Discussion List
Is there a way to limit who can see the Onboarding Transitions?Summary: Right now, Recruiters can see the entire company in the Onboarding Transistions and we do not want that. We only want them to see their specific location, (ie h…
Is TCC the only way to automate onboarding process to start?Summary: We are trying to automate the onboarding process. Is this possible without TCC? Content (required): Can onboarding be started via the advanced e-Offer process? …
Is it possible to prevent someone from being hired until they complete Onboarding Tasks?Summary: Our onboarding tasks include the candidates validating the personal information before they become hired. Content (required): Version (include the version you a…
How to set a picture for a journeySummary: We would like to set custom picture/photo to each journey that is different from the predefined pictures Content (required): Till now I haven't found any config…
Internal candidates logging into the External career siteSummary: Has anyone stopped their Internal candidates i.e. those who currently work in your company, from creating a user account on the External career site and applyin…
Taleo Onboarding Integration with DocuSign E-SignatureSummary:- My Client don't want to use Standard E-Signature in Onboarding due to compliance issue. Is it possible to have Taleo Onboarding Integration with DocuSign E-Sig…User_2025-02-12-02-19-54-979 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-12-02-19-54-979 Taleo Enterprise
Link to Task Tab in onboarding no matter which career section they applied toSummary: Need a link that would take a candidate to the onboarding Task tab to completed unfinished tasks even if their status changes from external to internal to compl…User_2025-02-11-14-08-32-845 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nicole Gray Taleo Enterprise
Is it possible to remove the option to "Extend Offer Verbally?"Summary: Content (required): Extending offer verbally removed. Leaving only the ability to extend via eOffer. Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…
Onboarding and RequisitionsSummary: How do other companies handle the impact to Onboarding when the requisition the candidate is being hired to changes from req A to req B? Content (required): We'…
Is anyone managing physical inspection of I-9's for remote workers?Summary: We are planning to configure Remote requisitions in Taleo and as part of hiring remote candidates would like to know how physical inspection of I-9's are manage…
eOffer Processes - Multiple CountriesSummary Does anyone run different eoffer processes for different countries?Content I was wondering if anyone has separate eoffer processes for different countries (or ot…
A candidate is hired. the user account in smrt org still falls under Onboarding TransitionsSummary: A candidate is hired. Now that its hired, the user account of this candidate in smrtOrg still falls under Onboarding Transitions user type. The username of the …
Onboarding. Progress Bar in the Transitions CenterSummary: We have a new hire onboarding process with conditions where it is expected that the candidate will not be prompted to some steps due to the conditions set. Is i…
Date Based Condition for OnboardingSummary: I'm trying to create a condition, for a task, in an onboarding process off of an effective date. Content (required): The effective date is for a bonus program. …
Ways of Passing values for CIC+ Passport service fieldsSummary: Passing values for CIC+ Passport service fields Content (required): We have CIC+ Passport service enabled. We have enabled the option "Use UDF Work Location Fie…
Fields that can be used when creating a time based condition in OnboardingSummary: Fields that can be used when creating a time based condition in Onboarding Content (required): As per Oracle Doc 1616371.1, there are only four standard fields …
The task bar displays incorrect sequence in candidate's view for the New Hire Onboarding ProcessSummary: The task bar displays incorrect sequence in candidate's view for the New Hire Onboarding Process. Example: the step (task) Welcome Email should be displaying at…
Direct Deposit - Taleo Delivered FieldsSummary: Does anyone use the delivered direct deposit fields in taleo onboarding? I'm trying to understand if they provide any advantage over our user-defined fields tha…
How to Auto-complete an Onboarding TaskContent Hi, We have a question around the Taleo Onboarding Task "I9 Review Required" that is completed by the Manager after the candidates completes their I9 Section 1. …
TCC: Export Multiple candidate attachments failsContent Hi, I have developed the TCC script for export the multiple candidate attachments but i am facing the issue on export attachments for multiple candidates. If I g…User_2025-02-12-05-54-15-072 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ben Esteban Taleo Enterprise
Use TCC to cancel tasks in TransitionsSummary Cancel individual tasksContent Hi, Is it possible to run TCC scripts to cancel individual tasks within Transitions Onboarding. I imagine you need to specify the …User_2025-01-22-20-39-40-849 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ben Esteban Taleo Enterprise
Help! Onboarding Issue: Required Field Showing as Blank on Completed Candidate FormContent Hi All, We have a form in onboarding with a required field on there - County. A candidate cannot submit the form without a value entered - I've tested this and t…
Making Onboarding Task MandatorySummary Making Onboarding Task MandatoryContent We have an onboarding task that requires owners to fill a user defined form. We would like to make this task mandatory su…
Onboarding Process - Average Length?Content Hi All, I'm curious on the average length of different organizations onboarding processes. We have four different processes, depending on the position. Some are …
Merged: We invite you to attend a ⭐️ LIVE ⭐️ webinar to get started with your Oracle Cloud Applicat…This discussion has been merged.
OBI - onboarding candidate reminder questionsContent We would like to send an onboarding reminder to candidate if there is any incomplete task: In OBI, is there a way to identify the assignee is a candidate or empl…
onboarding candidate reminder questionsContent Hello: We would like to send an onboarding reminder to candidate if there is any incomplete task: Is there a way to schedule onboarding task reminder send to can…
Industry Standards for WOTC Tax Credit QuestionnaireSummary Looking for what others are doing related to WOTC?Content Hi All, We currently have the WOTC Questionnaire configured within the initial candidate application. U…
FLUID ROADMAP for ONBOARDING MODULESummary Is there any forecast to implement the current recruiting fluid look & feel in the ONBOARDING MODULE?Content We would like to know if is there any forecast to im…
Salary UDFSummary we have created UDF by mid salary and max salary , so that candidate can fall in that range, but if we type $40,000 its updates like $40000 that comma is missing…