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Performance Management
Discussion List
How I can enable and display the "Last Update By" field in Goal details screen in 25ASummary: Me > Career and Performance > Goal Center> Goal Details how we can enable the "Last Updated By" Field to Goals Details screen in 25A using VB customization. we …
Text Box Performance Document Customization Visibility only on Overall Summary SectionI am trying to add Text Box customization "Guidelines for Final Rating" through Page composer in Performance document and the Text Box is reflecting in Overall Summary s…
Redwood page for Manage Eligibility Profiles?Hello, We are in the process of moving our Talent management pages to Redwood by 24B. We have run the ingest processes successfully, and enabled the following profile op…
Check Eligibility feature is not working for users with performance admin roleSummary: For Goal plan entered employee name and date to check eligibility for employee. Check eligibility button is not working when we clicked on the button no result …
Delete Participant feedback Error response during RestActionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
HDL template to migrate Performance 360 Question & QuestionnaireHDL template to migrate Performance 360 Question & Questionnaire HDL template to migrate Performance 360 Question & Questionnaire response in worker level: Any HDL templ…
Unable to edit completed goals in RedwoodSummary: We have the profile option switched on to enable employees to edit completed goals. I'm currently testing Redwood and I'm seeing different behaviour, but I'm no…
Performance document redwood page is not openingSummary: From My Team> Career and Performance> Evaluate Performance> click on Performance document of worker or from My Team> Evaluate Performance (Redwood) > Click on P…
New hires do not return in the talent profile search in RedwoodSummary: New hires do not return in the talent profile search in Redwood Content: After a new hire on the current or future date, employees do not return to the talent p…
how to distinguish learner vs. admin withdrawals in alert?Summary: What is the best approach in an Alert to distinguish between withdrawals initiated by learners and those processed by Administrator? Content: In our system, the…
Why am I unable to search for an employee in performance eligibility page after update 24C redwood?Summary: Unable to search performance eligibility since we updated to Redwood and 24c. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
Unable to see Check-in Templates after 25A upgradeSummary: We recently moved to 25A (Redwood) and now the Check-In Templates page is blank for the talent administrator. Is this known issue? Content (please ensure you ma…
Can prompt be added to remind associate to submit Performance EvaluationWe have many associates who check the box to "E-sign" their Performance Evaluation, but then don't click to Submit it. Is it possible to have something prompted once the…
How do managers pick a goal plan other than the default goal plan for a goal to be assign to?We noticed that when a manager uses the Assign action from an active goal to assign it to someone else, that they are not able to select which goal plan it assigns to. A…
In Performance Document Can we Limit the Characters in "Overall CommentsSummary: In Performance Document Can we Limit the Characters in "Overall Comments & View Feedback" Section - Manager Comments Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Redwood Performance Admin user unable to access employee's Performance DocumentSummary: Within Redwood Performance when trying to access an employees Performance Document we can search for the document but when clicking into this to view the detail…
How do I set up the digital signature for performance document?I know I've seen this before but i'm not finding it. How do you set up the digital signature in a performance document? When I go to set it up in the Process section the…
After 25A unable to submit goals for approvalSummary: After 25A we are noticing there is an error everytime we try submitting a Goal for approval Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
it is possible to change the status "not started"?Summary: From the employee role, it is possible to change the "status" from "not started" to "in progress" or to hide the the field "status"? Content (please ensure you …
Performance Document Hide Printed Calculated RatingSummary: One of our groups decided they didn't want performance document ratings visible to employees in the middle of the cycle. In Performance Templates, I flipped off…
Best Practice for a Probation Document that should include Mid Period and End Period ReviewSummary: I would like to know what is the best practice for a Probation Document that Includes Goals and should have a Mid Period and End Period Review. Content (please …
Redwood Goals - Not able to search on Explore tab under view Organization filter by Owner or by GoalSummary: Previously we were able to search by the org goal owner or by their goal under the Me/Goal Center/Explore - Organization. Now when attempting to search, it does…
Query to extract performance goal approverSummary: I need to extract the name and person number of a performance goal approver (via BI Publisher) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): He…
Increase the size of the field in redwoodSummary: Hi Team, In responsive page, we had a read only DFF which used to show the information but the same is not working in Redwood properly. Kindly let me know if th…
Attachments in "Basic info" Section - Goal planSummary: Attachments in "Basic info" Section - Goal plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, we would know what kind of Users can v…
Print org chart in Redwood UISummary: Hello, In responsive page, we have the possibility to print the org chart. Do you know if this also planned in Redwood ? Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Redwood Team Goal Center Assignment Level Security not respected when using Switch TeamSummary: When using "Switch Team" from within the Redwood Team Goal Center, Performance goals respects Assignment Level Security, Development Gaols does not seem to. Con…
Redwood - Goal Synchronization in Performance Document with Current templatesHi, We have enabled Performance document redwood page, and our performance templates have performance goals section included in it. We have observed that new goals which…
Redwood enabled, Use Synchronized Goals checked, no goals displayed in review document/page.Summary: Is there a process that needs to run to load the goals into the review document page? I understand that Redwood doesn't support a Goals task, but shouldn't the …
Use synchronized goals sections cannot be modified - RedwoodSummary: Hi We are with Redwood when we create a performance template the check box for Use synchronized goals sections cannot be modified is that mean now it is mandato…