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How can I de-activate a subledger accounting rule set?Summary: In Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets: Payables, we have changed the status of the seeded 'China Bill Payable Accrual Basis' from incomplete to active by …Ana Nicholson 318 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nayak-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
What are the design principles around use of Cost centre segments ?Summary: Use of Cost Centre Segments with balance sheet postings Content (required): We have a requirement to use the Cost Centre segment and Line of business segment wi…
How to create Intercompany Invoice between 2 Orgs under the same BUSummary: Create Intercompany Invoices between 2 Orgs under the same BU. Content (required): We have a requirement to create Intercompany AR/AP Invoice against the transf…Abhishek Sinha 82 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Laura Petre-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Revaluation for multi-companySummary: Revaluation for multi-company Content (required): Revaluation is configured for multiple balancing segment, as such when generated, the gain and loss account is…
Unable to create New JournalsSummary: HI Experts Am facing the below error while creating Journals Am getting the below error when i click on Create Journals Error: An application error has occurred…Satya Mothe 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Is there any Spreadsheet template for uploading or modifying the Allocation rules?Summary: The requirement is to have a Spreadsheet template for uploading or modifying the Allocation rules for Calculation Manager on Cloud Applications. Content (requir…Subramanyam Tumarada-Oracle 71 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Berwout J.R. Toonen General Ledger & Intercompany
Is it possibbe to create Journal Category in two languagesSummary:Hi All , we would like to define custom Journal categories and we want them to be in two languages. However we don't have translation option in the journal categ…SreekanthReddy 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priti-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Unable to view the Balancing Segment Value in the LOV for Company SegmentSummary: HI Experts I have created below setups but still the Balancing segment value is not available in the LOV of Journal window Please find the below screen shot for…Satya Mothe 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Importing the Journals (From FTP server,or UCM) into Oracle fusion application rather than FBDI,OIC.Summary: Content (required): We have placed files in FTP server using interfaces(using BIP Reports) by scheduling these daily..The following steps need to be done throug…Saikumar Pikkili-Oracle 96 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Line Description in Intercompany Module is not reflecting in GL Line DescriptionSummary: when Intercompany transaction is created using transaction type as journals i.e., only the transfer should happen in GL. The description which we have entered i…Gunda Amulya 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Translated Balance TB Load through Journal Import FBDISummary: Translated Balance TB Load through Journal Import FBDI Content (required): Business translates multiple countries ledger balances into "INR" Currency. As per my…Kumar 57 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mary Ramirez-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to set up cutoff date for posting to GLSummary: Hi! We need to set up a cutoff date so that users cannot post to GL after a certain date of the month, nearing period close. Could someone please provide us wit…ShailenS 102 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Antima Rai-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
SQL Query required to extract Translated Currency balances from Fusion or EBSSummary: SQL Query required to extract Translated Currency balances from Fusion or EBS Content (required): We are migrating from EBS to Fusion and migrating all TB's of …Kumar 57 552 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Balance Transfer ErrorSummary: Balance Transfer Error Content (required): Error message received when uploading balances to the GL. Please assist in resolving value used for ROWS parameter ch…CraigX 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
In Journal ADFDI spreadsheet, we can only see reversal periods that are in future enterable state.Summary: In Journal ADFDI spreadsheet, we can only see reversal periods that are in future enterable state. Content (required): In Journal ADFDI spreadsheet, we can only…SuryaRaju 62 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sharada Beleramane-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Unable to use deep link to navigate to view journal page through OTBI.We want to use Deep links in our OTBI report for journals. By using that deep link we should be able to navigate to view journal page in the application. However we have…KanikaMahajan 394 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Is there a REST API for loading Journal Attachments?As the title states, I was wondering if there's a REST API for loading Journal Attachments? In this documentation:…JosephMunoz 171 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Autopost taking 26 hours + :o(Hi Guys When running Autopost for one of our journal sources it has taken 26 hours so far and still hasn't finished! Yes, it is a lot of data, approx 1.5m rows of journa…
Historical Rates Query - how system considers March to April MonthsSummary: Historical Rates Query - how system considers March to April Months Content (required): We have uploaded historical rates for March-2023 and April-2023 with Rol…
Automating the Attachment of Documents to Interfaced JournalsSummary: We are looking for a way to systematically attach documents to journals in Oracle after they have been integrated in from a third-party system. Currently accoun…
Journal autoreversed after deleting the manually created reversal entrySummary: Journal unexpectedly reversed in AutoReverse job. Content (required): User manually created a reversal journal by selecting Batch Actions - Reverse and then rea…Barbara Low 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mary Ramirez-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Journal Line DFF with Customer Account number and Supplier NumberSummary: Journal Line DFF with Customer Account number and Supplier Number Content (required): Business would like to query/select Customer/Supplier number in DFF for pa…Kumar 57 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Anyone else experiencing issue exporting search results and/or journal details to ExcelSummary: Experiencing issue exporting search results and/or journal details to Excel Content (required): Since last Monday (June 29th) we are unable to export large sear…
Consolidation -- Trial Balance QuerySummary: Consolidation -- Trial Balance Query Content (required): Business created Primary ledger, Secondary ledger in different currency, reporting currency ledger, Con…Kumar 57 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
GL Journal Header Event Date and Time postedSummary GL Journal Header Event Date and Time postedContent Good Day, We have a client requirement to fetch the GL Journal Header Event Date and Time for posted transact…User_2025-01-30-04-45-54-197 54 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by MariCostache-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Restrict user access to application UI and seeded reports only to the particular LE / Ledger / BUSummary: Restrict user access to application UI and seeded reports only to the particular LE / Ledger / BU Content (required): In our existing setup of 6 LE / Ledgers, t…Clyde 64 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Baidehi Nanda–Support-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
1Open the PO Life cycle from GL pageSummary: Hello, Is it possible to open the PO Source Document from the Revies Receipt Accounting Distributions ? More details in the screenshot bellow Content (required)…
ADFDi does not give string length errorSummary: ADFDi does not give string length error Content (required): When uploading journals with ADFDi, the upload was completed normally, but an error occurred in impo…Raja Saha-Oracle 111 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary General Ledger & Intercompany
Want to migrate Journals from Legacy to Fusion for few months.Summary: Want to migrate Journals from Legacy to Fusion for few months. Content (required): Go-Live is July 1st week and business want all TBs upto March-2023 and want d…
Can we reverse a JE in the Secondary Ledger ONLY if we have Synchronize Reversals set?Summary: We need to reverse a JE that came from the Primary Ledger in the Secondary Ledger ONLY. Content (required): We have "Synchronize Reversals Between Primary and S…