Oracle Payroll Connect
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Payroll Activity Report - Not included Activity for Inactive Assignments with Final Close datesSummary Payroll Activity Report - Not included Activity for Inactive Assignments with Final Close datesContent We have a custom report using the Payroll Activity report …Melissa Martinez 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by M Arunkumar Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Significance of different statuses of State Withholding Tax Summary in US PayrollSummary Significance of different statuses of State Withholding Tax Summary in US PayrollContent Hi, Can anyone please explain me the different status used as a part of …Satyabrata Nanda 29 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Satyabrata Nanda Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Workforce Compensation: Can Compensation Rewards be recognized by more than one manager in case an eContent We are implementing Workforce Compensation for an organization with several internal transfers. Example: the employee 1000 worked 8 months for the production dep…Clarissa Castellacci 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
"Deleted Data Report" to run daily with incrementing Effective Date parameterSummary "Deleted Data Report" to run daily with incrementing Effective Date parameterContent Hi, Has anyone scheduled "Deleted Data Report" to run daily? It is an oracle…ICO 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can submit a process but can't view on Payroll Checklist afterSummary Can submit a process but can't view on Payroll Checklist afterContent Hello - We have tried using all of the seeded payroll role but we can't see any of the proc…Shanna Oppenheim 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can't HCM be configured for salaried exempt employees to keep weekly or By-Weekly payroll cost sameSummary Can't HCM be configured for salaried exempt employees to keep weekly or By-Weekly payroll cost same regardless of Hours worked?Content Hello HCM Gurus, Can't HCM…VYenuganti 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by VYenuganti Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to include YTD wages earned another PSU through custom element?Content hi Team, I need to displayYTD gross earnings for an employee in payslip. Consider the case where employee is rehired/transferred to a different PSU in a year. Pa…
How can I get the value of a payroll element into a Benefits Coverage Fast formula?Content Hello I've a requirement where we need to calculate the commissions received for an employee in the last 12 months of an Employee and calculate the coverage by a…Tanmay Pillai 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jonathan Plazewski Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
21A Payslips will not generate for Employees/Line Manager ViewSummary 21A upgrade changes payroll action param SKIP_BI_SERVER from N to YContent If after receiving 21A payslips are not generating for employees, and the generate pay…Chad Morris 28 views 3 comments 4 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Fast formula to define ADP Wage Payments User Defined Attributes - PTO Payroll ElementSummary Fast formula to define ADP Wage Payments User Defined Attributes - PTO Payroll ElementContent We are working on ADP Wage Payment-Smart Connect Integration to HCM…Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi 21 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Year End W-2 Report does not include all the employee that are shown as processed from W-2 Register/Summary Hi All, We are in the process of generating the the W-2 Employee Report. The PDF report does not show all the employees that reported in w-2 Register.Content Hi …User_AZFH2 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-20-42-14-384 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Salary for Part-Time employeesSummary Salary record does not update automatically if FTE changesContent If an employee changes their hours and therefore the FTE value is changed there is a requiremen…User_XY9AI 50 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_XY9AI Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to restrict Add button and edit option from self-service Payment method page?Summary How to restrict Add button and edit option from self-service Payment method page?Content Hi Team, How to restrict Add button and edit option from self-service Pa…Ashok Gosu 15 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Load Person Costing using HSDL TemplateContent Hi, Has anyone worked on HSDL Template to load person costing? I am facing the below error when I try to load Assignment costing details for a person using ASG, …User_2025-02-06-22-15-37-978 102 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-06-22-15-37-978 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Creating New Payroll Elements (Process/Checklist)Summary Can anyone share what their process is for creating new payroll elements?Content Hello, Can anyone share what their process is for creating new payroll elements?…Jill Krivanek 77 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jill Krivanek Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Element vs Balance dimension Inception to DateContent Hi, I am building a fast formula that should look at the Inception to date balance of an element. If the same element is used 2 times for the same employee, the …Oliver_Tegho 111 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Oliver_Tegho Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Working of Payroll Batch LoaderSummary Working of Payroll Batch LoaderContent Hi Experts, Greetings of the Day! I heard that Payroll Batch Loader wont be available from 21A Upgrade. Yesterday, Our sys…Charan Kollipara 53 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by MandeepGupta Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
California Annual Pay Data ReportSummary Does Oracle plan to deliver a report that can be used for California's new requirement for an annual pay data report similar to the data included in the federal …jwoodard93 37 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Kevin Orze-43433 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Transfer Hours from one element to anotherSummary Getting Hours value from an element and triggering another element using the hours transferred.Content Hi, Seeking for you help for any ideas and workarounds reg…Renzel Keith Coquia-204674 68 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Renzel Keith Coquia-204674 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
20,000 employee employer going live 7/1/21 - hourly, salary and unionized employeesSummary Asking for tips for go live and some specific payroll audit information as well - Oracle Cloud FusionContent Hi, we are a school district with 20,000 employees r…User_2025-02-10-20-34-07-209 54 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-20-34-07-209 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can we call a parameterized custom job from an approval transactionSummary Can we call a parameterized custom job from an approval transactionContent Hi All, We have a requirement to change the Promotion transaction in Core HR to have s…User_2025-02-10-11-49-03-911 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
HCM – Product Office Hour: Payroll, 29 January 2021, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Product Office Hour: Payroll session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new commen…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-48-10-449 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Do voided payments show up on cash management?Content How do we get a voided payment to show up on the cash management side? We are able to see the original payment and then the newly reissued payment but do not see…Cynthia 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Cynthia Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Global Payroll Advisory Session 21ASummary Powered by Application Managed ServicesContent We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd session of our Advisory Webinar series on Oracle Quarterly Update 21A, arr…User_W4MMU 50 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_W4MMU Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Calculation CardsSummary Calculation CardsContent Hi Experts, So we have transformation formula for calculation cards.?Ravi Teja-241556 60 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ShivaG Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
PBL to HDL conversion - after 20D patch issuesSummary PBL to HDL conversion - after 20D patch issuesContent Hi All, We applied seeded package [PBL -> HDL fast formula] and tested before 20D and able to load the file…Peoplesoft 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arun Ramachandran Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Bahrain PayrollSummary Bahrain Payroll Localization requiredContent Hi, We are looking for some details for a client interested in Oracle Payroll in Bahrain. Please can you provide the…Sohini Saha 70 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sohini Saha Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Change Assignment Status in Core HCM for PayrollSummary We want to change Assignment Status from Payroll Eligible to Payroll Non Eligible through Core HR for Employee Payroll. We need to do this by HDLContent We want …SAZAZ 53 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Prorate elements on marital statusSummary Prorate elements on marital statusContent We usually have housing allowance which is sometimes dependent on marital status. Do we have any proration event for th…A Jain 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by A Jain Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can you please suggest the correct context value to be used for CMP_ IV_ITEM_NAME.Summary Can you please suggest the correct context value to be used for CMP_ IV_ITEM_NAME.Content Hi Team, Created the fast formula below - but getting an error for sett…C.R.Balaji 33 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by C.R.Balaji Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)