Benefits Employee Self Service
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Oracle US BenefitsContent Hello Experts, I'm very new to Oracle Fusion US benefits module. Can anyone share related documents for the basic setup involved in the Oracle Benefits. Thanks V…Muhammad Anas Abrar 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Hide BN Plan Type/Plan OptionsContent Hi, The client has a surcharge plan that they do not want EEs to enroll in. instead, the BN admin team enrolls them in the plan/options but they do want the EE t…
Documentation on HOW to set up plan comparisonsSummary Where can I find documentation on how to setup plan comparisons vs. just the features of it and what it doesContent I am having a hard time finding out detailed …
Any delivered/custom reports which fetches the list of all the Employees enrolled in the Benefit proContent Hello , I want to know if we have any delivered/custom report which can fetch the list of all Employees enrolled in any Benefit Plans of a Program. If anyone has…
Medical Benefit DeductionContent Hi All, Need to term the benefits of an employee who's end date was in last month, I am not able to term the employee as his enrollment is missing. I need to mak…
Medical Benefit DeductionContent Hi All, Need to term the benefits of an employee who's end date was in last month, I am not able to term the employee as his enrollment is missing. I need to mak…
How to achieve display of Rates under Employee+Domestic Partner Option for both Pretax and PosttaxSummary How to achieve display of Rates under Employee+Domestic Partner Option for both Pretax and PosttaxContent Hello, We have a requirement, to set up the tax treatme…
Requirement to Auto Enroll in Plan B if Plan A has been selectedContent Hi All, Can anyone help me with below mentioned requirement. We have requirement to enroll in One Plan if the other plan is selected. For Example, if we have Pla…User_2025-02-10-20-42-46-090 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonathan Plazewski Benefits
Benefit Options EligibilityContent Hello, Does anyone know how I can set the eligibility for the different options on my benefit plans. For example, I only want the domestic partner options to app…
Unable to delete/end date a Contact(Spouse/Child) after enrolling them as Dependents/Beneficiaries iContent Lets say an employee has added their Spouse/Child in their contacts and then selected them as Beneficaries/Dependents in their Benefit Program Election in their …
How can I override the coverage values while uploading Benefits Data from a flat file to the currentContent Hello, We are now uploading the Benefits Elections Data chosen by the Employee in the last Open enrollment and the current year Life Events as the previous syste…
How To Set Up A Plan Where Employee Can't Select but view onlyContent The client has a requirement where they would like to show the retirement plans on the enrollment page, but the select box next to the plan should be grayed out …
Record Self Service Life EventContent Is it possible to restrict recording a life event for specific groups? For example, we don't want Temp group to record "Birth" life event from self-service, but,…
Pre and Post tax Calculation not visible on home page in NUXContent Earlier in Classic UI Employee were able to see pre and post tax in review page but now in NNUX page it is hidden under Total Cost, is there any way ( personaliz…
"There is no coverage amount defined for this rate. (BEN-990877)" error while evaluating the EventsContent Hi I tried to evaluate the 'New Hire' life events for some of the Employees but I'm getting this error for around 1/3 of them. There is no coverage amount define…
How can I process the Assign,Evaluate and close the Life Events for around 1500 employees?Content I need to assign a potential Life Event, Evaluate the Life Event and then load the Participant information through HDL and then close the Life Events for around …
Enrollment Certification Fast formula not picking up with the current election valuesContent So,we have a requirement,when an employee can choose the previous election +10000 without suspending the enrollment. But if the new election is greater than 1000…
Continued Enrollment in Insurance even after denial of EOI and how to start rate on the approval datContent We have this Optional Life -Employee Only and Spouse to have the EOI. Employee Only are 1x to 4x of the annual salary and Spouse is multiples of 10000 upto 10000…
How to capture trustee information when assigning an Underage Insurance Beneficiary ?Content Is it possible to capture information of a Trustee when an employee adds an underage child in HCM and assigns them as a beneficiary? I noticed that under benefic…
The participation evaluation process can't evaluate this life event (for Administrative Schedule)Summary We got an error message when we run the Evaluate Schedule Event ParticipationContent Dear Team, We encountered the below error message Supplied Mode : C BEN_9214…
A better looking Post Election error message without the additional comments addedContent The business requirement allows the Employee to choose upto 4X of their salary as Coverage amount for 'Optional Life Insurance' and the Spouse needs to be exactl…
New Hire trackingContent I have a client who typically can have 100+ New hire enrollments in the enrollment period at any given time. They are having issues with employees not enrolling …
Life Plans only need employee to be assigned as beneficiary and no other dependentsContent Hi all, Can you please help us with the set up to achieve below requirement. Client requirement is for all life plans employees only need to be assigned as benef…Madonna Jenifer-258782 35 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-57-39-723 Benefits
Can 1095c be imported from a 3rd party COBRA vendor into Oracle?Content Hello, The client wants to have COBRA administration in a 3rd party system and will like to import the 1095c into Oracle for ACA reporting. Is this possible in O…
1094C Rejection errors - AgeNumSummary 1094C Rejection errors - AgeNumContent Please help if any one got this errors as acknowledgement from IRS for 1094C forms. AIRSH100 XML Schema Validation Failed…
How to enroll 5000+ Employees to a newly created benefit planSummary How to enroll 5000+ Employees to a newly created benefit planContent Hi Experts, we have a requirement from our HR to enroll 5000+ employees to a newly created b…
Self Assigned Life Events to require approvalContent Is there a way to require approval on self assigned life events before they can be processed? The requirement is: Employee selects a self assigned life event for…
HOW TO CREATE BENEFIT PLAN THAT GET VALUE FROM GRADE RATE VALUEContent We have a request from our HR Team to create new benefit plan. The new benefit plan has the following features; 1.Employees on the same grade should have the sam…
How to start the coverage and rate calculation of a Benefit Plan from the day of the Overriding theContent We have a requirement where the Benefit Elections will be sent a third party for Optional Life Insurance 2x-4x of annual salary and only after their approval/den…
Is it possible to reverse the Rate deduction for a Optional Insurance Plan after the Plan has been rContent My client has a requirement. The EMployees can select 1x - 4x of their annual salary as their Coverage for Optional Insurance . If the Coverage is more than 1x,i…