Benefits Employee Self Service
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error during before you enroll for employeeSummary: You can't process this life event because Sunil Kumar has other life events occurring on the same day. You need to review and void those events manually. This e…
Not able to view add button under people to cover for Employee self serviceSummary: Hi, For some reason,Employees are not able to add contact and the continue button is also disabled even though there is active life event for the employee. Also…
How to put dependent restriction for a option in a planSummary: Hi, We have a plan 'Extended Dental' which has options such as EE , EE+1, EE+2. When employee does not have dependents/valid dependents then it should allow the…
unable to enroll benefit group to employeeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, i am fairly new to benefits module, i have create benefit group with no legal employer sel…
Pending Action item Document Upload - expected upload notifications and approval processSummary Client wants to be notified when an employee uploads a document. They also want to be able to review documents, even after docs are approved.Content I set up the…
Loss of Eligibility is not working properlySummary: Hi Team, We have recently rescheduled the Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process as Our Loss OF Eligibility was not working correctly . But after that we aresa…
Person Change Causes Life Event fast formula error - Too many recordsSummary: We need to create a potential life event when an employee changes from one type of job to another(warehouse job to office job). However, moving from warehouse t…
Multilingual Content and Translations in benefitsIs there a way to automatically translate the fields in the Benefits section of Oracle HCM from Portuguese into multiple languages, as the users are from several differe…
Secure People To Cover to only Direct Reports Family and ContactsLine Manager Role has been customized to grant few tasks under My Client Group. As a result People To Cover (to entire population of company) is getting accessible to Li…
Ability to automatically inform/notify employees of the change in contribution to their benefitsSummary: Alert Composer has selected templates for utility, any way the system can shoot out notifications to workers as soon as any change in Benefits has occurred, be …
Removing Overage Dependent - Fast Formula - Error Evaluating Life EventSummary: When using the life event "Remove Overage Dependent" I receive the following error message when I go to evaluate the life event: You need to select more options…
Remove person to coverSummary: Hello experts! We are facing some issues because Benefits ESS - Person to Cover does not allow you to pick from the employee list like the Family and Emergency …
How to Relabel Secondary to Employer when viewing the BenefitsSummary: Hi, I want to display 'Secondary' to 'Employer' when viewing the Benefits when viewing the benefits. I did the change in self service configuration and it refle…
Pending action disappears when a new event is openedSummary: The employee selects a plan, generates the pending action, adds a document. However, if the next day he opens a new Unrestricted life event, the pending action …
Benefit - Salary Change not triggering correctly with FFHello Not sure what changed in the last couple of weeks but the Assignment Change is not triggering the Salary Change Event for the employee correctly, its opening and a…
Benefits fast formula for Voluntary Critical Illness- Spouse PlanSummary: The fast formula was to allow the allow an employee to enroll their spouse into Voluntary Critical Illness – Spouse plan, if they themselves were enrolled at th…
Interim Rule not working when employee is enrolled in Employee+Family option and adds DependentHi Experts We are seeing an issue with Interim Rules. These rules are working good as along as employee moves from one option to another. However, the interim rule fails…
Timeliness RulesSummary: We currently have a Critical Illness plan that calculates the rates based on the SP age, rather than the EE age. I have changed the variable rate profile to cal…
Benefits fast formula for Voluntary Critical Illness- Child PlanSummary: One fast formula which would only allow an employee to enroll their child into Voluntary Critical Illness – Child plan, if they themselves were enrolled at the …
Cannot see edit button in some plansCannot view the edit button in Supplemental plan to make changes in Enrollment work area, while rest other plans have the edit button
How to hide an automatically assigned plan or hide the Edit buttonSummary: For a Change Your HSA Contribution life event, the participant can enroll into or make changes to the Health Savings Account only. Unable to hide the employer-p…
How do I add a beneficiary organization to existing organizations?Summary: trying to add a beneficiary organization for an employee to elect as beneficiary for her life plans. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Where can I update the Personal Flag for Contact Details?Summary: Spouse is not showing up as a dependent when enrolling in Medical, Dental, and Vision but the child is. I ran the Person Benefits Diagnostic Report and noticed …
Link Employee Resources to Me Tab and Manager TabSummary: Is there a way to link the below to the Me tab AND the Manager tab while allowing access to view specific documents? So If I add Manager Resources here as well …
How to find out the unprocessed after running the employee event life even participationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi there, We ran the event life even participation as a scheduled job. In the log file, there are…Michelle Tsang-Oracle 42 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Dependents needs to be editable when they become an inactive employeeSummary: Dependents needs to be editable when they become an inactive employee to complete the Pending Action that is created at the time the QLE is submitted. An EE and…
Employee dependent names not showing up in SSE for a new life eventSummary: Hi team, We created a new life event . While we trigger and evaluate the life event for MEDICAL , DENTAL & VISION plan we are able to see employee only, employe…
Pending Actions - Not all showingSummary: We have several action items for our life events that kick off. The setups are all there, but what we are noticing is that it's not always showing all of the pe…
Add text inside box in People to cover > Contacts page with a warning message signSummary: We would like to restrict employees to change or update the names of their benefits contacts.So for this we want to put a text message like below. Any help woul…
employee is not seeing her Voluntary Life or Commuter benefits from OESummary: employee is not seeing her Voluntary Life or Commuter benefits from OE. She was a new hire during the same time period, so I am not sure if these enrollments “v…