Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Ideas for uploading documentation for Divorce, Loss of CoverageContent Any ideas on how to have the employees upload certification for Divorce and Loss of Coverage life events considering the severe (frustration speaking :( ) limita…
Not able to process additional life events with an open Action Item that suspends enrollmentSummary: Infoblox has Voluntary Life - Employee and Voluntary Life - Spouse/Partner plans that require EOI for any increase in coverage amount. We have configured Benefi…
Test Benefits Self serviceSummary: Hi Experts, I have a question regarding Employee self-service, before responsive UI, we used to have the option to search any employee name and enroll or test t…
Benefits: Cannot delete an Unrestricted Life Event that is in 'Added' StatusSummary: Hello, As a benefit specialist, we're unable to delete an unrestricted life event that's in Added Status. Refer to below screenshot. Can Someone advice on how t…
Can we use Benefits Alert for life events except Open Enrolment?Summary: Business want employees to received Alert when there is pending actions for life events (not only open enrolment). Content (required): For life events like "Add…
Benefits: The date of birth is later than the start date of the person recordSummary: Hello, We have added 'Expected Child' as a contact relationship in the list. This relationship allows a person to create a contact (Expected Child) and not spec…
Benefits: With new unrestricted life event, existing options are uncheckedSummary: Hello, We're facing an issue with our unrestricted program. The issue is that the benefit specialist enrolls the employee in the unrestricted program with optio…
Termination Life event is not getting triggered on the termination day.Summary: We are using the fast formula of type "Person Changes Causes Life Event" .Earlier we were fetching the details using the DBI "PER_PER_ENTERPRISE_TERMINATION_ACT…
Benefits- How to Restrict the employee from enrolling into the same life event multiple timesSummary: Benefits- How to Restrict the employee from enrolling into the same life event multiple times Content (required): How to Restrict the employee from enrolling in…
Benefits: Approved documents not showing in Certification section of Enrollment PageSummary: Hello, After the benefit specialist has approved a document, it should be visible under 'Certification' section. However, it is not displaying. Look at below sc…
Is it possible to change the HSA amounts without opening a Life event?Summary: Hi Experts, we have a requirement to configure the Benefits setups to allow the changes in HSA amounts throughout the year without opening a Life event. can you…
Benefits: How to set up Global Transfer Life Event in an Unrestricted Program?Summary: Hello, We have an unrestricted program named 'Fondation Chantecler'. We have a requirement that upon Global Transfer, the employee should have the same plan and…
Fusion Benefits: Salary change life event to trigger based on Fast FormulaSummary: Hello, We have an unrestricted program named Fondation Chantecler. We're aware that we cannot add life events in an unrestricted program. We have a requirement …
Benefits: Annual Amount going to element entries instead of monthly amountSummary: Hello, We have a program named Fondation Chantecler. (It's based on unrestricted enrollment). We have set the rates to Per-pay-period but on an employee's eleme…
Benefits: Apart from open period, for other life events, annual amount is going to element entries.Summary: Hello, we’re having an issue concerning amount going to element entries. Please refer to attached document. Please advice on how for other life events, monthly …
Benefit Defined Value vs Communicated Value Enrollment PagesSummary Want to display Defined Value instead of Communicated ValueContent Note: Not sure if what I am about to propose is best solution, so if you have a better idea or…
Benefits: How to show dependent plan only when a contact exists on People to cover page?Summary: Hello, We have a requirement to show a dependent plan only if the contact exists on the people to cover page. For example: Below screenshot is for an employee w…
How to Auto close pending action items?Summary: Hi Experts, we have a requirement to Auto close the pending action items within some specified days, below is the explanation, can you please let me how can we …
Self Service communicated value incorrectSummary: Content (required): Hello, We have a requirement to display the monthly deductions for a health plan on the self service pages. The amount that is entered by th…
Feasibility of adding Custom Fields to Me > Benefits > Your Benefits > PlanSummary: Requirement : Have the below fields to add and show in the Me > Benefits > Your Benefits > Plan Name Need to create a benfit plan called professional membership…
Benefits: How to end unrestricted enrollment for Terminated employeesSummary: Hello, For our unrestricted program, we want that after an employee is terminated, his enrollment should no longer be visible. We know that if in an eligibility…
Secured List View in PER_PERSON_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UEContent We have a Benefit Fast Formula which is built a year back and uses a DBI form PER_PERSON_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UE . Is Oracle changed the query behind this UE? bec…
Benefits: Automatic Enrollment for New Hire Life EventSummary: Hello, We have a requirement that when a new hire life event is evaluated, the employee should be automatically enrolled in the program. We're aware that if we …
Can we hide the "you" from 'who's covered' section in ESS enrollment page for a specific plan?Summary: Hi Team, There is one benefit plan where one of the option is based on dependent enrollment. So, we might need to hide "you" from 'who's covered' section in ESS…
Beenfit: How to pass an option chosen to as an element which goes to payroll?Summary: Hello, we have a program named company car and it has three options as shown below. These are 3 simple options and there are no rates associated. Our requiremen…
Occurred Date is showing up incorrectly in the Retirement Life EventHello All, Any help would be appreciated ! When the Retirement Life Event gets triggered by the Employee Status Form it is using the occurred Notification Date instead o…
landing background image issue on benefits pageWe are uploading a landing background image via HCM design studio on benefits page but actual image is not getting fit, Is there any way that we can fit the actual image…
Evaluating Global Transfer Life Event – This goes to processed and closed status.Summary: Hello, We’re facing an issue concerning the life event Global Transfer. When the life event is being evaluated, it goes directly under processed and closed stat…
How to restrict Benefit Specialist to view enrollment of employees by grade?Summary: Hello, We have the following business requirement. Actually we have 2 benefit programs. (Health Insurance and Pension Contribution) The person inheriting the ro…
Fusion Benefits :Different Rate Calculation for 1st Month and then same rate for the following monthSummary: Fusion Benefits :Different Rate Calculation for 1st Month and then same rate for the following month Content (required): Hello, Client has defined the Program (…