Category 58
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Issue with Digital Signature in Performance DocumentTo whom it may concern, We previously did a customization on the digital signature in order to make the line "As ****, I certify that I have read the document." appear e…
Add a button that will display a report in "employee area > Goals"Hi, We want to add a new button under "Employee area > Goals" to have direct access to a BIP report. The new tile should be created in the position as shown in the scree…
Manger type in perofmrnace roleSummary: I am unable to see Default Manger type role in Performance role scree. Content (required): In perofmrnace Module, I have created Performance role to attach Defa…
Performance document - Nothing appearing in the Overall Summary SectionSummary: Hello, We have created a performance document with only 1 task - Overall Summary Section as we want to load previous years rating using HDL. In our process flow…
After changing language English to French,cannot view newly created Blanket Purchase Agreemen itemsSummary: Hi All, In Set Preferences, the language changed to french, We cannot view newly created Blanket Purchase Agreement items. If we change to English, we can able …
Oracle 2023 Talent Module Certification Study MaterialSummary: Hello Team, Just wanted to check if anyone has given Oracle 2023 Talent Module Certification and can help us with some study material. Also, if someone can shar…Rakshita Bhandari 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rakshita Bhandari Performance Management
HR Specialist/ Talent Specialist can do the cancel of worker's Development GoalSummary: HR Specialist/ Talent Specialist> Career Development> Development Goals> give worker name. All Development goal associated with worker will be appearing, HR spe…
How can we hide the All-in-One Evaluation button?Summary: We need to hide the All-in-One Evaluation button - is there a way to do this other than personalization? Content (required): We include the Potential Rating as …
How to Upload Goal into LibirarySummary: How can we upload Goal into Goal Libirary Content (required): We are looking a option to upload Goal inoto Goal Libirary, Is there HDL option available to uploa…
Ineligible worker are still having a goal planSummary: Dear All, Trust you are doing fine. We are having an issue where a worker who is no longer appearing as eligible, when verifying the Check person eligibility - …
Retrieve cancelled transaction contactsSummary: User updated his Goals contents, after submitting for approvals, he withdraw/cancelled the updates, is it possible to retrieve the changes he made to his GOALS …
Manager should receive a notification on employee deleting a goalSummary: In the goal management notifications, currently there is no notification that a manager should receive on employee deleting a goal created by himself/herself. C…Shailesh Jain_Chhabra 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Priyanka Jain-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Error when creating performance templateSummary: Hello, We have a requirement to create a performance document with only 1 task - The overall summary section. This is because we'll be loading the rating by usi…
Hide a subsection in the Evaluation TOpicsSummary: How to hide the subsection (Complete or View Self-Reflection) from the view of the Participant only? We want this section to be visible to the employee/worker a…
What determines the visibility of welcome message on Performance home page; It is time for <PerfDoc>Summary: Hi, Earlier when I created a performance document and assigned it to the employees, they saw the welcome message "It is time for Annual Evaluation 2022" inside …S Shree 51 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Jain-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Eligibility Profile: Date Determination RuleSummary: I would like a definition and connection on each of the date selections available under the Date Determination Rule within the Eligibility Profile.. I have not …
Need a shortcut to directly go to the Worker Self-Evaluation Task Screen immediately after login.Need a shortcut to directly go to the Worker Self-Evaluation Task Screen immediately after login. We have some blue-collar employees who are not IT savvy and need to avo…
Need inputs on scheduled process - Generate Audit Report for Performance management moduleSummary: We have enabled Audit Trial for performance management module and can view the results from Tools >Audit Reports as intended. But when we try to generate the Au…Sakthi priyanka B-Oracle 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Performance Management
How to evaluate PD with more than one manager type role?Hi, We need a Performance Evaluation Scenario which includes two managers. One is line manager one is matrix manager. How can we handle this on Oracle Cloud Performance …
Can a Calculated Rating be tweaked on a yearly basis or is this fixed within a Perforamnce TemplateSummary: Changing calculations on a performance document Content (required): I have a client who is looking to using calculations within thier Mid and EOY Performance Do…
Success Criteria in FYI Goal approval notificationSummary: Can please some one assist me to understand the success criteria in Goals . We don;t have any field available for workers to add the success Criteria in Goals .…
Need to remove delete button in Check-in after opening the documentSummary: Need to remove delete button in Check-in document, one of our customer is asking to remove delete button after opening the Check-in document Content (required):…Steffi Thomas-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Steffi Thomas-Oracle Performance Management
Adding the blue info box to a page using Page ComposerHello, Anyone knows how to add this blue box to a page? 23C Thanks, Gail
Check Goal Data Integrity Process is not identifying or updating data as expected?Summary: Goal Management - Check Goal Data Integrity Process (Doc ID 2941876.1) Content (required): Hi All, When running the Check Goal Data Integrity process through Sc…
How to create multiple year ongoing Performance Review document?Summary: We were using Annual Performance Review till this year. Our business has a new requirement to change it to an Ongoing review process. We are trying to research …
Viewing Performance Documents as Skip Level Managers - Configuration?Summary: As of right now I've noticed that second level managers can see goals however, they cannot see or add performance check ins for indirect reports and their manag…Alexander George Demczak III 24 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
How to restrict the development goals in the performance document based on the review periodSummary: The development goals set outside the review period should not be available in the performance document, below is the business case: The employees set performan…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Jain-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Is it possible to load performance rating in the performance document itself?Summary Hello, We have the following requirement from our client. Create performance document with only 1 task - Overall Rating These overall rating should be uploaded i…
Feasibility for Conditional Approval within Performance DocumentSummary: Performance Document flows for Probation Evaluation flows to manager in form of a questionnaire. If response is Confirmed- No approvals to be triggered on the p…Tanya S 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Jain-Support-Oracle Performance Management
Employee should not be able to update key attribute of Organization goalSummary: When the Organization head creates a goal and clicks 'Shared as an organization goal,' later, when an employee adds that goal to their goal plan, the employee c…