Discussion List
[SUGGESTION] Allow boot volumes under 50GiBBasically, the least possible size for the boot volume supplied during the creation of a compute instance cannot be lower than 50GiB. Are there any rationale behind it t…
User /Compute-XXXXX/XXXXX is not permitted to perform "attachment.add" on storage/Summary: Error trying to startup compute instance in OCI Classic Content (required): Stopped (User /XXXXXXX/XXXXXX is not permitted to perform "attachment.add" on storag…
Connect ATP Database with compute instance of linuxSummary: We are looking for option to connect ATP database using compute instance and wanted to perform sql loader kind of operations, is it possible to achieve the same…
Account provisioned and disabled in the same day.Summary: My OCI Account was provisioned and disabled the same day. I don't know why. Content (required): My cloud account was full provisioned on Tue 28-09-2021 12:00 AM…
Cannot access previously created files.Summary: Cannot access files created as "opc" user after setup is complete. Content (required): Created an instance. Initially it allowed to login as opc user. sudo priv…
Ampere Compute Shape not available for my employee accountContent From my always free account, the Ampere shape is not available. My data center is US East Ashburn. I have the required resources, and can create the two standard…Nancy Hoffman-Oracle 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
Secondary VNIC stuck in "Detaching..."Summary I tried to delete a secondary VNIC, and now it's permanently "Detaching" and I can't restart the VMContent I have an instance (vm.standard.a1.flex) running ubunt…
Why to use Cloud free tier Account?Content It is important to create more awareness about free tier cloud account. Beginners can build, test and deploy applications on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for free…
Oracle Cloud Free Training and Certification till 31-Dec-2021Content If you are an enthusiast to learn Cloud... If you are looking for free Cloud training & Certifications... If you want to enhance your career in Cloud Computing..…
My instance has been disabled and i'm told to contact customer support to reenable itContent Hello currently my instance has been disabled, i don't know why, a…
Oracle Cloud default DNS resolver causes incorrect GeoDNS responses, because it doesn't seem to suppSummary Oracle Cloud default DNS resolver needs to be fixed and support EDNS properly, to fix incorrect GeoDNS query responses.Content GeoDNS is very commonly used, espe…
Out of capacity for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex in availability domainSummary Out of capacity for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex in availability domainContent I'm starting to explore Oracle Cloud free tier options but I had immediately a proble…
How to install Quantum Espresso code using Cloud ShellSummary How to install Quantum Espresso code using Cloud Shell?Content Dear All, Hi, Good Day, I want to install Quantum Espresso code, but for its compilation, we need …
I cant install libXext, requires root passwordSummary I cant install libXext, requires root passwordContent Hello, I am updating my Minecraft Modpack to V36 and when I ran the installer...I get the following error: …Efren Ramirez-280671 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
Is it possible to gain any costs on an Always Free account?Content Hello, I'd just like to check, is it not possible at all to gain or generate any costs onto the account when this is Always Free? By Always Free, I mean not upgr…
Change Oracle Cloud account locationSummary Is it possible to change the location of the Oracle Cloud account please? The current location is no longer convenient.Content Hello, as per the summary. Is it p…
How to Recover Data from Boot VolumeContent Hello, * I have data that I want to recover from an unattached boot volume located in the US-ASHBURN-AD-1 domain. My solution is to create an instance and then a…
Virtual Machine not accessible and no monitoring data collectedSummary virtual machine, connection issuesContent Hi, I have the issue that I set up a virutal machine (VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro) on ubuntu (Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.07…
PTR record for free tier accountContent Dear, what is the best way to have Public IP revers record , as before i was to do it using services request from my support account but unfortunately now Oracle…
can not login to my instance by Serial Console ConnectionSummary dont know the default password of root/ubuntuContent Hi,guys I created an instance with ubuntu 20.04 minimal image, after login the server by ssh , i changed the…
Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACESummary Free-Tier Trial Period is not Enough + Extra OCI Credits for ACEContent Dear OCI Team, Please extend the trial and evaluation period of Free-Tier from 1 month to…
Always Free instance terminated, can't restore my boot volumeSummary After the always free instance got terminated, i cannot restore the boot volume, as it says it's TERMINATEDContent Please let me know how I can restore the boot …
Always Free Instance disabledContent Hey, i was told i could still use Always Free resources after my Free Oracle Cloud Promotion has expired. I thought this meant my Always Free compute instance wo…
Delegate IPv6 CIDR Reverse DNS zone to my name serversContent Hello, I am looking for a way to delegate IPv6 CIDR Reverse DNS zone to my name servers. Is it possible with Oracle Cloud? For example, I have 2603:c020:8003:a80…
OCI Audit ToolSummary "OCI Auditing Tool" helps us in mitigating the manual work and provide an automated way to govern the infrastructure with minimal effort. Content With the increa…Karthik-Oracle 69 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
Account disabled, account re-enabled, cannot add card to account, support will not engageContent So late Friday my account was disabled. I reached out through a few different avenues to see what happened, why the account may have been disabled, if it could p…
Unable to provision Oracle Linux KVM Instance on any instances, including Ampere A1 FlexContent Hello, I would like to provision an instance with Oracle Linux KVM on my Always Free account using an Ampere A1 Flex instance. Oracle Linux KVM is completely fre…
Getting billed for free tier!Summary Provisioning failure has resulted in non-free tier componentsContent I have a free-tier only account and recently when creating a new free-tier instance, it crea…
Always Free VM got shut downSummary A message told me to contact customer support to reenable itContent I had 2 Always Free instances active. Today, my free trial expired, the x86 VM kept working, …
Compute Instance stopped due to DMCA Infringement.Summary Last night one of my compute instances was stopped due to DMCA infringement. But I have an explanation.Content The DMCA infringement was not done by me, but some…