Discussion List
How can I delete a cash expense item from the Advanced Search workspace?Summary: We recently had a large group of users receive a global transfer from HR which caused all their available expense items and expense reports to be archived in th…
Is it possible that expenses can validate that an invoice is not recorded in more than one ER ?We have currently noticed that the same receipt can be entered into different expense reports. It is possible that the module can perform this validation so that a user …
How to get the business unit name in EL expression in create expense page (page composer)Summary: Hi Oracle How to get the business unit name in EL expression in create expense page (page composer) ? We want to control the display of note and few components …
Logic to derive default expense account based on Legal Entity, Location and DepartmentSummary: Hello Team, We are loading Employee in oracle fusion as a part of Conversion & we have requirement to Derive the Default Expense Account based on Employee's Leg…
How do you reset or purge Manage Synonyms for Expense TypesSummary: We are currently in the process of deactivating 7 expense templates and going to just 2 templates to streamline the expense entry process How do you reset or pu…
How can I reduce the number of expense approval emails our users are receiving?Summary: Users who have a delegate submitting expenses on their behalf receive an "FYI: Expense Report Approval EXPXXXX…" and "Expense Report Approval EXPXXXX…" notifica…
Default Expense Account AutomationSummary: Default Expense Account Automation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Has anyone successfully automated the defaulting of expense ac…
Expenses review option (when submitted by delegate) at individual levelSummary: Certain employees (not all employees) have asked if they can review expenses prior to submission, when the expense has been raised by a delegate. The previous E…
How to remove "Starting Odometer Reading" from Expense Report?Summary: I want to removed the "Starting Odometer Reading" and "Ending Odometer Reading" fields, so the user does not have to enter them on an Expense Claim But I cannot…
Not able to create expenses using PDF receipts in ODA ChatbotSummary: As per above link pdf format is not supported to create expenses but users were able to create expenses using pdf receipts earlier is this any new update?? We a…
Add DFFs at both Employee Attendees and Nonemployee AttendeesHello, I'm trying to add new DFFs at both Employee Attendees and Nonemployee Attendees, at Expense Report Line level. Creating the DFFs at Global Segments, the fields ap…
Derive Expense owner's employee number in expense reportSummary: Currently we don't have employee number in payment xml so we are trying out ways to bring expense owner's employee number through DFF Content (please ensure you…
Effective Date for Per Diem.Summary: Is there a way to effective date a per diem rate so the correct rate will be paid both before and after rate change goes into effect? Union drivers are paid per…
Remove alert message, change templateSummary: Remove alert message, change template Our client needs to change the template several times, and the alert message is always displayed. Does anyone know if it i…
How to Retrieve DFF Value from Cash Advance Applied to an Expense ReportHello, I need to retrieve a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) value from a cash advance that has been applied to an expense report to a DFF on the expense report header. is th…
Expense types showing after changing the dateSummary: I cannot see the expense types when the system defaults the system date. After changing the date to a another previous date I can see the expense types After ch…
From Where CO and CC is getting derived from in Expense reportWhile creating Expense report in the page while creating expense item it shows CC( which are balancing segment values) and CO( Which are cost center values) coming up wh…
Calculate Mileage Does not Work - Solution uses the same Profile Code as recent fix for OGLSummary: The Calculate Mileage using map is no longer working. I found a document that says to modify a profile value. This is the same profile value that I was recently…
How to Submit Expenses for Terminated User When the Manager Has Been Removed as Part of TerminationSummary: We are having an issue where terminated users have expense corporate card expenses outstanding but once they are terminated, their managers are removed and ther…
EXP: 'Assign to Expense Auditor' list compiles with users without Expense Auditor roleSummary: The screen 'Assign to Expense Auditor' compiles with a list of users that do not have any auditor roles assigned to them. Is there a specific setup/config that …
Why I can still view all the Bank Statements belonging to Other Legal EntitySummary: Still can view all the Bank Statement for all the LE although I was only assigned for 1 LE. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Pleas…Miles Purihin-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lucy Cui-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to set the Oracle maps for specific country in oracle fusion expenses?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Per Diem Policy for Poland as per legal requirements.Summary: Hi Team, We are working to implement the Poland Per Diem requirements as outlined by the Polish government in Oracle Expenses. Despite several attempts, we are …
We have a requirement to initiate approval in Expense module based on a Username selected on a DFF?Summary: We have a requirement to initiate approval for a username selected on a DFF in Expense reports and Cash Advances. Example: If in Expense Reports Approver Userna…
Security role to delete unsubmitted expense reportsSearching for a a role or privilege which could give access to a user to delete all unsubmitted expense report which are in the same satus for more than 15/30 Days
Is posible to delete a an Expense templete that was never used ?Summary: Is posible to delete an Expense Templete that was never used ? I deleted all the Expense Types related to the template Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Is there any way to control the expense entry based on the Project type for Expense TypeSummary: There is one Expense Type '3rd Party Reimbursable', that business would like to use only if projects is of the type Direct-Funds. while using OnPrem/EBS, We use…
Meals policy is not working with several AttendeesSummary: 1- I created a Meal policy for 50 dollars and associated the Entretainment policy with Attendees only information(no rates) 2- When I enter the expense for meal…
Is there a PRIVILEGE that specifically gives access to submit expense reports?Summary: We are migrating away from our version of expense management. There will be a cleanup period for corporate card transactions, preventing us from end dating expe…
how can an employee update the bank account name for expensesSummary: how can an employee update own bank account name and currency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Employee does need to be able to up…