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Service Logistics
Discussion List
Unable to bill resources with resource instances at the time of Service order debriefSummary: We are unable to bill Resource with resource instances at the time of Service Order debrief in Service Logistics even when price list has been defined for these…
Post charges - Parts Returned not sending to Costing TransactionsSummary: We are posting charges by debriefing parts used. Included install and deinstall of parts. Parts installed is going to Costing module in the cost accounting txn,…
SAC with Fixed Charge Billing Type and Zero Charge do not Show up in Add Fixed Charge PopupSummary: I have created a SAC FS_FOC_TRAVEL attached to Billing Type Fixed Charge. It has Zero Charge checkbox checked. The Billing Type setup for Fixed Charge is also c…
Api required for OM->Service Logistics->Manage Work Order and Charges (Labor and Parts)Summary: Api required for Manage Work Order and Charges Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I need APIs for for OM->Service Logistics->Man…
Date for getting applicable discounts from SubscriptionsSummary: Let's say; Today's date is 27-Jun-24. There is an Asset A231 which has a subscription (included warranty) that was active from 24-Jun-2023 to 23-Jun-2024. There…
Part Requirements - one-time shipping addressSummary Part Requirements - one-time shipping addressContent For PR shipping address, I don't see option to specify one-time address. This is needed if technician wants …
Service Logistics - Pricing Integration PresentationSummary Overview of how Service Logistics calculates Service Charges using Pricing CloudContent Overview of how Service Logistics calculates Service Charges using Pricin…
Custom Object Update via REST APISummary: Custom Object Update via REST API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We created a Custom Object and want to access this Custom Objec…
Mass upload of service activities in service logistics LOVWe have 3,300 service activities to be uploaded in oracle fusion there is no REST API with POST Function, no FBDI and ADFDI is there anyway to bulk upload these service …
Best Approach to Define the Service org in Oracle CloudSummary: Am looking for what is the best practices to define a Service Org in Cloud? Why am asking is in Inventory org parameters setup there is a options logistics serv…
Assets covered under multiple subscriptionsSummary: I have an asset that may have an included warranty (that is active on the day of the service) and the customer has also bought an extended warranty which is als…
Adjustment is applied twice in ChargesSummary: In the charges, I noticed adjustment is applied twice. Do you know why? Content (required): Here is the test case - Create a subscription for asset#100. In the …
OSS job to enable Parts requirement on Redwood pageSummary: Please confirm the OSS job to be run to enable Parts requirement redwood page in service logistics. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Item field blank in DebriefSummary: I created a Debrief manually with a Third Party Work Order. I chose the right BU, the right Technician, the right Customer and an Asset belonging to this custom…
Best practice for Contingent worker field service technician and costing billing for such resourceSummary: Client will like to know how contingent worker fields service technician works in OOTB Oracle fusion. How they should created? whether they should be created as…
Debriefing Labor Hours for Technician temporarily working for different RegionSummary: Hi Experts, We have a Business case where Field Service Engineer who belongs to a Particular Inventory Org (Manage Field Technician in Service Logistics), eg: S…
Return Transaction of Inventory IssuanceSummary: After an Inventory Item is utilized in a Field Service Activity, progresses through debriefing and completion stages, and a corresponding transaction is created…
Share as PDF functionality for custom plugin developed in OFSCSummary: We are currently facing a persistent issue with the Field Service Report, which was created using a plugin. This report features a SHARE option intended for sha…
Manage Work Orders and Charges Debrief List Access ControlSummary: The Debrief Charges are submitted by Field Technicians who are working for different Business Units. How can the Field Administrator access in Manage Work Order…
Error Work Order - You must enter valid locator segments.Summary: When posting charges from Manage Debrief Charges and Estimates page for a Work Order, it display the following Error: Error Work Order - You must enter valid lo…
User can submit charges from WO UI but not using REST APISummary: User can submit charges from WO UI but not using REST API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User with Job Role "Customer Service Re…
Can I set WoNumber field when I POST /crmRestApi/resources/ Unable to set WoNumber field while posting /crmRestApi/resources/ Content (required): We are importing ServiceMax Work Order with …
Converting Depot Repair through Import Management or FBDI from EBS 11iWe are converting data from Oracle EBS 11i to Oracle Cloud. Would like to understand how Depot Repair and all related objects (Service Requests, RMA and Work Orders) can…
Required column mappings for the below mentioned entities from the UISummary: 1. UI Navigation : Service Page > Details Page > Audit History Required column : Modified Object 2. UI Navigation : Service Page > Details Page > Audit History …
PricingSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment.Summary: what is the frequency of oracle doing back up of the environment. The business is asking for the frequecy of doing backup in oracle fusion instance. Content (pl…
How to lock and unlock assets from UI and API?Summary: Hi team, We want to lock an asset so that others cannot make update to it when we are doing any changes, and we need this functionality from both UI and API, I …
Accounting Setup for Service Work OrderSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am looking for a document which explains accounting setups for service work orders. We are usin…
Generate Preventive Maintenance Generic Service Order for Customer AssetSummary: Hi All We are executing the Preventive Maintenance Flow for Customer Assets leveraging Service Logistics, Maintenance Cloud, B2B Service. we are following the b…
Unable to view the data when doing a blank search in Manage Part RequirementsWe have created a custom role that includes the access to create part requirements under service logistics (Navigator>Order Management>Service Logistics>Task Pane>Manage…