Benefits Tips
Discussion List
Payflex - FSA and HSA ChangesSummary Payflex - FSA and HSA Changes - Plans managed at Program LevelContent Hello Everyone We are runinng into some issues, with Payflex enrollments especially with th…
Rates are not showing up for Dental plan for few employees.Summary Rates are not showing up for Dental plan for few employees.Content Hi Team, For few of the employees Dental Plan Rates were not visible against the plan/options …
Removal of EOI/Proof Of Good Health from Disability PlanSummary How to Remove EOI/Proof Of Good Health from Disability PlanContent HI Team, Please suggest on below, As of july 1, 2021, EOI or Proof Of Good Health is no longer…
Dependent Coverage End Date Fast FormulaSummary Need a Fast Formula for Dependent Coverage End DateContent We have a requirement, when dependent turns 30 years, the coverage should end on last day of the Year.…
Domestic Partner ConfigurationSummary Can anyone give guidance on domestic partner configuration for medical/dental/visionContent Hi All, My company is considering implementing domestic partner to ou…
ACA - 1095C Form Line 15 (Employee Req Contribution Amt - All 12 Months)Not getting displayed-Summary ACA - 1095C Form Line 15 (Employee Req Contribution Amt - All 12 Months)Not getting displayed-Content Hi Team Customer went LIVE in July 2020 with benefits . las…
Year Periods in Program with Fiscal and CalendarSummary Best practice for configuring year periods on program when both exist.Content Does anyone have suggestions, expertise, recommendations, etc. on how to configure …
Mandatory FieldsContent Are we able to make DOB, SSN, GENDER fields as required for benefit dependent such as Spouse, Child, DP and not make those fields mandatory for Contact types suc…
Enter benefits self service twice in a day, creates a new unrestricted event and blackout the previoSummary Sometimes when we enter self service a second time in the same day, we have the previous enrollment and sometimes it creates a new unrestricted event, backing ou…
Oracle US BenefitsContent Hello Experts, I'm very new to Oracle Fusion US benefits module. Can anyone share related documents for the basic setup involved in the Oracle Benefits. Thanks V…Muhammad Anas Abrar 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Documentation on HOW to set up plan comparisonsSummary Where can I find documentation on how to setup plan comparisons vs. just the features of it and what it doesContent I am having a hard time finding out detailed …
Medical Benefit DeductionContent Hi All, Need to term the benefits of an employee who's end date was in last month, I am not able to term the employee as his enrollment is missing. I need to mak…
Medical Benefit DeductionContent Hi All, Need to term the benefits of an employee who's end date was in last month, I am not able to term the employee as his enrollment is missing. I need to mak…
How to achieve display of Rates under Employee+Domestic Partner Option for both Pretax and PosttaxSummary How to achieve display of Rates under Employee+Domestic Partner Option for both Pretax and PosttaxContent Hello, We have a requirement, to set up the tax treatme…
Requirement to Auto Enroll in Plan B if Plan A has been selectedContent Hi All, Can anyone help me with below mentioned requirement. We have requirement to enroll in One Plan if the other plan is selected. For Example, if we have Pla…
Designate Dependent IssueSummary Adding a New child is suspending enrollmentContent Hi Experts, We have an issue with Designate dependent. We have configured Medical plan to suspend Enrollment t…
Rates - Wash Rule FunctionalityContent Hi All, We have a requirement to calculate the rates based on what the employee has as of the 15th of the month. Example: Employee enrolled in the plan prior to …
Use of Benefits Billing functionality when Benefits administered by a third partyContent Hello! I'm wondering if it is possible to use the Benefits Billing functionality even though my client is going to have its benefits administered via a third par…
How can I process the Assign,Evaluate and close the Life Events for around 1500 employees?Content I need to assign a potential Life Event, Evaluate the Life Event and then load the Participant information through HDL and then close the Life Events for around …
The participation evaluation process can't evaluate this life event (for Administrative Schedule)Summary We got an error message when we run the Evaluate Schedule Event ParticipationContent Dear Team, We encountered the below error message Supplied Mode : C BEN_9214…
Benefits Carrier Extract -EDI 834 Template for BI Publisher or HCM ExtractSummary Benefits Carrier Extract EDI 834 TemplateContent Hello Everyone! Please find the attached template for EDI 834 template for Benefits Extracts to Carriers. Hope t…
Time Zone for Open Enrollment during open and closeSummary Time Zone for Open Enrollment during open and closeContent Hello Experts! When kicking off Open Enrollment, what time zone does the system use if the client has …
New Hire trackingContent I have a client who typically can have 100+ New hire enrollments in the enrollment period at any given time. They are having issues with employees not enrolling …
Can 1095c be imported from a 3rd party COBRA vendor into Oracle?Content Hello, The client wants to have COBRA administration in a 3rd party system and will like to import the 1095c into Oracle for ACA reporting. Is this possible in O…
1094C Rejection errors - AgeNumSummary 1094C Rejection errors - AgeNumContent Please help if any one got this errors as acknowledgement from IRS for 1094C forms. AIRSH100 XML Schema Validation Failed…
How to enroll 5000+ Employees to a newly created benefit planSummary How to enroll 5000+ Employees to a newly created benefit planContent Hi Experts, we have a requirement from our HR to enroll 5000+ employees to a newly created b…
Self Assigned Life Events to require approvalContent Is there a way to require approval on self assigned life events before they can be processed? The requirement is: Employee selects a self assigned life event for…
HOW TO CREATE BENEFIT PLAN THAT GET VALUE FROM GRADE RATE VALUEContent We have a request from our HR Team to create new benefit plan. The new benefit plan has the following features; 1.Employees on the same grade should have the sam…
Person Benefits EligibilitySummary Person Benefits Eligibility DiagnosticsContent HI, One of the employee Benefits are getting wiped out completely (end dates) if we add any life vent and process.…
What is the best approach to configuring a True Up for STD?Content Hi , My client wants to configure a True Up for STD coverage amount., The client has an STD plan that is 60% of Weekly salary. However, CA and HI have state STD …