Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
What would be activity type and Payroll Element for a rate which gives a payout every paycycle?Summary: Content (required): The Employee of certain bands can choose Personal vehicle benefits where they get an amount every month (eg 20000) for using their own vehic…
No interim for Employee + Family option when new dependent is addedSummary: When employee is already in Employee + Family option and adds a new child, the enrollment gets suspended with no interim Content (required): The interim rule at…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 52 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to identify the original coverage start date in the plan type ?Summary: Content (required): When each life event run, the coverage through date is updated to LE - 1 day even though there is no change in enrollments. The coverage sta…
Functionality and behavior of dependent action item codesSummary: What is the functionality /behavior of the different dependent action item codes Content (required): Multiple dependent action item codes as shown are available…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to setup pending action to trigger only for newly added dependents and suspend only the new depSummary: Content (required): Our requirement is that when a new dependent is added with New hire /Child Birth or Marriage, documents should be provided and verified with…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to modify text added at plan level at Benefit enrolment page.Summary: We are trying to modify the text available at Benefit enrolment page which is applicable to specific plan. Note : we have already tried at edit pages using sand…
EE's Medical Enrollment End Dated After Processing Salary Change Life EventSummary: EE's Medical Enrollment End Dated After Processing Salary Change Life Event. The EE was enrolled in the 'Aetna HMO Medical Plan: Employee + Child(ren)' and a sa…User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 Benefits
COVID Vaccination Card Upload ErrorSummary: I have tried uploading an employee's vaccination card a few times and continue to get an error. I have had success uploading other employees card no problem. Co…
Is it possible to customize the Confirmation Page by country or Benefits Program?Summary: Need to customize the Confirmation Page By country Content (required): Is it possible to have different customized text for different country or Benefits Progra…
Why an employee can add more than 1 spouse when enrolling in benefits?Summary: An employee was allowed to add two spouses. Both relationships are eligible to be named as a Life Insurance Beneficiary Content (required): Version (include the…User_2025-02-11-00-58-38-371 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nagaraj Hunur-Oracle Benefits
Why PCP Information disappear after closing event ?Summary: PCP information disappears when event closed for employee. As an employee, I choose my Primary Care Physician (PCP), Save. Once system close respective event, I…
Middle name visible under the enrollmentSummary: Hi Expert, Client want to enable Contact Middle name enrolment -> Dependent/beneficiary selection page. So, in this employee case middle name R. also should sho…
How to process 2022 ben enrollments after OE close window for new hireSummary: After Benefits OE 2022 window close, if we hire an employee ..hire event will trigger and he will enroll. What about 2022 enrollment? How to process that? Is th…
How to enable an e-signature requirement for employees who are changing beneficiariesSummary: We are planning on enabling change beneficiaries in Employee Self-Service. Our Benefit provider requires that any changes made to beneficiaries are accompanied …
Vacation Sell hours are disappearing in Submission PageSummary: Selling Hours are Disappearing in the Page Content (required): We have Selling time off event going with OE. For some employees i have observed that hours are d…
How to remove dependent from already elected coverage without voiding another potential event?Summary: An employee wishes to remove her dependent from coverage that was effective 9/1/21 (her new hire date). She indicated this before the enrollment period ended bu…User_2025-02-11-20-55-10-551 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-20-55-10-551 Benefits
Problem running the Participation Evaluation Process. Error ORA-0000:Normal, successful CompletionSummary In the Employee Self Service, encountered ORA-0000: normal, successful completion error when Continue button is clicked.Content Hi All, Does anyone encounter thi…
Sold hours are not displaying in the Confirmation PageSummary: We have selling time of Event going with OE, When the employees submitted their hours, In the confirmation page they were not able to see selected/Submitted hou…
Auto enrollment to a plan based on another plan's enrollment and the respective option.Summary: How to auto enroll to a plan based on another plan's enrollment Content (required): We have a requirement where we need to ensure that when employee selects Med…
How to deduct Benefit Rates in 3 or 5 installments irrespective of the Employee's pay periodSummary: Content (required): Currently,the Employee can choose to deduct their Benefit Rates for Medical Insurance in 3 or 5 installments even though they are on monthly…
Benefits - Require an Attestation during enrollmentSummary: Has anyone got a solution for adding an Attestation to enrollment in Benefits Cloud Content (required): We need to have the employee declare and esign Attestati…
Open Enrollment in Oracle Benefits Cloud ⏳️Open Enrollment periods are right around the corner and now is the time to make sure your configurations and environments are ready to launch! ? Baker Tilly is here to h…
How to hide or remove Commuter Choices from from self service BenefitsSummary: Is there any workaround to hide or remove Commuter Choices from from self service Benefits Content (required): One of our clients don't want Commuter Choices fo…
Add text and/or link to FSA CalculatorSummary: I have a client that wants to add text and/or a link to the FSA calculator for clarification. We have run into some issues and it doesn't seem like it is possib…
Can we create a claim process in Oracle Benefits so that employees can claim directly ?Summary: Content (required): My client has a claim process in their current portal where the Employees can claim the medical expenses incurred and the process pays them …
2 Open EnrollmentsSummary: We have 1 Legal Entity that is in Union negotiations and may need to have a separate OE period. Content (required): We have 1 Legal Entity that is in Union nego…
rate Section Blank during OESummary: Rate section is blank after enrollment were submitted during open enrollment. Content (required): Rate section is blank after enrollment were submitted during o…
Hide / disable 'Edit' button for a specific plan typeSummary: We have business requirement for which we would like to personalize the application. We would like to hide / disable 'Edit' button for a specific plan type. Ple…
21A Feature - Enforced Dependent and Beneficiary DesignationSummary 21A Feature - Unable to enforce Beneficiary DesignationContent As part of 21A feature they have mentioned about enforcing Dependent and Beneficiary designation. …
Unable to Add New Dependent in OE then Continue to Enrollments - Getting Error MessageSummary: Unable to Add New Dependent in Test OE then Continue to Enrollments - Getting Error Message Error = There was a problem running the participation evaluation pro…User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 41 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-12-16-57-917 Benefits