Custom Formulas
Discussion List
Recently added U/X as a gender answer. How do I get the # of Candidates U/X?Summary: We recently added U/X as a gender answer. There isn't a calculation for this - how do I get the # of Candidates U/X? Similar to the # of Candidates N/S, # of Ca…
Complex filter in TCC to filter out candidate who has a latest CSW date of less than 24 hoursCan anyone guide me in this requirement please: Complex filter in TCC to filter out candidate who has a latest CSW date of less than 24 hours I have a XML but it is not …
I'm looking for an SQL code to create a column that shows difference the previous 2 columns (count).Summary: I need to create a column that will calculate the difference between the previous two columns. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
Unable to get the correct values in OBI Report - Submissions / Candidates, HiredSummary Unable to get the correct values in OBI Report - Submissions, HiredContent I need assistance with OBI report. I am trying to get the # of submissions per month, …User_2025-01-28-04-42-06-737 62 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Shyam Rajbhar Taleo Enterprise
Last Month Dynamic Date ReportingSummary: Hi - I'm unable to get a report to pull all results from last month and MOS directed me here. Does anyone know how to pull data by specifying the last month as …
On the candidates job Offer Notification, customize the error message linked to the Accept buttonSummary: During job offer process , we seek additional info from the candidate through a generated mail, where they have to enter the some additional details asked for. …
Am I able to use 'OR' in a formula to pull most recent answer of 2 different question codes?Summary: We recently unposted a req however still have active candidates on it. In the new posting, we replaced a prescreening question with a newly created question. I …
Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Summary Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Content Hello - We're trying to build a report to show the # of days it took for an approver to approve an offe…User_2025-01-23-21-59-01-568 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mariah Frantz Taleo Enterprise
Is there a formula to be created in order to replace a column result with another in OBI?Summary: Formula for an UDF column in OBI Content (required): I would need a formula to get the Local administration service (ERH) (which is an UDF that shows the organi…
Unable to Report on Historical Start Date ValuesSummary Ability to report on historical value for start dates in OBI when changes are madeContent Currently in OBI, users are unable to report on historical start date v…User_2025-01-23-21-01-25-711 53 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Raesah Kachwala Taleo Enterprise
Pull Certain Prescreen Q&A's into Report ColumnsSummary: I've created an Applicant Data Analysis that is based on a particular Template. I'm trying to show the question and answer for 1-2 Prescreen questions. If the q…
Changing SSN to include dashesSummary: Sorry, me again. When it rains it pours. Currently in Taleo our SSN is stored in ######### format. We do not have any type of data feed to our HCMS because, wel…
Outputting Resumes in an OBI ReportSummary: We send resumes to a third party vendor to be uploaded on the Digital Personnel Record Keeper. This is currently done manually. Is there a way to run a report i…
Add amount to employee referral bonusSummary: We are adding a secondary bonus amount depending on the candidate hired that I want to add on with a report Content (required): So, we have a referral bonus amo…
Is it possible to show # of submissions only for previous day?Summary: Looking to display number of submissions submitted on previous day for each requisition Content (required): Hi all--we've been asked to try and provide a report…
Is there any way to do a math equation within a Pivot Table in OBI?Summary: Is there any way to do a math equation within a pivot table? The formula that I created is not working within the criteria tab. I'm trying to take Days Less 20 …
Formula to Display Time ZoneSummary Formula to Display Time ZoneContent Is there a way to display time zone in an OBIEE report? For example, Hired Date field - I would like to display what time zon…
Maximum Historical Status BY MonthSummary Maximum Historical Status BY MonthContent Does anyone know the formula or filters to get Maximum Historical Status BY Month? I am using Historical Status Start D…
Average Time From One Status To The NextContent I am trying to calculate the average time in days it takes our recruiters to move candidates from one status to the next by Requisition. I am able to get the cal…
Custom Formula for Pending HiresSummary Issues calculating pending hiresContent Hello, Our Recruiters have requested a number of "Pending Hires" added to reporting. This would be calculated based on th…User_2025-01-30-02-40-53-338 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-02-40-53-338 Taleo Enterprise
Oracle Error code: 979, message: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression at OCI call OCIStmtExecute.Summary Oracle Error code: 979, message: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression at OCI call OCIStmtExecute.Content Hello I would like to seek your help regarding the SQL E…
Adding Case Formulas in Analysis FiltersSummary Adding Case Formulas in Analysis FiltersContent Hi Team, I have a custom report developed to fetch the most progressed status of a submission in a Requisition. T…User_2025-01-31-15-12-07-285 48 views 16 comments 1 point Most recent by Dawn Phipps Taleo Enterprise
List Collaborators on one row in reportContent We are running a requisition ownership report but reports that have more than one collaborator are appearing on the report multiple times - one row per collabora…
How to convert a field (formula) from number to text or vice verseSummary Would like to combine two columns using CASE statement, one is with number format, the other is with text formatContent I have two columns in one report. Both of…
Multiple Rows With Offer Actual Start Date FieldContent I have a referral report that is pulling all required data and uses Offer Actual Start Date as the prompt. Issue I'm having is if there are multiple offer attemp…User_2025-01-25-04-51-45-357 62 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Dawn Phipps Taleo Enterprise
Always show hire start date two months agoContent We want to contact a list of our new hires from two months ago on an on going basis. So I'm trying to run this on the 15th of each month to show any one that had…
Time (days) Spent in StepSummary Time (days) Spent in StepContent Looking for some help. I would like to show number days spent in each step, particularly from our Post-Offer Screening step to t…User_2025-01-22-19-52-38-358 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-52-38-358 Taleo Enterprise
Gather %'s in OBI for Diversity NumbersSummary Looking for help on SQL which can calculate %'s of Diversity dataContent Good day all and Happy Friday. I have a diversity report nearly completed. I have variou…
Date formula to show N/A when blankSummary How to show a date formula with N/A when BlankContent I am using the following formula and would like to use N/A in the column when no date associated. Also the …User_2025-01-23-23-19-49-770 45 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-53-32-038 Taleo Enterprise