Discussion List
20D Update and EEO PDF FormsContent Is any having issues with the EEO PDF forms saving from Taleo Onboarding after 20D? I know there was an issue with 20D.1.1 with viewing all PDF forms (checkboxes…
Collaborators to be included in the message template recipient listContent Is it possible to put the requisition collaborators in the recipient list for the onboarding message template? what are those variables?
Messy Content page. Table sectionContent Hi, What is the reason behind the misaligned table section which displays the Files uploaded by the candidate? This is a content page and I used multiple file ca…
Onboarding: Can candidates upload documents as part of a task?Content Hi All, I feel like I've seen posts about this before, but can candidates upload a document as part of a task in the onboarding process? We have a document that …
Creating an Onboarding transition condition based on first OfferContent Hello All, My organization is looking to send out an email notification for IT to prepare IT assets for new employees. Ideally, we would like this notification t…
Google Maps in paragraphContent Hi Community! I have been doing some reading on the implementation of Google Maps within paragraph to display an office location. Has anyone done this before and…
Offer Approval ConfirmationContent Hi, Would it be possible to have offer approval confirmation default to the Recruiter as opposed to HR Partner?With most of our positions, HR is not involved. Th…
Can a Recruiting variable be used in a Onboarding correspondence?Content We'd like to include a UDF value which is collected from Recruiting in a Onboarding correspondence. It looks like Recruiting variable can only be used in Recruit…
HR to print a filled out (completed) use defined form that was assigned to the candidateContent I created a user defined form which the candidate should fill out. This form includes date, name, and esignature of the candidate. Once this form is completed, i…
Whats the difference between routing and task in creating a step in the process?Content Whats the difference between routing and task in creating a step in the process when they are both following a sequence flow in the career section?
Fluid: Why active disqualification questions under Library not available unlike legacy recruitingSummary Not able to see active disqualification question under Library in fluid recruitingVersion 20D.0.5
20D.06 Transitions Forms brokenContent Hi, Just gone to 20D.06 ..and Transitions is broken. Forms are not able to be viewed or executed by either candidate or Recruiting user. Version 20D.06
Onboarding Message TemplatesSummary Requisition owners to receive responseContent Hi Experts, I tried to setup the notification response from candidate on offer acceptance by adding "{RequisitionOw…
URL to Offer Letter?Summary Looking for the URL to the offer, advanced eoffer processContent When we extend our eoffer, we include a link to the offer, in the notification email sent to the…User_2025-01-30-05-05-15-580 29 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Onboarding Process - Mentor NameSummary Onboarding Process - Mentor NameContent Hi, We would like to have the ability for our onboarding coordinators to enter a mentor name when a new hire starts on da…Robert Gallagher 24 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
OB Re-evaluation not occuring after 20B.2 upgradeSummary We have 'Proactive update of waiting conditions' set to 'Yes' in OB, however since upgrade to 20B.2 our email is not being re-evaluated when it gets changed like…
Reactivating an Onboarding ProcessSummary How to reactivate an Onboarding ProcessContent Hello, A number of our onboarding processes don't have a "Restart" button. I found Doc ID 2697966.1 on the Knowled…
Taleo with HCM OnboardingSummary Is anyone using HCM with Taleo?Content Hello, We are currently using several products from the HCM suite including Core HR. Taleo interfaces with HCM via TCC and…Nick Dorfner 42 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Configuring Taleo Onboarding (20B)Summary Configuring Taleo Onboarding (20B)Content Hi, We just moved to 20B and we now want to use onboarding. I would like to know how tough is it to configure this with…
HireRight I-9, anyone seeing delay with passport?Summary I-9 integration is delayed, anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours. Anyone else experiencing a delay?Content Hoping others can help confirm your current I-9 experie…
Enhance Taleo onboardingSummary Enhance Taleo onboardingContent Hello, Currently we are planning to enhance our current Taleo onboarding Process and looking for answers for the below questions.…User_2025-01-29-22-51-44-720 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rahul Thomas Taleo Enterprise
HireRight I-9 passport integration, Validity periodSummary Is there standard setting others are using for "Validity Period" with their HireRight I-9 integration?Content Hi everyone.... Hoping some seasoned users of HireR…
Start Onboarding Diasbled for several candidatesSummary Onboarding DisabledContent With Taleo Fluid Recruiting, when the recruiter select more than one candidate the option: Start New Hire Onboarding doesn't appears. …
Disability and Special Accommodation Needs/RequestsSummary How are Orgs handling this prior to hire?Content Hello, We are seeking to gather some information on how Organizations are handling Disability and if a new hire …
Lift and Shift from Taleo to ORCSummary Lift and Shift from Taleo to ORCContent One of our client is looking for "lift and shift" from Taleo to ORC. They want to sunset their Taleo applications. In vie…
Change Tab or Text on Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding TasksSummary Change Tab or Text on Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding TasksContent How to you Change Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding Tasks? Instead of Red we would like to…
Onboarding user defined formsSummary Can you de-activate an onboarding user defined form?Content We have a requirement to disable one of the pages in our onboarding process, however I can only see a…User_2025-02-06-20-56-07-048 44 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jacob Frie Taleo Enterprise
Besides the I9 form are there any other onboard forms delivered by Oracle in TaleoSummary Besides the I9 form are there any other onboard forms delivered by Oracle in TaleoContent We are building out Oracle Onboarding Transitions. We have typical form…
New Voluntary Disability FormSummary New Voluntary Disability Form Effective August 4th, 2020Content The OFCCP has issued an updated Voluntary Disability Form that must be implemented by August 4th,…
Impact of Adobe Flash disable on Google ChromeSummary Impact of Adobe Flash disable on Google ChromeContent Most of the users are using Google Chrome for running the reports. Adobe Flash will be disabled in Google c…