Discussion List
Performance goal approvals based on PositionSummary Is there a way to achieve configuration to route the performance goal approvals based on Position.Content Example:Position = CEO: Auto Approve(for Actions like a…
RUI Career and Performance Tile Not VisibleSummary RUI Career and Performance Tile Not VisibleContent We are going live with UI updates for goals and performance today and had everything working without issue in …
19D - GetManager function is no longer working for goals approvalSummary 19D - GetManager function is no longer working for goals approvalContent Hi, This get manager function is no longer working for goals approval in 19D. GetManager…Praveen Kumar Damaraju-153353 64 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
19D: 'Last updated by' on goals is inaccurateSummary 19D: 'Last updated by' on goals is inaccurateContent On our goals documents, the last updated by field is completely wrong now. It shows goals were updated by em…
Manager not able to approve goals from My Team Goals pageSummary Manager not able to approve goals from My Team Goals pageContent I think a manager should also be able to approve goals/goal plan from the My Team Goals plan. Th…
Seperate goals for Anytime/performance documentSummary Seperate goals for Anytime/performance documentContent Hi All, We are hoping to use Anytime documents so employees can create a document based on individual proj…
GoalFyiNotification BPM configuration to send notice when HR cancels GoalSummary I am attempting to update the BPM so an FYI Notification goes out when HR Cancels a goal.Content We have found in testing that the Worker Goal Setting Notificati…Maria VanderMolen 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria VanderMolen Performance Management
Goal Plan Set errorSummary Goal Plan Set errorContent When i go to My Client Groups > Goals > Goal Plan Sets i get error "You can't use the goal plan set tasks at this time. Contact your h…Junade Shujaat-160775 72 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Junade Shujaat-160775 Performance Management
Comments are not viewable by employees in Organization Goal PlanSummary Comments are not viewable by employees in Organization Goal PlanContent We have an organization goal plan that is owned by our CEO, so that when it is published,…
Add Performance Goal on My Team Performance Overview. Goal Plan blank but requiredSummary i'm unable to create a goal for my direct reports using the Add Performance Goal button on My Team Performance Overview page.Content The Goal Plan field is blank…
19D - Goal approval not sentSummary Approval is not sent to the managerContent Hello, We just had 19D upgrade. We had goal approval enabled on 19C (with option values for key attribute/cancel/delet…
Many responsive pages don't open at the top of the pageSummary Many responsive pages don't open at the top of the pageContent We went live with the goals responsive pages a month ago, and we are working on reviewing the perf…
Goals group by 'Category' as defaultSummary Goals group by 'Category' as defaultContent Hi, Is there a possibility to group by 'Category' as default on Goals management. or is there any customization. When…
Share Organization Goals outside manager hierarchySummary Share Organization Goals outside manager hierarchyContent Unlike personal goals, we noticed that it is not possible to Share organization goals. They are automat…
Conditional Goal configurationSummary Enable goal properties only for certain types of goalsContent We are trying to widen the goal and performance module functionality and have enabled few fields as…
Matrix Management - GoalsSummary What can the matrix manager do and see ?Content Hi I am trying to understand for Goals alone (no Performance) what the features of matrix management are ? I have…
20A - Manager cannot assign goals to direct reportsSummary 20A - Manager cannot assign goals to direct reportsContent While regression testing in 20A I discovered when assigning goals by manager to direct reports, you ca…
Can we display goal completion % on goal plan page?Summary Can we display goal completion % on goal plan page?Content Currently, the completion percentage is displayed at the goal details page only. can we display that o…
19D: Goal Approvals not workingSummary 19D was applied to our test environment. Get a message that approvals are in process but they aren't assigned to anyone to approveContent Prior to 19D we had goa…
Performance Goals section Sort By 'Category'Summary Performance Goals section Sort By 'Category' as defaultContent Hi, Is there a possibility to sort by 'Category' as default on Performance Document Goals section …
Sharing of goalsSummary Trigger of Workflow when sharing goalsContent Hi We have switched to the new UX in 19D/20A in our environment. Now, when an employee tries to share a goal, it ge…Mohit Gupta-45440 56 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Unable to see 'Add Performance Goals' Action as a ManagerSummary Unable to see 'Add Performance Goals' Action as a ManagerContent Hi Experts, We are in the process of enabling responsive UI for Managers. I found that ' Add Per…Vijaya Lakshmi MS 56 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Challa Vidyasagar Performance Management
Is it possible to display measures on the goal page instead of separate link on left side?Summary Is it possible to display measures on the goal page instead of separate link on left side?Content We have a requirement to associate multiple measurements per si…
Need to Turn off Goal Approval in new UXSummary Switching to new UX, Goal approval won't go away.Content We are switching to the new mobile responsive UX for goals and performance. We do not require approval f…
How a 2nd level manager can see goals for their indirect reportsContent How a 2nd level manager can see goals for their indirect reports?
Employees Can't Edit Goals During Year-End ReviewContent Hello, we are currently going through year-end performance reviews for 2019. Several employees have reported that they are trying to edit their goals but can't -…
Organization Goals > View by Organization in the new interface?Summary I can't sort the organization goals by Organization in the new UI?Content Hello, Our employees received 2 "layers" of Organization Goals: from the CEO and then f…Elisabeth Boulery 65 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Elisabeth Boulery Performance Management
Manage Performance Document Type:-Worker can select Manager when creating documentSummary Is this feature Available in 19DContent 1) I have tried creating a Performance Document type, but was not able to select the checkbox '' Worker can select manage…
Re-Ordering Performance GoalsSummary Can a manager re-order an employee's performance goals?Content Hi - Is it possible for a manager to re-order the performance goals they have entered for their em…
Career Development Page is not responsiveSummary Enabled Responsive UI profile option for Career DevelopmentContent Hi All, We have enabled HRD_CAREER_DEVELOPMENT_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option. When navigat…