Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
How to configure Data Integrator in Benefits Administration> Employee Wellness> Tracking ServicesSummary: We have a requirement to track employee wellness activity through wellness device like (Fitbit, Goggle Fitness etc.) There are options to configure manually or …
How can we show the rate start date in ESS enrollment page?Summary: I have created a benefits plan with auto enrollment in options with standard rates. We have to show the rate start date to the employee. Please let me know can …
1095 C loaded into Document of Records but not showing in Year End documents for employees.Summary: We loaded 1095 C pdf documents to document of records. It is visible to employees under Document of Records. But the requirement is employee should see it under…Naveen Jayaraman 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Naveen Jayaraman Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to handle Flex credits when Employee rate is greater than the Flex Credit?When using Flex credits we see we can use those credits to pay for benefits but if the Rate is greater than the credit it only allows for overspending but there is no op…
Create a Custom Tile in Employee Benefits Self Service ScreenHi Experts, I am trying to create a custom tile in Me -> Benefits screen I have made the required changes. But when I click on the tile, it does not take me the targeted…
Test files for 1094c Transmission manifestSummary: Team, We are in the process of sending the ACA information to the IRS and we would like to receive sample manifest and data files of 1095c and 1094c. Also if so…
EL Expression Not Working for Plan NamesSummary: We are adding custom plan text in the enrollment process by plan using a sandbox with Page Composer. To accomplish this we are using the below el expression: #{…
Hyperlink to a word in Plan ComparisonSummary: Is it possible to add a hyperlink a word in "Feature" in Plan Comparison Tool? Example: Aetna Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
The Pending Action for EOI is stopping other life events from processing.Summary: The Pending Action for EOI is stopping other life events from processing. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When an employee submit…
New Hire cannot see the ESS Medical OptionsHello Community, We have a new hire that cannot see his option for Medical Program Navigation: Me Tab - Benefits - Start Enrollment - Continue - (Options)- The Medical P…
Feasibility to modify Benefit Pages without CustomizationSummary: Feasibility to mark fields under New Contact like gender and DOB as mandatory at Benefit Enrollment Level, Before You Enroll stage. Challenge is we cannot use S…
Need to Hide field based on Benefits plan name in Me>Benefits>Your Enrollment>Select a Benefit pageSummary: Need an EL expression to Hide field based on Benefits plan name in Me>Benefits>Your Enrollment>Select a Benefit>Your Total Cost Each Pay Period. Tried below ELs…
Document submitted through Benefit Pending Actions not triggering approvalSummary: When Employee submits document through Me>Benefits>Pending Actions> Add- No Approval is triggered However, when Submitted using Me>Benefit>Document Records> The…
Need help in identifying table which stores dependent line number informationSummary: We are loading benefits dependent information using DependentEnrollment.dat file. In DesignateDependent File Discriminator , we've line number attribute. we wan…
Feasibility to enforce only specific combination for Multiple Option Benefit PlansSummary: Plan has 4 Options - Multiple Option Selection is allowed for Benefit Plan. However specific Combinations are allowed. Eg. Option 1+ Option 2- Allowed Option 2+…
Feasibility to set priority of plans in Credit consumption under Benefit Flex Credit PlanSummary: Seeking inputs on feasibility to set priority in system to felicitate credit deduction in set order, eg. first consume flex credits for Medical Plan, followed b…
Converted Contingent Worker to Employee Benefits Auto Processes and close.Summary: We have a converted contingent worker to the employee and when the new hire's life event is evaluated it is auto-processing and closes. Content (required): As a…
Life Event should auto-trigger when Dependent Turning Age 26Summary: We have a requirement that the dependent coverage, due to overage (26), should end at the end of the month in which they are turning 26. Dependent Age out Life …
Interpretation of Oracle Document Benefit Flex Credit Rate Creation Steps and NavigationSummary: In setup of Flex Credit Plan, as per Oracle Documents the steps to create a Rate is as below , however upon navigating in system we get stuck at this error desp…
How to configure life event that trigger every year on employee's work anniversary (DOJ)?Summary: I have implemented a benefits plan( for the purpose of leave travel allowance), which needs to be processed every year based on employee's joining date. Kindly …
Removing Benefit Tiles from Employee Self ServiceSummary: Seeking insights on best ways to remove non required tiles from Me> Benefits. Suggestions are welcome from Role and well as customization perspective Content (p…
Query not picking emp rec when only %age distribution of covrg amt is changed btwn emp & beneficiaryPlease help us to identify tables and columns (and relevant joins for that table too) that gets populated when an employee just changes the percentage distribution of th…
How to Hide Annual Rate in Benefit Self Service for specific program.Summary: I want to hide the annual amount for specific program on self service page, I have tried with "#{bindings.DisplayName.attributeValue != 'Benefits Program'}" el …
How employees access PDF (uploaded pdf in Content server and got the URL) with in benefits ESSSummary: Hi Team, I have uploaded the pdf file as per the instructions mentioned in another question (Can you add a PDF (not a URL) to 'Configure Plan Type Grouping Disp…
Implementing Fusion Benefits mid yearSummary: Our current ben admin contract is up Aug 2023, and we are looking to move benefits into Oracle. We currently use the recruiting, learn and all other HCM modules…
How to restrict Report a Life Event to only one program or one entity?Summary: Restrict Report a Life Event feature to only certain Program or Entity Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it possible to enable t…
Different Waiting Period for 2 sets of eligibility workers under same life event for a plan n OptionSummary: Is there a way to set different waiting period for different set of eligible employees for the same plan and option Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Display of Rates on ESS Benefits Summary prior to enrollmentSummary: When an Employee access their enrollment via ESS, is there a way to display multiple rates on the initial screen? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Error when adding Open LE back: This person can't be designated as a beneficiarySummary: The Open LE was processed, and then we had two employees report births after Open closed. Open was backed out, Birth LE processed, and now when trying to add Op…
Benefits Self-Service Page: Missing TilesSummary: Hello, As per the below screenshot, all the tiles are missing. Please advice on how to resolve the issue. Thanks Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…