Benefits Employee Self Service
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How to hide “Beneficiary Organizations” region/section on “People to Cover” Redwood Page?Summary: On the Redwood UI Page for "People to Cover", we intend to hide the "Beneficiary Organisation" section as it is not applicable for our implemented countries. Bu…
Benefits: How to void potential life events in mass?Summary: Hello, Is there a way to void or delete these potential life events in mass? We want these 2 potential life events to be deleted in mass as every employee has t…
Unable to add Custom Email Address/HR Help Desk Link under "Need Help? Contact us" OptionHello Team, We have a requirement to add a custom email address or HR Help Desk link under the "Need Help" option, which is currently available under the Me > Benefits p…
How to hide the additional info section on the people top cover page in the benefits self service.Summary: Unable to find the' Rule' option in the VB. Trying to hide the whole additional info section on the people top cover page in the benefits self service. Can some…
unable to see the life event under the Self-reported life eventSummary: Employee has reported a life event from the self-service and is in the submitted state. Admin can see number 1 under self-reported life events in the overview s…
New Hire Benefit Life event did not trigger automaticallySummary: We have a new hire recently and the new hire life event did not trigger automatically. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Only one e…
Restrict user from adding Provider during life eventHI, The user is able to add a provider whenever there is a life event. Is there any chance to block the user from adding the Provider to the system? Please let me know. …
If medical coverage is waived, Tobacco/Tobacco User should not allow any option.Summary: If medical coverage is waived, Tobacco/Tobacco User should not allow any option (EE Only, EE and Spouse, Spouse Only) to be selected. This is a premium surcharg…
Deleted life events are showing on the Redwood benefits pageSummary: We turned on the Redwood benefits page and noticed that employees are able to see deleted life events. The delete life event also stops employees from taking th…
How to customize the Redwood Benefits Enrollment Summary "cards" on Self Service Landing pageHow to customize which enrollments "cards" and how many enrollments "cards" are shown within the Redwood Benefits Self Service Landing page, Enrollment Summary section? …
Will 25B include adding a Guided Journey at the section level (not page level)?Summary: We would like to add a guided journey at each train stop in the enrollment process. Is this functionality coming in VBS?
Hide "Total Cost per Pay Period" Section in Benefits Enrollment Summary PageSummary: Hide "Total Cost per Pay Period" Section in Benefits Enrollment Summary Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello all, Per our c…
Loss of Eligibility Fast formula failing for plan with 6 tiers of coverageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a plan which has 6 tiers of coverage , each of them having 4 options, EE, Employee + Spou…
Can we hide selections on New Life Event in VBSSummary: When I edit the Report a Life Event" in VBS I am not getting any options to hide the selections under Whom this life Event is for. Is this possible? I did see a…
Demographic Info section unavailable in People cover page(Redwood)Hi Team , i'm unable to see demographic section in Redwood page , could you please guide me how to enable them using vbs Thank you, Pragati
Unable to add a life event through "Report a Life Event" page.We are using the REDWOOD UI for the "Report a Life Event" page. While trying to add the life event through the page, we got the error as shown in the attached screenshot.
Few Links missing under actions (Benefits Summary Page)Hi Team , We are unable to see highlighted actions in benefits summary page (Redwood) , could you please assist us in finding the reason why it is invisble and how to ma…
Redwood Demographic Info sect unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits pageSummary: Redwood: Demographic Info section unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Benefits Redwood: On Demo Environment, getting issue for benefits relationshipHello, The benefits relationship already exist for many countries on demo. When going to the page my client groups > benefits summary, we're getting the following issue:…
Can you create a custom Self-Service Grouping on a Benefits Life EventIs it possible to create a custom Self-Service Grouping in the Benefits Module on a Life Event? We are testing Redwood Benefits. We have Life Events that are applicable …
uploading a document like a birth cert. when reviewing document, it's the employee's payslip.Hi Team, As one of our customers facing issue as when Benefits admin uploaded birth certificate as part of a status change event as the employee. once uploaded, they wen…
How to stop adding multiple spouses to the Benefits People to Cover section?Can we make it so that if there is already a contact with a “Spouse” relationship in the employee’s contact list, they cannot add another contact with a “Spouse” relatio…Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle Human Capital Management
Employee rate based on dependent countSummary: I have a requirement to populate employee rate based on the dependent count. we can use Rate value calculation fastformula to achieve this. However, we have to …
the life event doesnt get wiped off from self serviceredwood benefits 25a, after voiding the life event from the my client groups -> Benefits Summary, the life event doesn't get wiped off from the self-service' Report a li…
How to add text, images and link at plan levelSummary: We have a requirement wherein we want to attach links at plan level. Please see the below screenshot. Can this be achieved through configuration? Please assist.…
Rate Calculation based on Age of Spouse or PartnerInviting suggestions from Community Experts for below requirement and review on approaches tried so far: Rate Calculation = (User Inputted Coverage Amount/10,000)X(Age B…
While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following errorSummary: While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following error There's a participant rate overlap for the standard rate because of th…
Business Rules on Before You Enroll Redwood PageSummary: Hi, We are trying to hide Statutory Dependent Field and Disability Status Field from the Before You Enroll Redwood Page, but currently aren't able to do so sinc…
document type description is automatically prefixed with <p> and suffixed with </p>Summary: Updated the document type ' Enrollment Document' description to 'HOOPP Enrollment or Waiver Form' but from the self-service document of records page, the name s…
Can we restrict employee from making any changes to the beneficiariesThere is a self-assigned life event to let employees move up/down the life insurance options, but we do not want employees making any updates to the beneficiaries of the…