Category 235
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Is it now possible edit default filter settings for Service Request subtab in Account details page?Hi, On the Account Details page, there is the subtab "Service Request," which features a default filter that excludes "Resolved" and "Closed" statuses and we would like …
How to configure update smart actions in service center for Custom fields?Organization: Terex corporation Summary: How to configure update smart actions in service center for Custom fields? We want to have one update smart actions for custom f…
How to Extend the Update Field Action Bar CommandOverview: This guide details the steps to extend the update field action in Oracle CX Service UI, allowing users to update specific fields directly from the action bar. …
Passing arguments to attached report for Document of Record (DOR)We have a Document of Record type for "Salary Certificate". In the DOR setup we put a report path which we need its PDF output to be appearing in the document record not…
How to change Logo of Oracle HCM on the basis of Legal Entity?Is there any functionality in Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud to change the Logo of Application on the basis of Legal Entities. If a user from one specific legal entity login to…
New account not searchable in redwood pagesSummary: The new customer account is created from Accounts Receivable --> Manager Customers. However, the account is not coming in search from either on Fusion Service -…Imran R Khan 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Query on Data MaskingHi , As part of the new data masking feature provided by Oracle we would like to know the following : Do we have a document where we can check which tables and which col…Jayadev 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Garrett Reynolds-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
Requesters require few privileges to view scanned invoices, does it consume separate license?Summary: We have gone live on the production instance and our client users who are 'Requesters' need to View Scanned Invoices in the system for receipting purposes and i…Helee Shah 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nani Prasanth Doredla-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to add the Ingestion Exclusion Rules in SR Classification only for specific email channels?Summary: As per customer's requirement, we are trying to add the Ingestion Exclusion Rules in SR Classification functionality. We want to restrict SR Classification func…
EPM Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud ServicesSummary: Hello Team, one of our customer is using an EPBM and a Fusion SaaS applications. Now their requirements is to white list the incoming traffic from these applica…Kishore BB-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by KiranTR-Support-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
How are the Job and Grade linked at the table level in Fusion ?Hi, Could anyone tell us how are the Job and Grade linked at the table level, Referring to the tables PER_JOBS_F and PER_GRADES_F that way we can fetch the JobGrade link…
Unable to update item of a specific organization via REST PATCH request.We have items which are currently master controlled and are made available across multiple organizations(Both master and other child orgs). The itemId is same across all…
Unable to add resources to Internal Service request queuesSummary: I'm setting up internal help desk requests. I created a custom resource role and set the Usage to Service feature. I assigned this resource role and a resource …
Oracle Retail POS - xStore needs to access (Input / Output) the ERP dataOracle Retail POS - xStore needs to access (Input / Output) the ERP data Where can I find reference Document for related APIs?
Creation of Redwood work Order and service request directly from AccountSummary: Can we create redwood service request and workorder directly from account page? Any idea please if anyone have done the same? Thanks,
How to create a Expandable section on Fusion Service UI for REDwood work Orders via Visual BuilderSummary: I want to add a segment/fragment on the Work Order (WO) UI by utilizing the attributes defined for the WO. I tried a few options like creating a fragment and ad…
Unable to search new customer account in Fusion Service Accounts page.Summary: Content (required): The new customer account is created from Accounts Receivable --> Manager Customers. However, the account is not coming in search from Fusion…
Is there an interface that can query the status of Oracle fusion in real-timeIs there an interface for real-time querying of the status of Oracle fusion, including whether it is available for our company, including system updates and other unavai…
Auto Assign Category and Queue to Service Request created through inbound email?Summary: SRs getting created through Inbound email with basic details (e.g. Title and Problem Description). Is there any way to auto assign a category and queue when SR …
View photo option on work order attachment ( redwood)Summary: Greetings, Currently, on the OFSC Work Order Next Gen UI, we are mapping photos from OFSC to B2B Work Orders. As a user, it would be highly beneficial to have a…
NGS - How to give expression in Layout condition?Summary: Hi @Edson Junior, Oracle , In Service center we requirement like need to show layout conditionally and layout condition is of following. if(CategoryId==30000001…Pratibha AdhavLTIMindtree 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Edson Junior, Oracle Fusion Service
Standard Content Type not visible when creating articles in Knowledge using Redwood UISummary: Steps: 1. From the Springboard, select Knowledge > Authoring. 2. Click Create Article. Get No Items to Display. However, when I use Author Classic I can see 4 O…
Performance Document can Automatic Upload to DORHi Team, We've one client requirement to attach the performance document as document of record (DOR) once the PD gets completed upon the performance cycle in redwood UI?…
"Attachment1":"FAILED" Error While attaching document on Payment using SOAP API(With cleared status)We have a requirement to attach a PDF document to "Cleared Payment" using the SOAP API (localdomain/fscmService/ErpObjectAttachmentService). While trying to execute this…
How to make the user complete On-boarding task only after they finished watching a video?Summary: We need to add On-Boarding task that includes a video . We need to make the complete button for the task be enabled only when the user reaches the end of the vi…
Can an action plan be automatically added to the SR ?Summary: Good afternoon, Can an action plan be automatically added to the SR based on the field category name or problem type after the SR is created? My idea is that wh…
Remove Employee's Copy Help Desk RequestSummary: We have hidden the Copy Help Desk Request action for agents via Application Composer > Smart Actions. However, there is still that same action for employee. We …
OHADA requirements in Africa to have reports in FrenchSummary:OHADA requirements in Africa to have reports in French Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Organization for the Harmonization of Busin…D Mandal 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gabriela Patrascu-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Unable to edit the reward points for recognitions in CelebrateHello, When I created a recognition plan in Celebrate, I have enabled the option of Rewards Points from Configure Global Settings. As per the current functionality emplo…