Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Electronic Communication Opt-In OptionSummary Electronic Communication Opt-In OptionContent Does anyone have a process within Oracle in which they can have employees opt-in or opt-out to receiving electronic…
Benefits-Display Welcome message only for eligible for open enrollment with US peopleSummary Display Welcome message only for eligible for open enrollment with US peopleContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to display the Welcome Message only for the em…
How to enroll to Marriage Life Event automatically by running Evaluate Schedule ProcessSummary How to enroll to Marriage Life Event automatically by running Evaluate Schedule ProcessContent Scenario Explanation: In benefit, there is a automatic life event …User_2025-01-29-18-45-19-617 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-17-14-37-580 Benefits
Need to setup Eligibility Profile based on CountySummary Need to setup Eligibility Profile based on CountyContent Hi Experts, We are currently setting up Premera PersonalCare Plans for employees. Only the Employees fro…
Eligibility Profile IssueSummary Eligibility Profile for Full TimeContent Hi Not sure if this is from an update but noticed an issue with benefits where if a child dependent is not marked as a f…
Interim Coverage to depend on which dependants have been designatedSummary Interim Coverage to depend on which dependants have been designatedContent The benefits team have a requirement to suspend coverage where the required dependants…User_2025-02-01-03-51-22-862 49 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-01-03-51-22-862 Benefits
When someone goes to change their beneficiary through the Change Beneficiary Life Event, it is wipinSummary When someone goes to change their beneficiary through the Change Beneficiary Life Event, it is wiping out the dependents they have on their medical, dental, and …
Benefit Plan not appearing during open enrollment life event onlySummary Plan not showing during open enrollment life event, but does appear during any other life eventContent Been testing and going thru all the setup but can't find w…
Notifications to Benefit Admins when Certification Submitted for ApprovalSummary Notifications to Benefit Admins when Certification Submitted for ApprovalContent Hello - We are working on configuring the self service life event functionality …
Error while adding Open EnrollmentSummary Error "This plan doesn't allow for beneficiary designation. Beneficiary can't be designated" while adding adding Open EnrollmentContent Hi All, We facing an issu…
Total Cost display in self-service enrollmentSummary Total cost display for deductions that are taken only once in a monthContent Our transit deductions are taken every 2nd payroll (or basically once in a month). E…
Error when submitting elections for 2021 Open enrollment event for Non-exempt employeesSummary I am receiving the below error when I try to submit my elections for 2021 OE for weekly employees. I do not have any issues when I try to submit elections for ex…