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Oracle Web Chat for Service (WCFS) Engagement Engine for Fusion Service ChatSummary: Hi, We are trying setup Oracle Web Chat for Service (WCFS) with Oracle Engagement Engine for the "DCS Portal" for Fusion B2B Service. We followed the documentat…AparajitMalliJawaharBapu 92 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Petra Bikkembergs - Oracle Product manager DCS-Oracle Digital Customer Service
how can we configure the dynamic from address in Service cloud messages objectWe have a requirement to send the mail's to end user's from dynamic from address based on Business Unit. We are able to change the channel Name only by following below d…
Outbound Emails from Service Request Not Received by RecipientsSummary: We are encountering an intermittent issue where outbound emails sent from Oracle Fusion Service Request to external recipients via the Smart Actions "Compose Me…
Create a Contact and Account Record When a Case is Created Using Inbound MailSummary: Create a Contact and Account Record When a Case is Created Using Inbound Mail Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The requirement is …
send sms when SR is resolvedSummary: Hi Team, I have a requirement to send SMS notifications when a service request is resolved. While exploring the application, I noticed an SMS channel listed und…
Getting attached error while importing party site uses through bulk FBDISummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Getting attached error while importing party site uses through bulk FBDI.
Is it possible to create new/custom actionable infolets for FIN/SCM module ?We are trying to create an Custom Actionable Infolet, so that we can add actions (ex. Create, Submit PO/Requisition). But as off now there is only one option available f…
Assign Category for SRs coming from Email ChannelSummary: When inquries are sent to mailbox, an SR is created without a Category value. What can be done to auto-populate the Category with a specific value depending on …
Chat for B2B Fusion ServiceSummary: All I need is to enable Chat in Fusion B2B Fusion Service. I followed and enabled all the profile options mentioned - 1) Enabled Omnichannel Routing and Chat fe…AparajitMalliJawaharBapu 99 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Reeta S-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Oracle fusion Service CTI Integration Implementation IssuesSummary: While Implementing the CTI Integration with third party we faced the below Issues and concerns. If anyone faced the same challenge or having insights on below c…
set up visibility for queue based on business unitContent We want to modify the arrival page of the queue management for managers, the idea is that they can only see the queues that are related to their own business uni…SUUM Technologies 72 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to create B2B SR through Inbound Email?Summary: Hello Experts, can anyone share setup document to crate B2B Service Request with Inbound email? Content (required): We are planning to utilize Service Request m…Umer Khitab 81 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Telephony integration in Service Center with the Redwood User Experience using UI Events FrameworkTelephony partners and Systems Implementers can leverage the UI Events framework to integrate the media toolbar in Service Center with the Redwood User Experience. UEF (…
How to fix error (SVC-5295359) and (SVC-5295360)Summary: I wanted to convert an specific email to create SRs in helpdesk. I created a channel for this email address. Create auto routing rules to route any emails to th…
How to update the SR record when a customer replies to an email or update on DCSSummary How to update the SR record when a customer replies to an email or update on DCSContent There is not an out of the box way for an SR field or status to get updat…User_2025-02-03-19-47-52-460 73 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by AMIT KUMAR YADAV Fusion Service
Sending an Outbound message via groovySummary: Hi, Is it possible to send an outbound message from a service request using groovy? Basically, we want to automate some outbound messages on the click of a butt…
Triggering Queue notification to all Resource Member of respective queueSummary: Service Request - Notification to all the Resource members of the respective queue. Content :We want to send the bell & mail notification to all the Resource me…Mohammed Waseem Akram S 92 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Melinda Uhland-Oracle Fusion Service
How to prepoulate value in additional email address while composing responseSummary: Hello , We have a requirment when we are sening response message from SR>Messages, we want set to address with a custom filed in SR which stores email id.could …Vadla Sudheer 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendra More-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to Migrate the Translated Lookup values from one instance to other?Hi Team, We have created the customer lookup which has 2500 records, we translated those values using the translate icon, and after translating the values we can see in …
IVR recommendation for B2B CTIDoes anyone have any recommendation for which IVR to be used with B2B CTI ?
Transfer call via fusion CTI MCA Api to outside call centerOnce the call routed to fusion via CTI MCA Api and agent is handling the call, can the agent then transfer the call to another call center outside of fusion?
How to integrate third party chat with oracle sales and serviceSummary: When a chat is received in third party chat application we ideally want to Open contact upon contact verification, like OOB live chat work.Also looking for chat…
how can we configure multiple outbound email channels for sending outbound messages from B2BServiceSummary: how can we configure multiple outbound email channels for sending outbound messages from B2BService . Scenario is if the response is from a different Service Re…
how to eliminate the field to get capture from business event in to eliminate the field to get capture from business event in OIC
How to create an analysis of SVC_CHAT_MESSAGE table?I would like to create a report/analysis with data fetched from this table, filter it, sort it, etc. I wasn't able to find the OOTB subject area for this table, so I'm g…Calin Pavel 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anand DN-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service
Inbound Email - Service RequestHi, When we send inbound email, system creates Service Request, sends acknowledge email to primary contact. When primary contact replies to the email, it is not getting …
Next Gen HR Help Desk Ticket Creation Through Email Not WorkingSummary: We are implementing NextGen HR Help desk and enabled profile options to create ticket through email but while testing I have noticed tickets are created for Cla…
how to set a channel by default when the agent open the SR?With the new implementation of redwood for HRHD we are not being able to leave the "email" channel set by default as the first option when the agent views the assigned S…
How to automatically create a service request when chat endsIn this how-to article, we demonstrate how to automatically create a service request and link it to the interaction when a chat ends. This can be achieved by combining a…