Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Life Event Processing Enrollment DatesSummary: Only for Termination and New Hire Life Even I want to trigger the following condition. If an employee is terminated on the 1st of the month, their coverage (and…
Terms and conditions check box in benefits planSummary: Hi Experts, we have a requirement to create a check box for terms and conditions while electing the HSA plan. Has anyone done this before? Thanks, Naveen Conten…
Anyone using the New Benefits Alerts?Summary Anyone using the New Benefits AlertsContent Hi, I was wondering if anyone is using or planning to use the new Benefits Alerts. We are thinking about it, but I ha…
New Hire email notifcation and reminders (IN LDG)Summary: My Client wants to send an email notifcation and reminders to users upon their New Hire Enrollment is processed by HRIS. Content (required): I need to create cu…
Unable to hide few fields from Contacts screen using personalization in BenefitsSummary: Unable to hide few fields from Contacts screen using personalization in Benefits Content (required): We have a requirement to hide below fields from Contacts cr…
Incorrect HSA rates.Summary: HSA rates are not calculating as expected. If I select $5000, it's showing $416.6 pay period. Calculation is based on employee pay frequency. (this is correct).…
Benefits: There was a problem processing this personSummary: Hello, We're facing the error when adding an unrestricted life event. Please advice. Thanks Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Divorce Life Event showing DP Affidavit documentHello Anyone encountered this while testing 23C release for the Divorce life event. The system is suspending the record successfully, however one of the documents is loo…
How to change Open life Event to Open EnrollmentHello, Is it possible to change the Open life event label to Open Enrollment? Version (23C):
Benefit Enrollment- Query or table name for pending action items for a given user?Benefit Enrollment- We are looking for Query or table name for pending action items for a given user?
Pop-up in Enrollment pageHello Team, Is it possible to enable a pop-up window in Benefits Enrollment page as soon as employee enters the page? We need to put a link in the pop-up window along wi…
Trigger for Unrestricted Life EventSummary: What step should an Unrestricted Life Event trigger? Content (required): I have a client that has two benefit Programs; one being unrestricted for Deferred Comp…
How to calculate retro premium based on salary change for long term disability plan?Summary: We have a requirement to provide retro-active salary increase as of Sept 1 2022 for about 700 Employees. Which is going back more than a year from now. With the…
Total Cost when the cost is a percentage valueSummary: When an employee enrolls into a Retirement Savings Plan and elects to contribute a certain percentage, system is not calculating the flat dollar amount equivale…
How to get Coverage amount entered on screen into Rate Calculation Fast FormulaSummary: We have a requirement where Final Rate = Coverage * Some_DBI. DBI BEN_PEN_BNFT_AMT returns zero on clicking OK. Although it calculates perfectly with the 'Submi…
Employee are unable to Print their benefit elections from Employee Self ServiceSummary: Employee is unable to Print their benefit elections from Employee Self Service. "Fusion Benefits: Print Option For Employee Direct Access Page Is Not Working ( …
Is there a way to make Spouse/DP life require a Spouse or Domestic Partner?Summary: Our Supplemental Spouse/DP Life plan allows employees who do not have a spouse or Domestic Partner. The plan should only be electable by those who have a spouse…
Error during Open enrollment period for all plan typesSummary: We have an Open Enrollment event and while employees are trying to enroll into different plans, we are seeing an error. Content (required): We have an Open Enro…
Cannot come back to HCM page from a website using backbuttonSummary: We have done a customization to have a link displayed on the benefits tile in self-service so that the employee can check the 401k plan details from teh website…
How to create a new benefit tile?Want to have a new tile created for benefits self service page. When i duplicate the existing tile, the tile description looks not editable. so wnat to create a new one.…
Benefits plan not visible on Self Service pageSummary: Benefits plan not visible on Self Service page. Content (required): One of the benefit plan is visible for an employee on the Benefit admin page but the same pl…
Getting The potential life event Open is in a status that requires manual intervention errorSummary: We have open enrollment period start next month and while we were trying to run the 'Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation' process, we are seeing below error:…
How to personalize the Blue box in People to cover Page and not impacting other pages?Summary: We have a business requirement to customize the text within the blue box on the cover page. We utilized Page Composer to personalize the text, but it appears th…
How do we cater for age change in an unrestricted event like pension?Summary: We have a requirement from the client whereby a Pension plan requires that the employer contribution is based on the age of the employee. Content (required): He…
How to update the decimal value amount to Percentage.Hello All, Anyone knows how to update the highlighted number to a percentage? Version (23C) Thanks
Benefits seeded roles do not render access to OTBI Benefits subject areasSummary: Hi all, We have the seeded role of Benefits admin assigned, but the employee cannot open OTBI Benefits reports due to no access. Any idea on what can we add as …
HCM 23D Release Readiness Published 9/1/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23D New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …
How to get back previous elections on processing new life events?Summary: In Benefits configuration, I have a life event called Tobacco status change. After employee completed their election, again they came and make any changes in To…
Enrollment Certification Fast Formula IssueSummary Suspend enrollment if the employee elects a lower number than previous election.Content I have written the following FF that evaluates correctly when I run it un…User_2025-02-01-08-01-57-110 66 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Harika Kanamarlapudi Benefits