Discussion List
Mass create Performance DocumentsSummary What is the best way to mass create Performance DocumentsContent Hi All - During year end when we kick off performance and pay plan, we have to create performanc…
Set Next Period Goal TaskSummary Set Next Period Goal TaskContent Hello When I goto Manage Performance Flow, am unable to see the task Set Next Period Goals. Is this task made obsolete or is the…
Copying completed goals into new plan yearSummary Edit function is disabled for copied goals into a new plan yearContent We have a business need to allow our workers to copy goals into a new plan year for ease o…Stephanie Clement 60 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephanie Clement Performance Management
How to load previous performance data to HCM using HDL?Content Description:we were using the performance management module of Oracle E-Business Suit to manage employees performance evaluation. We have a request from the mana…INNOCENT EMMANUEL 131 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
Ability to pass context to Goal Descriptive flexfield to display values based on Goal planSummary Ability to pass context to Goal Descriptive flexfield to display values based on Goal planContent We are currently using a descriptive flexfield named "Corporate…User_DYMHE 58 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
Manager is not able to approve Goals, on Employee page it is showing pending for approvalContent Hi All, When Manager is going to approve goals for employee for them also it is showing Pending for approval. Ideally it should show approve goals Navigator > My…
Oracle BI : Employee without business goalsSummary We aims to have a report based on employee without business goalsContent Hello,Have you an idea on how to build a report on Oracle BI in order to have a list of …Amandine C-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Amandine C-Oracle Performance Management
Release 19A, organization goals functionality is gone?Summary I can't see organization goals anymore, where should I go?Content Is someone using organization goals in 19A? I can't find the feature anymore! I need help on th…Elisabeth Boulery 60 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Arkadi Popov-Oracle Performance Management
Looking for the pSectionTypeCode for Development GoalsContent Have a requirement to contextualize display of a text component based on section type in performance document. Does anyone know the section type code that can be…
Requester field on Mass Assigning goals returns no resultsSummary When using Mass Assigning for goals, we need to enter goals on behalf of a group manager. The Requester dropdown contains no names.Content When mass assigning a …
View Only Access for Line HR for Performance ObjectivesContent In our current configuration, we were able to create the view only access for performance objectives for HR by using EL expressions on the goal management pages.…
Clarification needed for news-feed mobile responsive talent pages.Summary Clarification needed for news-feed mobile responsive talent pages.Content We are in process of implementing news-feed mobile responsive pages. I can see that the…Ritwick Chatterjee 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Arkadi Popov-Oracle Performance Management
Check-Ins Goals Note Not Flowing In Goals DetailsSummary NewsFeed - Check-Ins Goals Note Not Flowing In Goals DetailsContent We have the Check-Ins template enabled with Performance Goals, when Manager Comments Notes on…Deepak Deenadayalan 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neeraj Narang-Oracle Performance Management
Check In Documents in Goals and Performance DocumentContent According to the following topic: https://cloudcustomerconnect.oracle.com/posts/8a32ba71e5 I should be able to add contextual notes Check in templates to the goa…Marianne Kromwijk 71 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Neeraj Narang-Oracle Performance Management
FYI fires when Manager reviews the employee performance goalSummary Manager reviews the employee performance goal without any changes, fires FYI notification to employeeContent Hi, Line Manager reviews the direct employees perfor…Chandra_Ram 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
Anytime Feedback - HR Specialist VisbilitySummary Viewing Manager Only NotesContent Is it possible for an HR Specialist to view "Only Me" feedback that has been left by an individual? If so, does anyone know the…
Delete Check-Ins DocumentsContent Hi team, Is there a way to delete Check-In documents once it's been created? Like we can cancel and delete a performance document to reset it. Thanks
Manage Goal Plans Task is Display onlySummary Manage Goal Plans link is Display onlyContent How to enable or Ungray 'Manage Goal Plans' Task in FSM. Could any one give the detail information on how to access…
When pulling Success Criteria or Comments into a report, it reflects the font codingSummary How can I keep the font coding from pulling into a report?Content If an employee has formatted their Comments or Success Criteria for a goal, the coding pulls in…
Goal Approval Date not availableSummary Performance Goal Approval Date not availableContent Hi, In performance goal, we have an approval setup so that employee submits the goal plan and line manager ap…
Organization goal weightage are not flowing to the employeesContent Hi, When an Organization owner is creating a goal and publishing it. then the weightage of the organization is not flowing to all the employee and not even when …
Can you assign a fast formula to a flexfield?Content Hi, We are creating a fast formula were the return value have to be assigned to a DFF of a goal. Is it possible to write a value on a DFF using a fast formula? W…Mirtha Antequera Borges 135 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nazera Shabnam Performance Management
how to assign goals to employee enrolled in middle of the yearContent Hi, We are creating a goal plan and adding some goals in the goal plan. and assigning the goal plan to the employees. So, if an employee joins in the middle of t…
Ability for Functional Manager to route approval to line managerSummary Ability for Functional Manager to route to approval to line managerContent Currently, we have the following Goals approval hierarchy in place. We have a requirem…
Competency Section Is not Displaying Proficiency RatingContent Hi all, I have created a Competency Section and have included content items and have also enabled rate items and selected Proficiency Rating Model. However, whil…
The goal cannot be updated because its status is either pending approval or requires approval HRG 31Summary The goal cannot be updated because its status is either pending approval or requires approval HRG 3120296Content Manager created some goals for himself and share…
Allow employees to see goals for all employees in the organizationSummary Request is to allow all employees to see goals of all other employees in the organization, if they are shared goalsContent Good morning. I have a request from a …
Can an employee be given access to view all other employee's performance goals?Summary Can an employee be given access to view all other employee's performance goals?Content Using Employee directory, employee can view other employee details. But we…
Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide FeedbackSummary Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide FeedbackContent When a Line Manager adds feedback under Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide Feedback for a …
Goal Management does not restrict to allow changes post performance evaluationContent Hi, Is there any way, as per which we can restrict the user from updating the goals in goal management post performance evaluation process, so that employee woul…Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Zimmerman Performance Management