Category 276
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How to make a column in a report to only shows the agent name who firstly solve the incident?Summary: I have a report to shows solved incident and agent name who solve it, but sometimes incidents reopened and solved more than one times. So the report will look s…
Report to show categories in the exact same order they are listed under Products/Categories/DispositContent Hi, As the title suggests - I need a report to show categories in the exact same order they are listed under Products/Categories/Dispositions I've tried ordering…King Jack 45 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by KKalyan-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Report showing when Chat Agent is NOT availableSummary: I have created a Chat Login Avail report. But it does not seem to show the correct status. Id like to see when the agent goes available and when she goes unavai…Marissa Gonzales 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Robert Surujbhan-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
create report where incident count = 0Summary: add a filter to report where incident count by contact = 0 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): i have a report that shows me contacts…Marissa Gonzales 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert Surujbhan-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
we have a ask a question style webform. How can i track how customers are reaching it?Summary: we have a ask a question style webform. How can i track how customers are reaching it? I need to be able to give some indication what websites are linking to th…spence_abcd0109uk 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by spence_abcd0109uk Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
How top answers widget will work for customer portalSummary: I want to enable a top answers standard widgets for the customer portal. I have enabled by writing the snippet. For this am getting some top answers. But am no…Haribabu Arigela 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Steve Garvert-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Stop incidents duplicating when joining to threadsSummary: I have a basic queues report counts the volume of open incidents by queue and date. It has a drill down filter that then lists the incident in detail its ref an…spence_abcd0109uk 52 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by spence_abcd0109uk Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
summing up all the columns in a cross tab reportSummary: I want to add the result of all the columns in the pivoted table to a new one, say Total. How do I do that? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…Boby B Jacob 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Boby B Jacob Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Sorting the actual filter view?Is there a way to sort the actual filter view, so the checkbox/selections are in A-Z order. For example - I have a QUEUE filter - I want the queue list in the All Items …Joe P. 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nika Gerson Lohman Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Report to show periods where no Chat agents were availableSummary Trying to identify gaps in Chat agent availabilityContent Hi, I'm trying to find the easiest way to find periods where there were no Chant Agents in Available st…User_2025-02-03-17-31-49-785 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marissa Gonzales Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
using inc_performance type=7 gives duplicate rowsSummary: When adding the first closed date from the inc_perf table to my report, I get two rows for every solved incident, one with a closed date and one with no closed …
Local Account Password RequirementsSummary: how to: 1. List all non-SSO accounts in Fusion and their last password change date 2. force password change after every 90 days 3. force a complex password (min…
Data type - HTMLSummary: We have a field with long description and the data type set as 'html' in the column properties , so now in the dashboard that field is displaying the data corre…
Access Custom Reports using REST/SOAP APIContent Can we access custom reports using REST/SOAP API? If so, please provide us some documentation on the same. Version Service CloudUser_2025-02-03-17-12-58-131 50 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Dave Mor-Dev-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
how to resolve usage of function count() does not include requested usage - filterSummary: how to resolve usage of function count() does not include requested usage - filter Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am receiving…bosun 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nika Gerson Lohman Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Reporting Time Between Chat EventsContent I've been tasked with creating a report to isolate the number of chats where there is no post by the end user within a minute of the agent interaction beginning.…User_2025-02-01-08-26-22-513 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by OBerg Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Sending Customer Statements via API or SOAPSummary: Mass sending of customer statement of account to selected list of random customers. Similar to mail merge Is there any API or SOAP that can be used to call Stat…Giri Venkatesan 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Giri Venkatesan Reporting and Analytics for ERP
how to create multi edit reportSummary: I need to create report for editing a contact of a incident. For that I need to enable that report with multi edit. How to do that? Regards, MeeraMeera Saseendran T 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nika Gerson Lohman Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
how can i report on all the web pages including answershow can i report on all the web pages including answers possible on a site, along with the URL to reach it?spence_abcd0109uk 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Steve Garvert-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Table to check charges on field service work orcderHi Team, We need table to check the charges details on the field service work order. Please find the below scrrenshot.
Report Showing Number of RepliesSummary: I need to report on the number of responses an agent sent in a given time period. Rather than the number of incidents I am interested in the number of replies p…Kim Dante 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert Surujbhan-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
How to get a count of the knowledge articles currently available in Knowledge AdvancedSummary: I need to get a count of the knowledge articles currently available in Knowledge Advanced Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…Meera Saseendran T 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Steve Garvert-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Exported incident subject limited to 60 charactersSummary: Exports truncate the subject field to 60 characters, but the data dictionary and incident workspaces allow more. Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Kurt Helfrich 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kurt Helfrich Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
I need to track email sent activitySummary: I have couple of invalid email adresses. I need to create a report which shows incident list which sent emails to these invalid emails. Content (please ensure y…Meera Saseendran T 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by michael garverick Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Filter report to include "No Values" or "NULL"Content I wish to filter my report to include all contacts who have provided either their first name, last name or neither. That is how can I filter my report to include…User_2025-02-03-18-43-35-949 59 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Ramesh Reddy Kandula-140795 Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Contact Login ActivitySummary I am looking for a report that would detail the login activity for contacts that would be used in a number of different ways.Content For example: * A version of …NDKoze 87 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Craig Hevey Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
A report which shows incidents with latest updatedSummary: I need to create a report with incident details. The user needs to see the latest queue change happened. I can see multiple records with one incident as queue i…Meera Saseendran T 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Meera Saseendran T Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service