Performance - HCM Cloud
Discussion List
Is using goal plans necessary?Summary Don't want to use goal plans, just goals.Content All, I am wondering whether the HCM system (Goal Management) requires to use a goal plan for each employee? When…Inge Marinus 97 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 Performance Management
Can we bulk load performance ratings against employees using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in R12 ?Summary Can we bulk load performance ratings against employees using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in R12 ?Content e.g. by using the Talent Profile business object ? If so…Ruzwan Akram 57 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala (Inactive) Performance Management
Attachments in Cloud Performance (Fusion)Summary Distribute same attachment out to all participantsContent I know that in Goals you can attach a URL to a specific goal, and then access that from the Performance…
completed Worker Final Feedback comments are not visible in Admin SearchSummary HR is not able to see Worker Final Feedback commentsContent A worker signed the performance form, and submitted it to the manager. The Worker Final Feedback step…
RTF Text Box IssuesSummary Have issues changing text formatting in RTF comment boxes.Content Does anybody else experience a lot of issues when attempting to edit the formatting of text usi…Ryan Murphy-19374 40 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Murphy-19374 Performance Management
Link in Feedback Request email does not update on multiple requestsSummary Link in feedback request notification takes participant to the completed feedback request on subsequent requests.Content In our environment, we need to send feed…
Implementing a Performance ScorecardSummary Need assistance with how to create Production related scorecardContent I am looking into how to create KPIs around Quality (email and phone reviews) and Producti…
Hiding Share and Release button for few managersSummary Would like to hide Share and Release button available in performance document for certain period for certain populationContent We got a requirement from one enti…Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala 97 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Santhi Kiran Y Performance Management
Assigned Goals % CompletionContent Morning all, I've searched the forum but couldn't see an answer: If a manager assigns a goal to 5 employees, do they all still count as separate goals to the ind…
Extra goal is showing in performance DocumentSummary Extra goal is showing in performance DocumentContent Dear All, I created performance template and added only 3 goals but when I am login as an employee I see 7 g…
Audit on performance documents or participant feedbacksSummary Fusion - Audit on performance documents or participant feedback or Goal addition/deletionContent Would like to know whether we have any audit on Fusion Performan…Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala 111 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Performance Management
Goal and Performance Template is not syncingContent Hi I created Performance Goal plan and Performance template. Performance template goals I created, those are coming under Goal plan but, Goals which are under Go…
Unique ID's for performance ratingsSummary How to find the unique, in system, ID's for performance rating.Content Good morning, I'm not sure where this questions sits (Performance or Reporting or compensa…Sean Milligan 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gloria Gelabert-Oracle Performance Management
Redesigned Feedback Request Page with PB10Summary Redesigned Feedback Request Page with PB10Content Does anyone know what criteria sits behind the new "Add Recent" option, when selecting to add a participant? Ho…
Query regarding Questionnaire feedbackSummary Questionnaire feedbackContent Dear Expert, Do we have any option in the fusion performance, where employee can recommend participant to manager for feedback, Rig…
Performance Goal JournalSummary Other employees able to add comment to your goalContent Anyone here implemented or did Oracle even considered other employees able to search or view employee goa…
Retention and Business RiskSummary Is there a way to change the color coding between the Retention and Business Risk ratings?Content Is there a way to change the color coding of the Business and R…
GOals not reflected in PMS PageContent Hi, Goals created not reflected in PMS.I have tried steps:Actions button->update goal & competency.still not showingkrishiveth 24 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
How to control page content via login languageSummary How to control page content via login languageContent Hi team, is it possible to control the visibility of a page content via login language? Has anyone ever tri…
Query on Eligibility ProfileSummary Query is related to Eligibility criteriaContent Hello All, Query is related to Eligibility criteria I want the system to understand Too New to Rate for performan…
Custom Line Manager don't see reports in My Team and don't see the Rating Distribution in PerformancSummary Custom Line Manager don't see reports in My Team and don't see the Rating Distribution in Performance My Organization TabContent Hello, I have created a custom l…
Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentSummary Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentContent We have a category of goals for Probation and Performance Improvement…
Approval Email Notification issueContent The email notification does not display the details.
hide Line Manager Ratings and Comments for Matrix ManagerSummary Matrix Managers should not see ratings and comments submitted by Line ManagersContent we have a requirement to hide Line Manager's ratings and comments fro Matri…
Goals added to Performance Document as an optionSummary I don't want the goals to be pre-populated on the form but an option to be addedContent I see that there is an Action box where we can pull in goals as opposed t…Denise Jo Crangle 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Denise Jo Crangle Performance Management
Not able to add organization owner while Creating organization Goal under manager goal taskContent Dear All I am facing straneg issue in Oracle Fusion Goal management. While creating goal plan I am not able to find any person to add as organization owner. Did …
Person Spotlight - Performance Tab is emptySummary Person Spotlight - Performance Tab is emptyContent The performance tab is empty and does not show any data, even if the person has a completed/pending performanc…
Difference in Competency DiagramSummary Difference in Competency DiagramContent How Difference is getting calculated with Competency Diagram? Also how difference of 7 is getting display with Competency…
Customer wanst to expand calculator icon to expand by default in Performance documentSummary Customer wanst to expand calculator icon to expand by default in Performance documentContent Customer wants to expand calculator icon to expand by default in Per…Ritwick Chatterjee 42 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team talent cardSummary System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team talent cardContent System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team tale…Ritwick Chatterjee 22 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Performance Management