Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Enrollment Override Event is not closing with the processSummary: Hello, I have assigned the Override life event with Process and evaluated the LE Using process only. I tried to close the Life event using close enrollment proc…
How can we designate dependents automatically to calculate benefit rate based on no.of dependentsSummary: We are implementing benefits for the APAC region and for one of their plans, we have to designate dependents automatically to calculate their rates based on the…
How can I autoenroll eligible Dependents for the ER paid Auto Enroll Medical Plan?Content Our client is giving free ER Paid Medical Insurance for the Employee and their family. They want the Eligible Dependents to be autoenrolled for All Eligible Empl…
Display different text in self-service -->BenefitsSummary: is there a way to display different text under Information and Confirmation screens when navigated thru below path Me-->Benefits-->Make Changes Content (require…
Benefit Enrollment Confirmation EmailSummary: Is there a way to set up a confirmation email after an employee enrolls in benefits? Ideally, an email would not be sent when the benefit admins are making chan…
Unable to delete a Beneficiary organization after the Benefits have been closedSummary: Content (required): One of the newly hired employees accidentally added a Beneficiary organization. He had elected his benefits but DID NOT chose this organizat…
How to Require Certification when a dependent is dropped without change in plan or optionSummary: How to Require Certification when a dependent is dropped without change in plan or option Content (required): We have configured Dependent requires certificatio…
Dental Plan Lock Configuration (Required Period of Enrollment)Summary Dental Plan Lock = 2 years and cannot enroll in another plan during OE after 2 years is up, can enroll in other options within that "locked" planContent Hello, I…
Primary Beneficiaries Relationship TypeSummary: Allow the employee to see the relationship type when selecting from primary beneficiaries Content (required): When the employee enrolls in benefits, they are no…
Due to overage of a dependent the whole medical expn plan dropped including the employee and his sonSummary: Michael's Medical Expense Reimbursement enrollment (MERP) is missing from her benefits. He had an event on 3/31/22 where her overage dependent Catherine dropped…
How not to display the coverage amount of certain plans for the Employees?Summary: Content (required): Our clients wants the coverage amount not to be displayed for certain plans for Employees. The plans are LTD,STD. The coverages needs to be …
Imported Program Created Extra OptionSummary: After importing some plans and programs from TST to DEV some of the plans are showing an additional option. This option is the same name as the plan with no rat…
Curious about Benefits Module CapabilitiesHi community, I have not used Benefits Module before, so I know next to nothing about the module and the extent of the capabilities offered... curious if there are any g…
Need to add the "Booster Vaccine" to Document TypeSummary: For those employees who have received the booster vaccine, we are in need of creating a new document type that includes the booster as an option. Content (requi…
Family members duplicated when enrolling them in benefit in "who do you want to cover?"Summary: Content (required): An employee is adding their contacts and selecting who they want to cover in their benefit election at new hire, however a few of his family…
Is it possible to fetch which variable rate was associated to each employee in a report?Summary: Content (required): We have a situation where some of these variable rates needs to be updated. We need to know the impact of updating the rates. Is there any t…
Do we have a report/functionality to display the rate of an Employee based on their variable rate?Summary: Content (required): We are looking if we have a report/functionality where we can check the final rate of a plan for an Employee ? Eg, if the variable rate is b…
Do we have a report/functionality to display the rate of an Employee based on their variable rate?Summary: Content (required): We are looking if we have a report/functionality where we can check the final rate of a plan for an Employee ? Eg, if the variable rate is b…
Can we customize a specific Benefit plan to be displayed in bold and in specific colorSummary: We have a request to make a specific plans in one plan type to be displayed in bold and in Specific color Content (required): Version (include the version you a…
Pending action for dropping a dependentSummary: We need certifications to be submitted whenever an employee drops a dependent due to divorce. Content (required): I see we can trigger certifications by the rel…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
ACA 1095-C Electronic ConsentHello All, Does anyone have screenshots/documentation on the ACA 1095-C Electronic Consent functionality for Oracle Cloud? I have only been able to locate electronic con…
Retirement Anniversary DateSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement to check person eligibility for certain benefits based on the retirement anniversary month.. could someone help us on how this…
Collapsing rules warning on ESSSummary: How to suppress collapsing logic error on ESS Content (required): When employee has a New Hire event in started status and enters to add new his contacts (Befor…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 13 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits
How to create a life event which will be auto-triggered when Payroll relationship will be changedHow to create a life event which will be auto-triggered when Payroll relationship of a person will be changed from Biweekly to weekly?User_2025-02-11-20-53-26-679 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-20-53-26-679 Benefits
Missing Benefit Elections buttonI have an eligible employee that has an open life event on their record however they are unable to see the benefit elections button in the About Me section. I am able to…
Can you set up 457 plans in benefits or just Calculation Cards?Summary: It seems Oracle recommends set up of 457 plans in Payroll via Calculation Cards. However, the client prefers employees manage this via Self-Service in Benefits.…
Benefits rates are not showing as expected even after changing the PAyroll RelationshipSummary: We have a requirement for changing Payroll Relationship from Biweekly to Weekly. I have defined Weekly Payroll. Started enrollment for a Weekly Payroll Employee…
Life Events Not Detecting After Completing HR Transactions Through Quick ActionsSummary How to make detect a life event for Benefits after a HR Transactions is completed through Quick Actions process flow?Content Hi, I completed a Promotion/Demotion…
Assign Benefits to an Employee only after approval from Manager and DirectorSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement where an Employee is eligible for Fleet vehicle when he/she enters a particular Band. However,there are two options, C…
Need help setting up pension plans in BenefitsSummary: I need to setup basic and supplemental pension plans which allows employees to enter % or actual amounts to be deducted. The amount will need to be calculated a…User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 13 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-12-00-54-17-524 Benefits