Category 691
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Hide the author names from the actual knowledge article page.Summary: The author's name is visible on the actual knowledge article page. In 24C, Oracle has released a feature that allows us to hide the name from the 'My Help' sect…
BU in the employee/agent pageHi Team, Our requirement is, Employee or agent page should populate primary contact's BU automatically and should be hidden in the page. The instruction was given in the…
How to Add Description for Severity Levels in HR Help DeskHi Everyone, I have added descriptions for severity levels under Service Request Severities in the HR Help Desk module of Oracle HCM Cloud. However, these descriptions a…
NextGen: remove email responses in HR HELPDESK Email/In AppSummary: Hi Everyone, I have configured Object Workflows and written a piece of code to trigger notifications. However, in-app notifications are not working. Does anyone…
HR Helpdesk - Auto-populate Severity levelSummary: Requirement to auto-populate severity level of a service request based off the category type selected on the SR. Content (required): Our client wants to explore…
Error in Adding Resource to QueuesSummary: I'm trying to add Resources to the HRHD queue and am getting the error below. Can someone help us with is error? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Register for vision server for scm implementationSummary: Hi! I want to register my self for vision server demo server so that i can get the update credientials of the vision demo server when ever its update. Content (…
milestone object to have service request ticket number tagSummary: We have configured the milestones for warning and expiry but noticed that in the email template for Milestone object, we have very limited tags available which …
Restriction for Helpdesk ticekt assignementSummary: We are looking for a solution where we can restrict everyone except the members of a particular Queue to assign any tickect to few specific resources. Please he…
How to change the bell notification heading OBJECT WORKFLOW NOTIFICATIONHi, Is it possible to change the heading for Bell Notification in NextGen HR Helpdesk Object Workflows? Currently Object Workflows use a heading OBJECT WORKFLOW NOTIFICA…
Notification of journey assignment in HCM does not arrive by mailSummary: You have the following journey Assigned to employee HCM Notification But it does not reach you by mail Revised notification settings The user has mail assigned …
Reporting on Primary Contacts in OTBISummary: How can we join the CRM/Help Desk - Case Management Real Time (or Help Desk - HR Service Requests Real Time) subject area to another person based/Workforce Mana…Ben Gill 72 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pallavi-Bhosale Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service
HR Form Not Correct Using Oracle Policy ModelingSummary: I am updating our HR Forms using Oracle Policy Modeling. These forms are filled out via the HR Help Desk. I've added a field for "Business Unit" but the data be…
Trigger to capture Grade and Legal Employer in helpdesk pageSummary: We have a requirement to capture the Grade and legal employer name in the helpesk page and for the same we have created two fields ie Grade and Legal Employer b…
Why is it not possible to send channel notification using in object workflowsHi, Why is it not possible to send bell and email notifications using adf.util.sendNotification in Object Workflows for NextGen HR Helpdesk? Using it in an object trigge…
Service Request icon in HR help deskIssue I'm facing currently is in relation to the image below: Randomly during the process of enabling the omni channel and creating the groovy script to enable notificat…
We are not able to see Knowledge UsersSummary: We are not able to see Knowledge Users in the system at the below navigation: Navigator -> Knowledge -> Knowledge Users When we add a particlar Knowledge User a…
Does anyone know if is possible to load all the knowledge content wihout filtering?Summary: We have most of the population (3.000 employees) that doesn´t know if the knowledge for their questions are or not created, because most of them doesn´t now som…
Transfer service request smart actionSummary: Hi all, is there any documentation explaining the meaning of all of HR Help Desk smart actions? I would need to know regarding "transfer service request" action…
Is it possible to create an HR Help Desk custom field with LOVs retrieved from data in the core HR?Is it possible to create an additional custom field in Classic HR Help Desk and the field will retrieve LOVs from another object like core HR? Requirement: Create a cust…
Can we send the reminder notifications to employee/agents in Helpdesk?Hi Team, Can we send the reminders to employee if the status is waiting for few days. Similarly, the reminder to agent if it is in progress status for few days. Any best…
Splitting subject and message content under message groovy scriptHi Team, I created below groovy script to send the email notifications for message. However, I am not able to split the subject and message content. I created map.put fo…
Deleted SmartTexts are still showing to a Next Gen Agent when composing a message in HR Help DeskSummary: My client has recently moved from HR Help Desk classic to Redwood and has added new SmartTexts using the new stripe code, they have deleted the old folder but w…
Search Bar/Filter Bar under Help Desk request is not workingSummary: Hi All, Few of the agents reported that their Search Bar/Filter Bar stopped working. They are not able to search SRs, or select any saved search. Even the "Add …
Receiving duplicate emails for the same updatesHi Team, I have written the groovy script for MessageTypeCd ORA_SVC_RESPONSE and ORA_SVC_CUSTOMER_ENTRY. When there is a message updates, it give the notification only o…
Why do pending actions in an action plan display differentlySummary: I have noticed that sometimes an action in an action plan is displayed as text and sometimes it is in a green block and sometimes both are displayed. This occur…
Object Trigger Groovy Script get PartyIdHi, How can you fetch the PartyId in a HR Helpdesk Request Object Trigger using Groovy Scripts? If you have the username or person ID is it possible to retrieve the Part…
In Help Desk a New Resource is not able to complete an Action Plan taskSummary: I have noticed that when I am working with a Task in Action Plans- Help Desk, the new Resource added to the Task is not able to complete the task as it goes in …
Is it possible to enable auditing on custom fields created on service requests and in case managemenSummary: We are implementing HR Help Desk with Case Management and we are configuring a large number of custom fields for both the service request and the case, we requi…