Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
How do I add a beneficiary organization to existing organizations?Summary: trying to add a beneficiary organization for an employee to elect as beneficiary for her life plans. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Where can I update the Personal Flag for Contact Details?Summary: Spouse is not showing up as a dependent when enrolling in Medical, Dental, and Vision but the child is. I ran the Person Benefits Diagnostic Report and noticed …
Link Employee Resources to Me Tab and Manager TabSummary: Is there a way to link the below to the Me tab AND the Manager tab while allowing access to view specific documents? So If I add Manager Resources here as well …
How to find out the unprocessed after running the employee event life even participationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi there, We ran the event life even participation as a scheduled job. In the log file, there are…Michelle Tsang-Oracle 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Dependents needs to be editable when they become an inactive employeeSummary: Dependents needs to be editable when they become an inactive employee to complete the Pending Action that is created at the time the QLE is submitted. An EE and…
Employee dependent names not showing up in SSE for a new life eventSummary: Hi team, We created a new life event . While we trigger and evaluate the life event for MEDICAL , DENTAL & VISION plan we are able to see employee only, employe…
Pending Actions - Not all showingSummary: We have several action items for our life events that kick off. The setups are all there, but what we are noticing is that it's not always showing all of the pe…
Add text inside box in People to cover > Contacts page with a warning message signSummary: We would like to restrict employees to change or update the names of their benefits contacts.So for this we want to put a text message like below. Any help woul…
employee is not seeing her Voluntary Life or Commuter benefits from OESummary: employee is not seeing her Voluntary Life or Commuter benefits from OE. She was a new hire during the same time period, so I am not sure if these enrollments “v…
NationID Workflow FYI to Benefits TeamSummary: We would like an FYI to Benefits Team when a National ID/SSN is changed or modified. What would I need to add to the below attribute? Content (please ensure you…
End-date life event so longer able to seeSummary: Is there a way to end-date the actual life event? I have end-dated it at the plan/program level so it is ineffective, but now would like to end-date the LE itse…
Benefits: Employee cannot see his program enrollment on self-service pageSummary: Hello, We're facing an issue. The benefit specialist can see the employee's program enrollment on the benefits summary page. See below screenshot. However, when…
(PER-1531462) You need to remove any benefit designations and end date the contact before deleting tHi , Can anyone please help on this to fix the error ThanksSumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Change Beneficiaries Tile is not visibleSummary: We have enabled the Change Beneficiaries Tile under Me->Benefits using Sandbox -Structure Me->Quick Actions However when employee logs in they are not seeing th…
FF to automate eligibility for the new Secure Act 2.0 Roth IRA - Set contribution to NOSummary: As of August 8/2/2024, Team Members who make over 145,000 AND are 50+ will have the option to contribute to a Roth IRA. We want a formula to be able to pick up …
Food/Meal Benefit that the employee can adjust the value of monthly.I have a use case for a client where the employee receives two benefit cards, one for Food and one for Meals, he can change the amount he receives on each card every mon…
Employees moving from Full-Time to Part-TimeSummary: Certain employees* that move from full-time to part-time must remain eligible for medical coverage for the remainder of the plan year, and potentially the follo…
how to hide the Demographic&Biographic sections in Family&Emergency contacts page visible in BenefitSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Add Employee Resource Image as PDF - How to find URLSummary: Me Tab, Benefits, Employee Resources. I was able to add a new image to this page However, it is not working. How do I add a URL for the new Image/PDF? Do I have…
coverage start date can't be determinedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, i am new to benefits. When i am trying to evaluate life event i am getting below error, tr…
Life event not showing spouse option while enrolling in a plan Employee+spouse optionSummary: An employee recently went from a non-benefited position to a benefited position. This created a Full Time Enrollment life event enrollment window. When he enrol…
How to disable employee from entering same ICP if one is pending for approvalSummary: I have set CMP_DISABLE_PENDING_APPROVALS_CHECK_IN_MANAGE_CONTRIBUTION = Y, and this prohibits employee from entering any plan if one plan is pending for approva…
Is the only option to apply new rates to employee records is a life event?Summary: Is the only option to apply new rates to employee records is a life event? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
How to Add verbiage to Me->Benefits->Contact US tileSummary: How to Add verbiage to Me->Benefits->Contact US tile Thanks M Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add …
Unable to enable Benefits Summary tab under Person SpotlightSummary: Benefits Summary tab is not enabled for HR users under Person Spotlight even after enabling the same in the HCM Experience Design Studio level but its already e…
How to prevent dual enrollment of the Child Dependents if both the parents are Employees of the compContent My Client is offering Employer paid Medical Insurance with no cap on the Dependents for all of their employers. There are cases where both the spouses are Employ…
Loan Setup using Benefit ModuleSummary: Hi All, Requesting design suggestions from experts on below scenario: For a leading airlines based in UK, we are leveraging Benefits Module to setup Loans. Over…
How to enable Primary care physician in HCM Benefits? What is the use of it?We have configured the PCP at plan level and it creates a pending action also in self service. But when we click on it it displays blank page. There is nothing displays.
How does an employee view benefitsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am new to benefits module and i am still figuring out the process. However my question i…
Wellness participation should default as per medical electionSummary: An employee with Employee Only medical coverage, should only be able to select from these three Wellness options Employee or Both (Employee and Spouse) particip…