTIVITY_HISTORY in Daily Extract for Reporting in OFSCSummary: Hi Team, We have APEX DB Table: VFQ_WFM_ACTIVITY_HISTORY where Old Value and New Value column present. Kindly let us know how to integrate APEX DB Table: VFQ_WF…
Is there any information on how quickly Message Scenarios should process?Summary: Speed of Message Scenario processing times Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a scenario where an Event integration to a bac…
Disable Notification inside OFS (notification panel)Hello everyone! Is it possibile to switch off notifications inside OFS? Acting on the mobile settings (device settings > application > Field Service > notifications > do…
Modify the 60-minute Timeout for a user's login session in OFSSummary: Hello, I would like to know if modifying the 60-minute Timeout for a user's login session in OFS is possible. We are looking for alternatives to the problem tha…
using service area for work zonesSummary: if we are using service area for work zones. we are using zone key as wam_activity_serviceArea which would contain zone and would be mapped to WACS. for mapping…
Is there a way to extract the amount of km each field employee traveled for each day?We need to extract this information because it is relevant for paying the field employees. Is there any way to get the exact kilometers traveled on the day?
Restricción para que los recursos no puedan iniciar una Orden de TrabajoSummary: Buenos días. Quisiera saber si existe alguna forma de implementar una restricción para que los recursos no puedan iniciar una Orden de Trabajo si no se encuentr…
Capturar el tiempo que dura un recurso en un estadoSummary: Buenos días ¿Es posible capturar el tiempo que un recurso dura en un estado específico si existe un Api o de otra manera se puede capturar, como por ejemplo: Al…
Inventory fields not auto populated when we select from parts catalogSummary: Hi There, I've been checking on parts catalog in OFS. We all know that once we configure Oracle Fusion Service and Service Logistics connection and select parts…
Use function in Set Property message scenarioSummary: We have a requirement to provide Technician the option to add a time_increment to the already existing total_wait_time value. Content (required): Can we use Mes…
ORACLE FIELD SERVICE - CollaborationSummary: Hi, User unable to see helpdesk tab in collaboration chat in OFSC application. Is there any way to add the tab in configuration? same userType is able to access…
How to capture the logs, monitoring the logs in OFS.Summary:Hi Team, Can you please help me how to capture the logs, monitoring the logs or is there any API to use to capture the logs and monitoring the logs in OFS. Conte…
Issue with Failure Message Scenarios for Some Activity in OFSSummary:We have checked some Sample Orders, and its receptivity Activity ID, found that message scenarios functionality(Update activity Order) working fine for some orde…