Setup and Maintenance
Discussion List
Sales – Workspace for CX Sales - Office Hours, 30 July 2020, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Workspace for CX Sales - Office Hours session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a…
Not able to create new Saved searchSummary I want to create a new saved search with new set of fields and by setting some values in them.But I am not seeing the option to do that
Manage Sales Lead Channel TypeSummary Show and Hide the Channel Type List based on certain criteriasContent Hi We are using Standard field (ChannelType) when creating a sales Lead, the field is a cho…
Runtime Messages are not workingSummary Runtime Messages are not working even after putting println statements in groovyContent Hi, Runtime Messages are not working even after putting println statement…
Saels Lead Audit Trail (Lead Change History)Summary We enable the Auditing of Sales Leads but it doesn't work.Content We have this requirement that we need to audit some fields in Sales Lead and Sales Lead Product…
Search Criteria in Searching Leads in Activity objectSummary I want to add more fields as search criteria in searching Leads in Activity object.Content I want to add fields as search criteria when searching and selecting a…
Showing Leads in Lead Landing PageSummary We want to maximize the list being displayed under Leads' Landing page.Content We want to maximize the list being displayed under the Leads' Landing page. Curren…
Unable to Use Excel MacroSummary Import Error in Win10 64BitContent Hi Friends, Need your supports on importing the macro file in Win10 64Bit Unable to Use Excel Macro getting - "Compile error i…
How to do a patch on Child Object using REST APISummary I want to change the Primary Address fields on Contact associated with Lead using REST API .How to register webservice for that and how to utilise that in Groovy…
How to trigger an action on association of Product with Product GroupSummary Hi, I want to call Rest API which will send the Product Group Id to other application when Product is associated with Product Group through Manage Product Group …
Can we stop primary Contact address population on Lead Contact address fieldsSummary How to stop Primary Contact address fields population on Lead Contact fieldsContent Hi, Can we stop Primary Contact address fields from getting populated in Cont…ABordia 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Bodhisattwa Mukherjee-Oracle Incentive Compensation
Ho to retrieve immediate product group associated with Product using groovySummary I am creating a formula field in Product and I want to retrieve immediate product Group Id associated with the Product and store that in formula field whenever p…
Cannot View Data in OTBISummary Only Sales Manager can view the Opty Rev but not VP and Salesperson.Content In our setup, we have two Organizations setup: * VP [Org A] * Sales Manager [Org B] *…
Disabling Activity Status valuesSummary I just want to disable values in Activity status but I cannot untick it.Content We have our values for the Activity Status field and we're not going to use the e…
Sales – Setup Assistant and Quick Import Macros: Office Hours June 2020, 16 June 2020, 8 a.m. PT - SContent Submit your questions for the Sales – Setup Assistant and Quick Import Macros: Office Hours June 2020 session to have them answered during the live event. Post y…
Difference between ProductGroupItemId ,ProductGroupId, ItemCatalogGroupid columnsSummary Difference between ProductGroupItemId ,ProductGroupId, ItemCatalogGroupid columnsContent Hi I have exported ProductGroupItem data and Product data from export ma…
How to update the legal entity of a Sales Resource userSummary Unable to update the Legal Entity of a sales resourceContent Hi, I tried to update the legal entity of a sales resource through file based approach and webservic…
SQL Predicate to filter AccountsSummary I want to filter accounts during search in Sales Lead via SQL Predicate.Content We have 2 kinds of Account, Master/Parent Accounts and Child Accounts. We used a …
Advanced SearchSummary I want to create a personalized saved search via script.Content Hi All, Can I create a personalized saved search via groovy script? Hope you can help me. Thanks
Sales Admin with Multi BU accessContent Hi, We have multiple BUs in our implementation. Sales Rep & Sales Manager can view their Oppty & Lead only based on the Org Structure. Now we want to provide all…
CAn I retrieve product information using SOAP in Oracle sales cloudSummary Retrieve product information using SOAPContent I need a web service which retrieves the product information from OSC. I want to retrieve any random product using…
Competitor - Other BU's OpportunitiesContent Hi, Sales Rep can view the other BU's opportunities in Competitor -> Opportunities tab. How to restrict that one? Thanks, Mohan Version 20A
How to Invoke ESS Job from Object function/Global Function groovy scriptContent How to Invoke ESS Job from Object function/Global Function groovy script? I have configured this service https:///fscmService/ErpIntegrationService?WSDL under we…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 158 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle Sales
Lead AssignmentContent Hello Community Members, Can we assign leads in Round Robin fashion? suppose there are 4 leads and 3 sales reps then leads should be assigned as : lead 1 - Sales…
Notification for Bounce back emails for Service moduleSummary Notification for Bounce back emails for Service moduleContent Hi Our customer is expecting the bounce back email when the email has not reached to the end custom…
Fetch Accounting Calendar Details via Groovy/WebserviceSummary Fetch Accounting Calendar Details via Groovy/WebserviceContent Do we have any methods to fetch Accounting Calendar Details via Groovy/Webservices [SOAP/REST] in …Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle Sales
Customer Data Management - Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud)Summary Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud) suggestionsContent What things should be avoided or given caution to with regards to Oracle Customer Experienc…
WorkspaceSummary Enabling Workspace for the customerContent Hi, Would like to know the steps to enable workspace for our customer. pls advise. Version 19DUser_2025-02-06-07-25-24-970 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-07-25-24-970 Sales
Sum Total Row Level in Sales Cloud ReportSummary Show only total and hide rows in report output Sales CloudContent We have a report as Table output view. We want to sum at row level and then total at bottom by …
Contact restrictionSummary Is it possible to restrict the visibility of contacts and that the user can only see the contacts in which he owns?Content Hi, We want that users can only be abl…