Discussion List
Redwood: Customize DOB field to be required in Contacts (Before you enroll in Ben Self-Service)Summary: We need to customize the DOB field to be required in contacts (adding and updating an existing) in the benefits self-service page >before you enroll. See screen…
Redwood Benefits 24D: Customize Print All Benefits to redirect to a BIP reportRequest your assistance to redirect Print All Benefits button to a custom BIP Report or is there a way to hide Print All Benefits button in Redwood page? I tried to achi…
Redwood Self Reported Life event - Report or area administrator can see LE to approveSummary: We know that alerts can be set up to notify benefits administrators when a self-reported life event is submitted. However, with high volumes, these alerts can s…
looking for best practices to deploy VBS changes across different versionsSummary: Is it required to have one DEV pod to be on Prod cadence always so that no there will not be impact on VBS deployments during upgrade window? Content (please en…
Redwood Demographic Info sect unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits pageSummary: Redwood: Demographic Info section unavailable while editing contacts in Before you enroll Benefits page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
New Redwood Benefits Summary Pages not viewable - 25ASummary: Hello! We are in the process of starting 25A testing in our lower environments. The profile options ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED and ORA_BEN_ADMINISTRATIVE_ENROLLME…
Which Redwood features are going to be mandatory starting 25A & 25B in the Benefits ModuleWhich Redwood features are going to be mandatory starting 25A & 25B in the Benefits Module.
Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and ObservationsSummary: Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and Observations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, We are noticing couple of…
Redwood - Before you Enroll Application Task No Longer Available in JourneysSummary: As we're implementing Redwood, I noticed that the Before you Enroll Application Task is no longer available in Journey tasks? I'm curious if anyone else has enc…
Customize "Tobacco Use" field only for contacts in VBSSummary: Need to make the field "Tobacco Use" "read only" only for the contacts Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to make the Tobacc…
Option Instruction Text not showing up in Redwood self service enrollmentSummary: Option Instruction Text not showing up in Redwood self service enrollment Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi team, We have a requ…
Redwood: How to hide attributes in My contacts > New contact under Before you enrollSummary: Redwood: How to hide attributes in My contacts > New contact under Before you enroll. Example: We need to hide From Date and To Date from Phone details, Email d…
How to override benefit enrollment in redwoodWe are currently testing redwood benefit pages, and am unable to find how to override an enrollment. In responsive, we would click on the 3 dots beside the specific plan…
Enabling Approvals for self reporting life eventsSummary: As part of the 24D release, Enable Redwood Experience for Approvals and Alerts in Benefits Report a Life Event Page feature was delivered in HCM Benefits module…
People to Cover Page: Context attribute behaviour is different in Redwood PageIn Responsive Pages, Context attribute is a LOV field, but in Redvood Page is a plain text field. This is not the expected behaviour for it. Any solution for this? Thank…
Need Help seeded text, personalize per customer if NOT using AOR.Summary: Customers not using AOR which is areas of responsibility users can simply modify the text and publish it within seconds to put in contact information for their …
Contacts section show up differently in Report a Life event page and Self Service enrollment pageSummary: Possibility to make the contacts section same in "Report a Life event" page and "Self Service enrollment" page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Benefit Relationship does not show in Redwood UI but does display in Responsive UISummary: Benefit Relationship of an employee does not show in Redwood UI but does display in Responsive UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Can action reason trigger life event?Summary: Can action reason trigger life event? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello all, Our clients would like to trigger life events ba…
Oracle Benefits AI Agent in Redwood Benefits PageSummary: I enabled the AI agent in benefits self service redwood page but AI agent is prompting "Sorry, the assistant is unavailable right now. If the issue persists, co…
Components are disabled in visual builder studio.Summary: We need to add Static text in benefits redwood quick action page (Before You enroll). While try to add it using components in advanced mode in VBS, the componen…
Hide section/button, change button text in Benefits ESS pages via VBCSIs it possible to hide these sections/buttons in Benefits Self-Service? Is it possible to change the text of the "Edit" button? Change the text and remove the "or domest…
Autocomplete rulesI need to create Auto complete rules for the below scenarios on Benefits Contacts page Make SSN Mandatory only for Spouse, Child, Step Child, Domestic Partner and Adopte…
SSN, DOB, and Gender required for Employee’s contacts in BenefitsSummary: Situation: > Benefits Teams in US wants to make SSN, DOB, and Gender required for Employee’s contacts who are dependents covered under Benefits. > In the past, …
Redwood: New document type cant be added at "document uploads" under program?Summary: New document type cant be added at "document uploads" under program? We have createad a common document type for benefits called "Supporting Document". But I do…
Benefits Plan Instruction Info/Text not visible if the plan has no edit optionSummary: Benefits Plan Instruction Info/Text not visible if the plan has no edit option while making enrollment in Benefits ESS Redwood Page. Content (please ensure you …
Hiding Annual Amount and Annual Cost in RedwoodSummary: Hide Annual Amount and Annual Cost in Review and Submit page - Benefits Self Service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We …
Redwood: How to change My Benefits Background imageRedwood: How to change My Benefits Background image?
Job code field missing in Redwood position pageWe are not able to see job code field in Redwood position page. Even though it is also not shown up in VBS tool as well. Once we select Job name LOV, we can see Job code…
Can we hide/Invisible pages using VBS in redwood for all/specific roles?I have a ask to hide Connection (redwood) page for all users/specific roles using VBS tool. As I am not able to achieve this requirement. Could you please have any resol…