Feature Kit
Discussion List
Can anyone share the link for 25 A release notes for finance?Can anyone share the link for 25 A release notes for finance? As the link that we are checking, there we can not see much update in AP, GL etc. Oracle Fusion Cloud Finan…
Unable to Submit SR in New UI of Oracle SupportIn the new Support UI launched yesterday (11/11/24), we are unable to raise the SRs as the 'Next ' button stops appearing by the end of the questionnaire. There is no fu…
Is it possible to create new/custom actionable infolets for FIN/SCM module ?We are trying to create an Custom Actionable Infolet, so that we can add actions (ex. Create, Submit PO/Requisition). But as off now there is only one option available f…
Email Daily Quota by using object workflowSummary: Hi, i have a requirement to send massive email for email campaigns. I know i can use application composer and object workflow to achieve this Now, what would be…
Can we create new column via sandbox to display DFFs/EFFs in the front page?I'm looking to create a new column via the sandbox environment in Oracle Fusion to display Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) and Extensible Flexfields (EFFs) on the front pa…Omran Zeaiter 29 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to maintain font style as "Calibri" in CX?Summary: Currently in outlook we are following font style as "Calibri" however the same is not added in CX. So please let us know how can we change the font style in cx.…
How to enable Format painter option in Service request object?Format painter option is not enabled hence we are unable to maintain the font style and font colour in service request. Kindly please let us know how to add format paint…
customized configuration for service logistics and subscriptionHi There, we want cutomized Service request page to display the subscription related to the asset we have choose in service request and also shows the history of subscri…
Is there a document available to provide details about the Authoring Classic in Knowledge?Summary: I would like to know if there is any document available explaining the features of Authoring Classic and Authoring under Knowledge. Content (please ensure you m…
How to provide feedback on Oracle B2B -knowledge article ?Summary: How to provide feedback on Oracle B2B -knowledge article ? Content (required): We know that end users can rate the articles. Whether users can submit feedback/r…
23D Feature for reversing transfer to subledgerIt has been announced that in 23D update we will be provided with the option to reverse the transfer to subledger process. Do anyone have any guidance for the feature an…
Assign as a resource a non-worker in help deskWe have a non-worker who needs to be assigned as a resource. When assigned, it is not found, only the Employee, Contingent Worker and Partner Contact values are availabl…
Full text indexing jobs are in B2B KnowledgeSummary: Full text indexing jobs are in B2B Knowledge Content (required): We see Knowledge search and content batch job and can schedule it but don’t see any jobs for fu…
B2B KM article deep link frames are not working OFSC integrationSummary: B2B KM article deep link frames are not working OFSC integration Content (required): Our Client is looking for following requirement on relational DB with artic…
CKeditor/RTeditor featuresSummary: CKeditor/RTeditor features Content (required): Any document to learn about Rich text editor in B2B service. Requirement: Let say article A is parent article and…
Offline article content feasiblity on no network areaSummary: Offline article content feasiblity on no network area Content (required): Is there product capablities for Offline article content feasiblity where there is no …
Requirement for getting an article directly on search with ID or code relational DB in B2B-KMSummary: Requirement for getting an article directly on search with ID or code relational DB in B2B-KM Content (required): DSA has it's own knowledge data base (relation…
External collection - Collection with authentication is not working.Summary: External collection - Collection with authentication is not working. Content (required): External collection: can we add enternal respository data to B2B knowle…
Notification /email notifications on knowledge articles.Summary: Notification /email notifications on knowledge articles. Content (required): Whether a feature to notify user on actions like create, update, publish of an arti…
Inteligent Facet in My Knowledge page - B2B KMSummary: Inteligent Facet in My Knowledge page - B2B KM Content (required): Like we have facet in left panel of OFSC knowledge search (with document type, Collection, pr…
Article visibility restriction in OFSC based on user groupSummary: Article visibility restriction in OFSC based on user group Content (required): Like article visibility restriction using User groups in B2B Knowledge whether we…
Whether an external tool/engine can work/run for generating recommended article in Service request?Summary: Whether an external tool/engine can work/run for generating recommended article in Service request? Content (required): Whether an external tool/engine can work…
Need the ability to assign/tag a knowledge article with one or more keywords.Summary: Need the ability to assign/tag a knowledge article with one or more keywords. Content (required): Is there any option to tag a knolwdge article to one or more k…
Does product allow follow/subscribe capabilities of articles for user and get notificationsSummary: Does product allow follow/subscribe capabilities of articles for user and get notifications Content (required): Does product allow follow capabilities of articl…
Priority set to attributes in article for searchSummary: Priority set to attributes in article for search Content (required): If specific priority can be set to obtain search results for e.g. Title should be higher pr…
How the knowledge search works?Summary: How the knowledge search works? Content (required): Whether knowledge search indexing happens on all the attributes in article? Knowledge Search with Product , …
Logic of Recommended articles in Service request of B2B service cloudSummary: Logic of Recommended articles in Service request of B2B service cloud Content (required): What is the current logic (fields used) to generate recommend articles…
Ability to collect feedback after a service request has been closedSummary After a service request has been closed, it would be good to have a feedback system that can be triggered to collect feedback from the clientContent Looking for …
how to Import LOV into applicationContent Hi, I have to create a field with LOV which having number of lists. Is there any option to import the Lookuptype and Lookup code through file import? If anyon aw…
Service – Simplify the Agent Experience While Not Compromising the Face of Your Brand, 9 February 20Content Submit your questions for the Service – Simplify the Agent Experience While Not Compromising the Face of Your Brand session to have them answered during the live…