Benefits Employee Self Service
Discussion List
Year periods for programs and plansSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where year periods differ from plan and within plan year periods differ based on bargaining unit. As we know, we cant add fiscal and c…
A coverage calculation method for the selected option in plan already exists. (BEN-990522)Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We want to add top up for coverages, how can we add the top up to this existing coverages …
Benefit enrollment opportunity shows domestic parner when there is no domestic partnerSummary: We have just created a new plan. Options are already availbale for other existing plans, so we utlized the existing options to add into this new plan. We have t…
Don't see "People to Cover" section when I try to enroll into Benefit CoveragesSummary: Hello Experts, I am trying to enroll a employee into Coverages and tryin to enroll into Employee+Spouse Option but I don't see "People to Cover" section to desi…
web address not showing up at programSummary: Hi, I have added webaddress at the program but it is not showing the link on the program when i add any life event. Could anyone advise. Thanks, N Content (plea…
How to provide enrolment access only for admin and not employee for few plansIs there any way to restrict employees access to benefit enrollments for few plans. The access to be only given for administrator for such plans. For other plans, the ac…
Life Events for Death of Dependents (Only Children+Spouse)- Using Related Person ChangesSummary: Hi Team, We are creating a new Life event Death of Dependent(Only Spouse and Children) We are trying to achieve this by using Related Person Changes -Data Chang…
Interim rule is not working when using a Fast formula for optional plan ratesSummary: Hi, We have a Fast formula attached to the rates for optional life plan where the rate is calculated based on age, gender and smoker status. However, due to the…
Redwood enablement in Oracle Cloud benefits moduleWhich are the pages supported by redwood in Benefits module. Is there any document available for the same?
Seeded benefit error message has standard text, need to have the text customized for EmpsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to provide automatic checkout option for benefits plansFor benefits plans where we have several options (employee, employee+spouse etc) – is it possible to set the options up in a way that once one is ticked off, the other o…
while trying to evaluate an employees life event receiving errorSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, While trying to evaluate employee life event, receiving a new error - The date code is inv…
Is there a way to setup a Plan with Optional Beneficiaries?Summary: We have many plans that have beneficiaries. In order to reduce the time to go through a New Hire or Open, we would like to setup the optional plans as beneficia…
coverage setup errorSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, receiving the error message on coverage , when we have defined only flat amount in variabl…
Optional rates annually is zero when the Employee is rehire from retireeSummary: Hi Expert, We recently rehired a retired employee, and when we enrolled her benefits in Active Coverage, we noticed that her annual Optional Plan Rates were zer…
Employee is from retiree coverage then they rehired the Employee and enrolled in Active CoverageHi Expert, We recently rehired a retired employee, and when we enrolled her benefits in Active Coverage, we noticed that her annual Optional Plan Rates were zero, even t…
Benefits Extract - Ability to pick enrollments for closed life eventsSummary: Hi All, Does Benefits extract (using plan carrier setup etc.) offer the ability to pick enrollments for closed life events alone? Our current file feeds are cau…
EOI Rule set up for Supplemental Spouse LifeSummary: We have requirement for Open enrollment for Supplemental spouse life that guaranteed issue should be 50000 for Open and New Hire event. 1)Lets say if employee e…
Vacation conversion to HSASummary: Hi, We have a requirement where employee should be able to convert next years vacation eg: 10 days and put the dollar amount to Health spending account. Does an…
Beneficiary elections are not continuing to new life eventSummary: We're facing an issue regarding action items related to benefit plans for Beneficiary. When an employee is enrolled to a benefit, action items are triggered as …vemuri Krishna Vinyasa-Oracle 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by vemuri Krishna Vinyasa-Oracle Benefits
Unable to enter 'Received Date' for suspended plan in Pending actionsSummary: Content (required): We had created a certificate to be entered in order for the plan to be enrolled. It goes under suspension mode while getting enrolled. So,if…
ACA Correction File TransmissionSummary: IRS accepts two kinds of files for ACA related changes in a file that has been transmitted already, Corrected File – Only the records that failed/corrected need…Jaison C 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jeremy Miller-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to hide the temporary ID Card option in redwood Benefits ESS pageSummary: How to hide the Temporary ID Card Option In Benefits ESS page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you a…
open enrollment - enroll in default benefitSummary: Hi, I want to know why the open enrolment scheduled process runs the enroll in default benefits. Why does it not restore previous elections that employee has ma…
Fillable Document of Records as one of the certifications for a Plan?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our client has a transport voucher election which has few fillable details like "Name", "Subway c…
Both Life Insurance Plans do not display in Change BeneficiariesSummary: I had the Change Beneficiaries tile created back when this feature first came out and it worked as it should. We have a Basic Life Plan and a Voluntary Life Pla…
New Hire Life EventSummary: Whenever a new work relationship is created for an employee, the New Hire Life Event is triggered. We need this New Hire Life Event to trigger only when a new r…
HSA proration based on remaining pay periodsSummary: Hi, We have a requirement that when employee elects any amount in the middle of the year the amount should be divided by remaining pay periods left in the year.…
Plan suspension for dependent certificatesSummary: Hi, Could you please help in the below scenario. Hire life event - Enrolled the employee in Dental plan (Employee plus family option) and designated dependents.…
We want to create International Business Trip Approval Process, how to achieve it?Summary: We want to achieve this requirement through absence. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This is related to Fusion application Versio…