Discussion List
Goal Plan page personalization based on Review Period or Goal Plan NameSummary I need to enable a couple of components on the Goals page based on Review PeriodContent a few years ago we simplified the Goals page and disabled pretty much all…
Scheduling goal plan assignment with employee assignment changesSummary Employees with changing assignment do not get reassigned goal planContent After going live with performance management I have noticed an issue with assigning goa…
Elegibility Profiles | Check the employees includedSummary Is there any page where to check the employees included in an elegibility profile?Content Hi, Is there any page where to check the employees included in an elegi…Leonor Medrano Oñoro 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Leonor Medrano Oñoro Performance Management
Create goal plansSummary Who can create goal plansContent Hello community, I was wondering if managers can create goal plan or this privilege is only assigned to the HR specialist. Thank…
Hide Performance Document only for current review period in MSS - RUXContent Hi, We have a requirement to hide the Performance document from My Team --> Career and Performance for current review period only in MSS Responsive pages. Manage…Ramanathan S-184585 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramanathan S-184585 Performance Management
Performance Open All Year Around? Great idea? Or big headache?Summary Hoping to hear your feedback and advice on whether it is a good idea to keep Performance Documents open year around? Have you tried this and was it a massive hea…
Disable few actions under 'Action' button on approval notificationSummary Disable few actions under 'Action' button on approval notificationContent Hi, Can we disable few actions such as 'Suspend', 'Escalate', 'Add attachments' & 'Add …Kalyani Gaidhane-182463 96 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Loay Adwan Performance Management
Version type of a goalSummary What is version type of a goal? We need to fill this to upload individual goals for employees through HDL.Version 20A
Goal Plan RefreshSummary How to refresh goal plans?Content We recently changed eligibility profiles to modify who is eligible for certain goal plans and we want to refresh the goal plans…Elizabeth Turbow 39 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Deepti Khurana-33783 Performance Management
Bell Curve in OFC Performance ManagementSummary Requirement to implement Bell Curve in Performance ManagementContent Hi All, We have a requirement where client wants to have the Bell Curve fitment and calibrat…Soumya Goswami-Oracle 363 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Neeraj Narang-Oracle Performance Management
Organization GoalSummary can we upload organization goal on behalf of organization ownerContent Hi, As a HR admin, can we upload organization goal on behalf of organization owner? Since …Kalyani Gaidhane-182463 83 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ina Notra Performance Management
Display a text conditionally on Talent Profile PageContent Hi all, I have a requirement to display a text conditionally to manager and employee and I am using below EL but it's not working. #{pageFlowScope.pRoleTypeCode …
Add a line for Business Goal Plan 2020Summary View data for our new Business Goal Plan 2020 in the DashboardContent Hello, I would like to view data for our new Business Goal Plan 2020 in the Dashboard. Anyo…Elisabeth Boulery 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neeraj Narang-Oracle Performance Management
Performance Document for a CEOSummary Create a Performance Document for a CEOContent Can we create a Performance Document for a CEO who doesn't have a Line Manager in Fusion? Is there a workaround ap…
How to administer goals as Administrator or HR Specialist?Summary How to administer goals as Administrator or HR Specialist?Content How can we approve or reject goals as application administrators or HR specialists for individu…
Goal Alignment PersonalizationSummary Hide Manager Goal, Colleague Goal optionsContent Hello, We have a requirement to hide the 'Manager Goal' and 'Colleague Goal' options from the Align To dropdown …
As a requirement we want Goal Name and Description fields are read only when a library goal is selecSummary As a requirement we want Goal Name and Description fields are read only when a library goal is selectedContent Hi Experts, As a requirement we want Goal Name and…
Goal name and description from the Goal Library should be non editable.Content Hi Experts, Can we make the Goal name and goal description non editable when loaded from the Goal library. If yes, can you provide the steps for the same. Thank …Jaswant Prajapati-189165 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nikhita Mirchandani Performance Management
20A - Primary Goal PlanContent Hi All, We have upgraded our non-PRD instance to 20A, where prmary goal plan feature has been introduced. https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/…Agilan Pandian 115 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Neeraj Narang-Oracle Performance Management
NUX Performance Goals Page Refresh is not AutomaticSummary Performance Goals Page not refresh automatically after submits goal for approvalContent Hi, Rel 20A. Once an employee submits the goal for approval, "We are subm…
Checking pending goals in new redesigned pageContent I need to know how to check the pending goals in the new redesigned page. If we are navigate to the My Workforce> Goals> Goals still showing approved goals . Is …Ayesha Thilakarathna 50 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by naresh tottempudi Performance Management
Performance & Development Goals are not being pulled into the Performance DocumentSummary Performance & Development Goals are not being pulled into the Performance DocumentContent For one particular employee their Performance & Development Goals are n…
How to stop email notifications for Goals?Summary I want to disable email notifications for Goals for editing and creating.Content As the summary says, I want to disable email notifications for editing and creat…
What is the subject area data field to identify if Goal has been created to the Employee.Content We have a requirement in our project to build Infolets on Performance and Goals Moludle. 1. Overview of team members for the Front line Manager - > Pointers to p…
Goal Plan EligibilitySummary How to update goal plans with refreshed eligibility profilesContent After mass assigning a goal plan to a group of employees, it was realized that the eligibilit…
RUI: error when a goal is deletedSummary I get errors when submit goal plan for approval when a goal is deleted using the Delete button available on the Goal Details page.Content This seems to be happen…
RUX-How to make sure that employees do not change key attributes' of goals?Summary How to make sure that workers do not change key attributes' of goals?Content Hi, I do not find 'Allow workers to update key attributes' , HR while creating a Goa…
NUX | Admin cant approval goals on behalf of managers?Content In NUX I am not able to find any option to see pending goals and then approva as an admin. Oracle confirmed this is removed in 19D ? So do we dont have any optio…
Pending goal approval from a previous manager after assignment changeSummary Pending goal approval from a previous manager after assignment changeContent Hi, I am facing issues with workers goals who had manager changes in between. So, em…
Transaction failed for development goalContent Hi All, When we are adding any development as an employee and its should go to line manager for approval, but when I am logged in a line manager then I found tha…