Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
How to apply rates on a Plan Option only after receiving the update from a third party system for OpContent We have this requirement for Life Insurance where the Employee can choose 1x,2x,3x,4x of their annual salary and rates will be multiples of coverage. If they cho…
Benefits - New hire receiving error when trying to enroll in benefits.Summary Benefits - New hire receiving error when trying to enroll in benefits.Content We have a few new hires who are receiving error messages when trying to enroll in b…
What is the best approach to configuring a True Up for STD?Content Hi , My client wants to configure a True Up for STD coverage amount., The client has an STD plan that is 60% of Weekly salary. However, CA and HI have state STD …
Unable to view the Benefit plan to enroll when I login as an Employee but available as a Ben admin?Summary Newly created User profile of Employee is unable to view the Benefit enrollments and unable to 'Continue' without adding a dependentContent So i created users an…
How to create potential life event for 100+ employees in bulk loadersSummary How to create potential life event for 100+ employees in bulk loadersContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to create Potential life events for more than 100 …
Flex Credits and how to handle when not all employees are eligible to receiveContent I have a situation in which I have 15 different credit pools based on various employee criteria. I'm handling that through a Core+Flex Program. However, there ar…
Will the rates and coverage of a Compensation based Coverage plan change when the salary of an EmploContent We have a Disability Plan where the coverage is 0.6 of the Annual Compensation and the rate is a multiplier of the Coverage. Now if the Employee's salary changes…
Automatic Enrollment & Current enrollment prevents changeSummary For Aromatic enrollment and for the plans where Current enrollment prevents change, employees has no choice to change the options or coverage. Plans FYI only. Hi…
April 2nd 2021 National Employee Benefits Day; Come Chat with me about HCM Cloud BenefitsSummary Lets talk about HCM Cloud benefits! 1-1 With me for 30 minutes April 2nd. Please send an Email, timeslot( 8am-5pm est time), with direct # and I will reserve you…
Looking for creative solution when both pre- and post-tax options are given to employeesSummary Looking for creative solution when both pre- and post-tax options are given to employeesContent In the past when I've had a situation where an employer allows an…
Contact Page- Additional InfoSummary Contact Page- Additional InfoContent Fields like disability status are available to the employee to update and has major implications to benefits eligibility. Se…
Fast formula to access a Payroll Element for the Coverage doesnt pick up the Element as requiredContent In our requirment,we need to add the 'Commission-US' element entries of the last 12 months and add it to Annual salary to calculate the Coverage for the Employee…
ACA - line no 16 is not reflecting in Archive audit file after ACA overrideSummary ACA - line no 16 is not reflecting in Archive audit file after ACA overrideContent Hi, We are getting issue with ACA overrides. We loaded overrides bulk data for…
What would cause a life event which doesn't change Health coverage to drop a dependent?Summary What could be checked to see why a life event would keep the coverage tier but drop the dependents?Content I created a life event that allows two changes only - …
How can I add the commission Element to calculate the coverage of the Employee?Content In our requirement, the commissioned Employee must have the coverage which is the addition of base annual Salary + Commission earned in last 12 months as their c…
Action items not closing after information has been enteredContent Hi all, We keep running into issues where a pending action for a dependent DOB or address still remain as pending action items even after the information has bee…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 Benefits
Ability to restrict option electabilitySummary How to restrict employee from enrolling into a guaranteed issue option level?Content We have a Supplement life insurance plan with options - Guaranteed issue amo…
Need SQL in BI to get the Tobacco Use details of a participant/dependentSummary I am trying to get the tobacco use details of a participant/dependent by writing a BI QueryContent I was trying to get the tobacco use details of a participan/de…
Restriction of plan being visible in ESS based on # of dependentsSummary Restriction of plan being visible based on # of dependents if no dependent designation is required for planContent Hi there - the current requirement for the cli…
Company Loans with low/no interest as a Benefit offering ?Summary Has anyone implemented company loans in Oracle FusionContent Lets say a company offers a low/no interest loan for the Employees for Buying a car. * Employees nee…
Mandatory Dependent SSN & New Born.Summary Dependent SSN mandatory.Content For New born dependents it would take 30 to 60 days to get the social security number, however we would like to make Dependent SS…
Document upload and approval workflow for the Dependents like Marriage/Birth certificateSummary Client wants Benefit admin to verify the documents before approving the dependents addedContent The Client want a system where the Employee should upload the rel…
Need help to know how to setup FSA without periodization ruleSummary How to deduct complete FSA amount only in the first pay checkContent Hi Experts, Can you guide us on how to configure this requirement? 1. We have a requirement …User_2025-02-05-03-53-12-823 52 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-57-39-723 Benefits
Need to calculate rate based on Spouse covered in another plan and Employee's Tobacco USageSummary Need to calculate rate based on Spouse covered in another plan and Employee's Tobacco USage in benefits.Content Hello, We have a requirement, that : If employee …
What is the procedure to test an age based Life event like Child Dependent age change?Summary Requirement to remove child dependents when they reach 25 years of age. Need procedure to test themContent According to client company's requirement. Once the ch…
Benefits Configuration WorkbookContent Hi We are about to start looking at Benefits and wondered if anyone has a Benefits configuration workbook that they would be prepared to share to get us started,…
The process couldn't complete the enrollments because an enrollment period wasn't found for the offeSummary The process couldn't complete the enrollments because an enrollment period wasn't found for the offering. (BEN-990167)Content Hi , We are already Live with Benef…
Add Life Event Name to the employee Benefit Self Service enrollmentSummary Add Life Event Name to the employee Benefit Self Service enrollmentContent We are trying to add benefits life event name to the employee self service pages and B…User_2025-02-06-00-03-42-343 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-00-03-42-343 Benefits
Should allow the marriage event to be recorded only if the relationship start date is within last 60Content Hi All, We have requirement that from self service when employee is recording the marriage event it should allow the marriage event to be recorded only if the re…
Import Benefits obeject - Conversion IssueSummary While trying to copy my setups to another environment, the Import process is erroringContent Hi, While trying to copy my setups from one environment to another u…