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Add business logic on Submit button of RequisitionSummary: Add custom business logic behind the Submit button of a Requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, We're looking at the …
What role is needed to see “request new supplier” option?Summary: Content (required): All of our users have the advanced procurement requestor role and do not have access to the task “request new supplier” under more tasks on …Farah Zekria 462 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition workflow stages / prioritySummary: We are currently using Header Postapproval Parallel First Responder wins for Central Audit, which is an approval group with seven individuals. We recently have …Melissa Stewart 45 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa Stewart Self Service Procurement
What will be status of Requisition in parallel Approval processSummary: What will be status of Requisition in parallel Approval (eg. 3 Approvers) if first one Approve ,second reject ,third Approve Content (required): What will be st…
How to check requisition approval hierarchyI am needing help regarding the Requisition approval hierarchy. In our approval group called "SCLH Buyer Group For Expedite and General With Buyer Assistance" We have a …Denver Monteith 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Tuteur-Oracle Self Service Procurement
PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Summary PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Content Hi, We are getting below error message while trying to deploy approval rules in PR. After checki…
Ability to Disable the DocumentOpenFYI Notification for Specific Users and Business Units.Summary: We have a requirement to Disable the DocumentOpenFYI Notification for Specific Users and Business Units in Oracle Procurement Cloud .We know that the DocumentOp…
How can we reassign pending supplier approvals in bulk?Summary: The user with whom the approvals are pending has already resigned and he has more than 350 suppliers registration/profile change pending approval from his side,…
Subinventory condition for ReqApproval BPM rulesHi Team, We are trying to use the condition for requisition approval based in Subinventory. ReqLineDimension.destinationSubinventory But it is not considering this rule.…Sudhan-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Knowledge Article: How to extract Approval Group detailsSummary How do I get details on Approval Groups to use in an OTBI constructContent Customers / Support This has also been something that has been asked on a reasonably f…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 184 views 3 comments 11 points Most recent by User_M8WSI Self Service Procurement
Use case to use ignoreParticipant vs Auto Approver in Rule's ActionSummary: We have a requirement where invoices from a specific source should be auto approved. No approval should be required for those invoices. We already have some rul…
requester change order shows approvals needed but auto approvesSummary: When creating a requester change order the view approvals show multiple approvers are needed but auto-approves when submitted any suggestions on why this is hap…Cynthia Lucero 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
change approval group and pending approval documents without disruptionSummary: We need to update the approval groups in Oracle Fusion Cloud and ensure that the changes apply to existing requisitions. Specifically: How can we modify approva…Ariel Blanco 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
PO Approval should be sent to MD of requester departmentSummary: Hello, We currently use a supervisory approval structure for Purchase Order (PO) approvals up to level 2. However, we need to implement a process where POs abov…
How to configure rule in BPM which differentiate change order generated from initiating sourceSummary: I want to configure condition in BPM where if a Document change order generated from integration it should trigger for approval while if change order is initiat…
Adding Requisition Creator condition in BPM Requisition Approval RuleSummary: Hello experts. We need to create a condition that includes the Requisition Creator in BPM Requisition Approval rule. I can´t find this field to create the - if,…AlbertoSobalvarro 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by AlbertoSobalvarro Self Service Procurement
Purchase requisition pending approvers namesHow can we get the list of pending approvers for a purchase requisition, we need the current and future approver names like how it is shown in Document history page in U…
Unable to Cancel Purchase Requisition because "a transfer order is being created" errorSummary: Unable to Cancel Purchase Requisition because "a transfer order is being created" error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…Devendra Thota 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Skip Approvals based on two conditionsSummary: We want to skip existing approvals if either of the condition is satisfied. If the Req header level attribute 14 is not null or Req is created from a specific s…Sujatha Kumari 53 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Naresh Babu-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is an FBDI template to load requisition approval rules in the Oracle pipeline?I have just checked the Oracle documentation for 24D but noticed that there is still no FBDI available to load requisition approval rules. Most clients approval rules co…Ade Kassim-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition Line level Approvals for Different Approval Limits based on line amountContent Hi, The requisition has multiple lines and each line has a different line amount than the requirement is to route the approval for each line to the respective ap…
How to Setup PR approval Reminder to be on weekdays only and execlude the weekendsWe enabled PR approval Remender to repear every 2 days after assignment, but this is making the reminder sent during weekends. So how to make it only sent during Weekday…
Prohibit Self Approval When single person in Approval GroupWe are prohibiting Self Approval on Requisitions but got an issue / question around it Our Setup is Prohibit Self Approval - Ticked Pre-Approval - Auto Approval Header A…
Responsive Self Service Desktop Application - Edit Requisition Link for ApproverHi All To test 24C Patch Feature -Modify Requisitions as an Approver, i have performed below steps, however i am facing issues, pls advised. A) Steps: Created New Role f…
In BPM worklist, what are "other rules" and can you set them up for other users?Summary: In BPM worklist there is a tab called "other rules" and when clicking on it it has a drop down for user/group, and then an empty space for the user or group nam…Melissa UCM 500 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Vitória Albuquerque Self Service Procurement
Purchase requisition to be approved serially or in parallel according to the cost center allocationSummary: Is it possible for a purchase requisition to be approved serially or in parallel according to the cost center allocation? Content (please ensure you mask any co…Wilson V Lauer 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition Approval based on Capitalizable FlagSummary Approval rule fails to add approval group to workflow with Capitalizable condition YesContent Created requisition approval rule using condition attribute "Projec…
Can we write approval rule based on document style for PO in BPM?Can we write approval rule based on document style for PO in BPM
Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Summary Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Content Hi all, Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 19B
Requisition Approval Rule Based On Deliver-to Location Type =One TimeSummary:Requisition Approval Rule Based On Deliver-to Location Type =One Time Content: We want a certain single approver to approve rules for "One Time" Locations (Deliv…