Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Place informational icons on people to cover pageSummary: Hi Team, How to add the informational icon and pop up message like in below screenshot on People to Cover page. Could you please provide the steps to achieve it…
Employees are defaulting to Decline Medical during trial OEThis is our second year using HCM - Benefits to enroll in benefits. Only the rates and plan names have changed from last year's open enrollment period. We have begun tri…
Benefit enrollment PRINT Option not workingSummary: Print Button to download benefit enrollment summary is not working. Expectation is it must direct to a PDF with Benefit Summary. We have attempted : Fusion Bene…
Pending Action TileHello All, I deleted the below image in the Pending action structure, how can I add it back? help! please Thanks
Filter additional text on Before You Enroll page to USSummary: We would like to only display additional text on Before you Enroll page to only US employees. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We …
Displaying custom text via popup in the home screen of Oracle HCMSummary: Hi Team, We have a received a requirement to display custom paragraph (length is equivalent to 2 pages of a standard Word document) as a popup in the landing pa…
New Hire employee dependents are not showing up in Open enrollmentSummary: His new hire benefits are starting from today and his dependents were added during open enrollment period. I backed out his open enrollment and reopen his open …
The date of birth is later than the start date of the person recordSummary: Hello, In the relationship list for a contact, we have added an option named 'Expected Child'. So when an employee creates a contact of this type, he does not s…
Coverage start date and previous Coverage end date during OpenSummary: Hi , We have a requirement like this. Employee have their prior enrollments in Medical, Dental, and Vision from prior new hire or last years open Life Event. Wh…
Restricting employees to submit a higher option during open enrollmentSummary: Possibility of restricting employees to submit for a higher option Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have 11 options fo…
How to clean out pending action items for inactive employees?Summary: I need to clean out the inactive employees who are in the 'People with Pending Actions' items but do not has any action items on them. I have tried various batc…
Can you change location of enrollment authorization?Is it possible to place the authorization at the end of the enrollment? If so, how do you move it - it is currently at the start? Thank you.
Why are action items an additional step for users after enrolling in benefits? Are they necessary?I have not been able to understand why action items are a necessary step for users in benefits. It would be much easier for the user if they were required to upload the …
How to hide total cost section on My Benefits page for FR countrySummary: We want to hide the total cost section which appears in “My Benefits” for employee self service for a specific country (France). (See screenshots in the word fi…
Open Enrollment Countdown ClockSummary Is there a way to adjust the end TIME?Content We have a deadline on the last day of Open Enrollment of 5pm, but the countdown clock defaults to 11:59pm. Does any…
How to make changes to a pre-existing rate and coverage calculation of a Benefits Plan?I am trying to change the calculation method of coverage and premium for a Benefits Plan. But nothing that I am doing is changing the coverage and premium amount that is…
Need help on Voluntary AD&D PlansSummary: In Life Insurance, when employee select select Voluntary Employee Life Plan what ever coverage they are selecting in VEE, same need to select in Voluntary Emplo…
Why is 'Edit' enabled on company-paid enrollments during Open Enrollment? (shouldn't allow)Hello, Our employees have company-paid life and company-paid disability. On the open enrollment screen, within one Grouping (Company Paid Life & Disability), the disabil…
How to use the Self-Service Effective Date to Use field on the Self-Service Configuration task?Summary: I set the field to the Open Enrollment Start Date of 10/25/2023. I was expecting the Open Enrollment Life Event to not be available to employees until that date…
How can I add a tile on Benefits Enrollment screen which is a link to an external website?Summary: Hello, is it possible to add a tile on the Benefits Enrollment screen which is simply a url link to an external benefit provider's website? Content (please ensu…
Though the PDF documents attached when creating a plan It does not show in Me > Benefits pageSummary: Requirement : It is need to attach the insurance policy document for the plans we create inorder to visible them for the employee once they enroll for the Life …
Adding new contacts/dependents not allowing Family OptionSummary: We have the eligibility that If Employee has no dependents , Employee will see only 1 option "Employee Only" .If Employee has Spouse (Employee will have Employe…
How to Paused a Life EventIs it at all possible to pause a life event that’s in a “Enrollment window started” status long enough for another life event to be triggered and evaluated to a “Proces…
Same Life Event Processes Successfully For One User While Errors Out For Other UserSummary: We have created an OE Life event. The HDHP Plan has a post-election formula to make employees enroll in HSA plans. But when an OE is triggered the post-election…
Pet InsuranceSummary Has anyone added a benefit of "Pet Insurance" and offered it to your employees for their petsContent Has anyone added a benefit(s) of pet insurance and offered i…
Is it possible to turn off reporting life events during Open Enrollment?Summary: We would like to pause life events other than Open Enrollment. Is this achievable with configuration? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Need to update sender mail id for Benefit open enrollment alertsProblem : We have configured Benefit open enrollment alerts in TEST instance. We need to update sender mail id for Benefit open enrollment alerts. Current sender mail ID…
How to add a Count down clock for Open EnrollmentHello All, How do I add an Open Enrollment count down clock?
Modify Text - in 'Make Changes'How do I open up this text that is found within Edit Medical of Make Changes? I am not able to get into the text and need to edit deductibles, etc. When I click on the '…
Feasibility to make Contingent Workers eligible for Benefit Enrollments in OracleIn Oracle, Contingent workers are not eligible for Benefits. However in Malaysia as per norms contingent workers are entitled to benefits in organizations. Hence we need…