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Service Logistics
Discussion List
Manage Work Orders and Charges page remains blankSummary: Manage Work Orders and Charges page remains blank. Work orders created are not displayed and not be searched from any search option. We are using common user in…
Access to see, update and post Field Service DebriefsSummary: Any field service administrator to see, update and post Field Service Debriefs for a Work Area. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): W…
Why the Business Unit is defaulting on Manage Charges and Estimate page?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Manage Charges and Estimates page shows the default Business Unit whereas the work orders belong …
Can we use dummy Install base in generic Work OrderSummary: Can we use dummy Install base in generic Work Order Content (required): We have a requirement where business is unable to provide correct install base number wh…
How to add attachments in Manage Charges and Estimates UISummary: Need to add attachments in Manage Charges and Estimates UI Content (required): We need to record customer acceptance of the estimates. Thus, we want to upload t…
Estimates to be posted into sales order for billingSummary: Estimated charges to be posted into sales order, instead of actual charges getting posted for billing. Content (required): In Service Logistics, We are entering…
how to do parts exchnage for assets which is linked with extended Warranty type .Summary: Hi Team, We are follwing this Process for Assets with Included Warranty Subscription which Works fine . Created Service Request Header with Parent Product Order…
Can Service Logistics Work without Service Cloud?Oracle Service Cloud is not licensed while Maintenance Cloud and Field Service are in scope, Team is thinking to build custom Service request and work order objects to m…
24A Service Logistics RoadmapReview our latest roadmap for Service Logistics
How to add Attachment Object in Manage Charges and Estimates PageSummary: How to add Attachment Object in Manage Charges and Estimates Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Service Logistics "Manage Ch…
Unable to Create Part RequirementSummary: In Service Logistics --> Manage Part Requirements, system is throwing below error when clicking on Order button. Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
REST API for Projects and Tasks to post the Debrief LinesSummary: We are using Service Logistics REST service debriefs/{debriefHeaderId}/child/lines in OIC program to create Debrief Transactions in Service Logistics > Manage C…
Shipping Method LOV is null in Edit SR -> Part Details tabSummary: Edit SR → Part Details (tab) → Create a new SAC, choose a SAC with Business Process as Depot Repair Logistics. The Shipping Method LOV for Shipment Service Acti…
Bill To Account is empty in Edit SR -> Part Details tabSummary: This is an issue only in a newly configured POD, but not in other PODs in the same customer site. The Bill To Account site LOV does not show any LOV when I add …
How can I create/add infolets on Service Logistics landing page?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to push Descriptive Flexfields Information from Manage Charges Screen to Order ManagementWe are trying to store additional information related to Debrief Header Attributes in RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADER_DFF Table Debrief Line Attributes in RCL_DEBRIEF_LINE_DFF Table …
Destination Organization Has no Value in Part RequirementSummary: While trying to create part requirement in service logistics with type (Replenish Technician Trunk Stock), No destination organization appears. Content (please …
How to stop Subscription/warranty contracts getting applied automatically on service charges.Summary: We have requirement that if field service technician finds out that there is physical damage or user created damage and it should not be covered in any contract…
Currency in Charges tab under Manage Charges and Estimates PageSummary: Do we have an API to Update the Currency in the Charges tab under Manage Charges and Estimates Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Not able to enter more serial numbers on transfer/return screenSummary: when we select the serial part to transfer/return, system is not showing quantity field and only allowing single serial number to select from the LOV. If techni…
Ability to maintain same serial number for child assetsHi users, We want to know if it is possible to maintain the same serial number for different child assets of a parent asset (items will be different for the child assets…
Coverage Discount is not applying on RMA Work OrderI have defined Coverage Level Discounts on certain Service Activity, Created Subscription in Subscription management, add the Warranty Item create in Product information…
How to pre default Service Activity Type in the Add Labour / Expenses / Parts DetailSummary Navigation: Service -> Service Request -> Work Order -> Charges Sub tabs : Labour / Parts Details / Expenses While trying to add record, expecting to auto popula…
Can customization be done for service logistics object?Summary:What kind of customization can be done in Fusion service logistics object? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…
Is the Integration between Service Logistics and B2B planned in any upcoming Oracle future release?Summary: Is the integration between Service Logistics and B2B planned to be delivered in any upcoming oracle future release? The asset and Bill-To fields are editable in…
Hi Experts, having a requirement to send debrief estimates to Service request contacts.Summary: I am unable to get joins between debriefs(depot repair ) , Service request and RMA orders .I tried joining RCL_DEBRIEF_HEADERS. parent_entity_id with RCL_PARTS_…
Is there a native way to link an FA created in Projects to the Install Base ID of the item issued?Summary: If an asset is received into stock and an Install Base record is created, the item is issued against a project work order and that project creates a fixed asset…
Unable to see Subscription Number in Depot Repair Workbench.Summary Unable to see Subscription Number in Depot Repair Workbench.Content Hi, In Subscription Management module we have defined Subscription for an Asset Number and we…
How to identify Warranty Coverage in Depot Repair WorkbenchSummary: We have created a Sales Order for performing the Repair Work on a Product. How can we identify the Warranty Coverage of the Product/Serial Number and accordingl…
Can we put order in draft status from SR?Summary: While pushing the sales order from the B2B Service Request, the order directly goes to OM. Is there any way we can put the order in draft status from the Servic…