Category 42-2
Discussion List
How to auto-calculate # of Activities per lead?Hi Team, I have already tried groovy and it is calculating the number of activities on an update on lead. But the ask is, for a existing lead, when the user adds an acti…Aditya Varma Gadiraju-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Stan-Support-Oracle Sales
POST works from POSTMAN but not from groovy triggerSummary: We are triggering the PAAS service to post the data from cx system, we are able to post and getting the response from 'Postman' when we try the same from groovy…
Reflect the custom field in contract BPMSummary: We would like to use the custom fields to drive the contract approval process Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We define quite a n…Yeung Shing Keith 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Tapu-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Where I can View the record name of a custom objectSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Updating Canadian Postal CodesOur Sales team continue to complain about Postal Codes in CA that are either associated w/ incorrect towns in CX or they're not listed in ORACLE all together. How can we…
Add Contact button on an Oracle Service Request (SR) not showingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I logged an SR ticket through the Oracle Service Request portal and this morning I was ab…
¿ Que rol o permiso permite ver en modo lectura un analisis y un panel de control?Hola Tengo un reporte con análisis y un panel de control ya publicado pero un usuario puntual necesita verlo y descargarlo, que rol o permiso debo asignarle para que pue…AndreaGarzon 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Sales
OTBI analysis works fine for Salesperson but not for Sales ManagerSummary: We have an analysis where we're presenting: Customer Name, Product Name and Closed Opportunity Line Revenue. It works fine for the Salesperson and all the value…Gilson Souza Jr. 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Sales
The Updates done in Partner records via Import is not appearing in the Change History tab.Hi Team, The Updates done in Partner records via Import management is not appearing in the Change History tab of the Partner record. Scenario:- We have updated some comm…
How to delete product groups in bulk and set free the reference numbersSummary: Hello, how are you doing? We have a product catalog today, that has many structural problems. So we are going to create a new one. The important thing, is that …
Unable to create an attachment using the crmService ActivityService createAttachment serviceSummary: Im trying to upload an attachment using the ActivityService.WSDL. I'm sending a request with the attachment information, and it response message is SUCCESS. Whe…
Video: CX Extension GeneratorCX Extension Generator: CX Extension Generator automates the work of creating a top level custom objects, child objects (for both standard [24C and higher] and custom to…
How to enable multiple Phone Numbers for the Duplicate CheckHello, We are currently using four different phone numbers in the Sales Cloud for contacts. Our customer has requested that all two of these phone numbers be included in…
Forecast Options in Classic UIHi there, we are trying to set up the Forecasting in the Classic UI according to the requirements of our customer. The requirements are the following: Forecasts should b…
Microsoft 365 Outlook Add-In Shared Item Syncing IssueWe have an issue with sharing item in Microsoft Outlook. After sharing an item, it just spins for about 3-4 minutes—sometimes displaying a message that it has timed out.…
How to report out of the CDM Manage hierarchiesSummary: How to create reports from CDM Manage hierarchies data? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client has CX Sales and CDM implemented. …
Access Group Members - Different results on screen and APISummary: Hello, I'm facing a situation where an user is added to a Role on Security Console, I can see that the user has been added successfully but it is not present in…
Copy Service RequestSummary: Copy Service Request Content (required): Hi, Is it possible to customise the Service Request copy popup? Version (include the version you are using, if applicab…
How to change the default option for Record Set in workspace?Already changed the default option from 'All records I can see' to 'My subordinates are on the team' on sandbox and already published it. After publishing, the change is…
Unable to fecth a single record fron custom CPQ Data using Groovy ScriptSummary: From Oracle Sales Cloud, we are attempting to retrieve data from custom CPQ data tables using the REST API described below, but we haven't successfully obtained…
Global Search : FND-6603 Search ErrorThere has been issue when using Global Search. When we are trying to search on the home page, we are receiving the error below. However, when we go to workspace and try …
In Contract Management, can we add custom validation on Submit of a Contract?Summary: Requirement to add a custom validation when submitting a Contract. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): n/a Version (include the versi…
Configuring Notifications for Overdue Opportunities with Unchanged Status??Summary: I am looking to set up a notification system within Oracle Sales Cloud that alerts me when an opportunity's close date has passed, and the status remains unchan…
Can we Bypass code on field and object level triggers on CX Application composer, invoked by APISummary:We are using Application composer tool to create custom object, also written groovy code on few field level and object level triggers in CX sales cloud to perfor…
Error In Workspace when Mass Updating ObjectsIssue Summary: In update 24B, Oracle introduced Parent-Child relationships between fields. We’re now encountering a problem with the Region and Branch custom fields due …
The Description in Activities is not in format when the Activity is sent as emailSummary: When a task is created the description is captured in a format. When record is created an Email will be sent with all the details. So, the description is concat…Seshadri Vijayaraghavan 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hector Dantas-Support-Oracle Sales
The View Objects are not available on BICCSummary: We are looking for the View Objects under CRM - CRM Interaction Lead Real Time and CRM - CRM Interaction Opportunity Real Time to connect Log A Call to Opportun…Carlo Orolfo 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammed Rafi Reporting & Analytics for Sales
Email Validation Status Backend Field Not PopulatingSummary: Fields visible in UI and Backend for Email Validation Status and Date Not Populating even though in UI it has a value. This is OOTB field in which we haven't ma…
Filter OTBI Analysis on Sales Dashboard by logged in User with Action LinksSummary: I have successfully created an OTBI analysis, created a visualization in App Composer, and added it to the Sales Dashboard. However, I have a filter for the cur…
Unable to Create Microsoft Team for Opportunity RecordHi Everyone, Our organization has been trying to enable the Microsoft Teams integration to enable the creation of Microsoft Teams from an opportunity record. When using …