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Help Desk
Discussion List
Unable to add user to the support portal.Currently we are facing an issue in adding users to Oracle support portal. Is there any detailed description on how to add a user to the support account. I am being adde…
HR Helpdesk Agents cannot see the all the tickets assigned to their queue other team membersSummary: Hello Experts, We have done the configuration of HR Helpdesk Nextgen (23A) where HR Queue is mapped to Resource Team and there are many resources in the Team. A…
Closed email/ bell notification is not workingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I created a groovy script I can use to notify the primary contact for when the request is closed …
How to hide the 'Do you still need help?' region below knowledge articlesSummary: We would like to hide the 'Do you still need help?' region that is displayed below knowledge articles which are access by the employee using My Help. We have lo…
Knowledge article rating scale to be changed from five star rating to Sad and happy smileySummary: Currently we have five-star rating and like/dislike rating to rate the knowledge article in HRHD. Is it possible to have Sad and happy smiley as the rating scal…
Case Management OTBI FieldsSummary: Is there a list of Case Management OTBI fields that are reportable? This would be extremely helpful so I don't have to keep endlessly digging. I've been able to…
Differences between Add Employee Contact, Add Contact and Add Team Member?Summary: I'm wondering what the differences are within the action bar in Case Management for the items below. My comments are also listed. Add Employee This LOV shows mu…
Close Request Description not mandatoryHi all, does anyone know if it's possible to make the 'Close Request Description' mandatory for employees? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 25A
Business unit LOV are not populated in cases in helpdeskSummary: while creating case the business unit values are not populated in helpdesk ,how to solve the issue any solution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Redwood for Help DeskHello community, Could you please tell me the steps to activate the redwood view or UI for the Help Desk module. A new implementation is being carried out and we want to…
Visual Builder not allowing me to use Page DesignerSummary: Visual Builder not allowing me to use Page Designer Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am in Visual Builder page designer trying t…
comment section mandatory in helpdesk request pageSummary: when user close the request comment box opens to enter the purpose of closing the request .how to make that comment box as mandatory field Content (please ensur…
Enabling SMS with HR Help Desk RedwoordSummary: Hello Experts, Have you enabled the SMS with HR Help Desk Redwood version, business need the SMS functionality enabled by which employee can raise SR with SMS a…
Hide/show fields condition not working on Case Management formSummary: Hide/show fields condition not working on Case Management form Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using the following the docum…
How to assign Help desk request from email to specific category ?Summary: Email is configured and HRHD SR can be created from email. Using Assignment rule, we can direct a SR to specific queue. But the category remains blank. How to a…
We are trying to implement Collaborate with Microsoft TeamsSummary: We are trying to implement Collaborate with Microsoft Teams from the 23A Implementation Guide. Step 2 says Create a MS Teams App - search for App Studio - App S…
Case Management - Meeting Details in OTBI ReportHi We need to display the Meeting details captured in the Cases in Case Management Page. I didn't find any fields in OTBI CRM/Helpdesk Case Management Real Time Subject …
How to restrict the org - asset combination while creating the Internal Help Desk Service RequestSummary: We have use Sandbox to add custom field Org Id as mandatory field while creating Internal Help Desk Service Request through help from Support through SR 3-35602…
How to enabled custom field Location Department dynamic LOV in Case ManagementSummary: How to enabled custom field Location Department dynamic LOV in Case Management Hi All, We want to bring location and department of impacted employee (Primary Co…
Assigned To field is empty in HR HelpdeskSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Absence Records link in HRHD Smart NavigatorHi guys, I've noticed that the Absence Records link in the Smart Navigator isn't working. I've raised an SR but I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? Version …
Is Redwood Knowledge the standard My Knowledge tool for Next Gen HR Help Desk?Summary: We need to understand what My Knowledge will look like and how it will work with Next Gen HR Help Desk. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Applying List binding LOV_StatusCdHRHDWe are getting the following error, please note that we are trying to enable the redwood feature Mass update for HRHD. Any tips or has anyone encountered the same issue?…
While making changes in VBS, it is getting deployed but are being removed after some timeSummary: I have added custom fields on a page and published it. Its showing there temporarily. When I close the page and open it again, changes are being removed from th…
Case Type menu to produce a set of values using choice menuSummary: I want to create a choice list for the case type. I have been trying to do this in Visual Builder but with no success. For instance when a Case Type such as Dis…
In Visual Builder I want to set up the Case Type Look Up field to display specific buttonsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Visual Builder I want to set up the Case Type Look Up field so that when each value is selecte…
Groovy script to notify agent when request is updatedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My groovy script is supposed to send a bell/email notification to agents when their request is up…
Calendar field is not allowing for Action Plan template creationSummary: I am trying to create an Action Plan which will be produced in a case. However I can not set the calendar field when I go into Setup and Maintenance > Service >…
Automatically trigger Escalate to Case Smart ActionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there anyway to automatically trigger the Escalate to Case smart action once the HR Help Desk …
Redwood - HR Help Desk - Send Notification when Milestone is nearing - Object Workflow trigger issueSummary: I followed all the steps mentioned in the below doc, and i could not see any notification getting triggered. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…